Ageing: Why do we spend so much time fearing it and not enough time enjoying the benefits it brings with us? Sure our bodies change, but so does our mind, confidence and outlook on life.

It’s a hard one to call but for a lot of us we’d probably just about take our older bodies and limitless confidence over our younger more self-conscious selves. But what can you expect from your body and your mind as you leave your twenties and even your thirties behind you and approach a new decade?

In this blog we take a little look at the ageing process and what to expect. Don’t expect top tips on beating older age or ageing gracefully, we want you to embrace it, live it and love it. Expect instead, tips on how to keep up your fitness and mental well being for the best decade of your life.

And if you need more convincing that 40+ is the best so far, then bear in mind the likes of Halle Berry, Sandra Bullock and not to mention authors JK Rowling and Toni Morrison who didn’t achieve commercial success until later life.

Take Charge

You’re no-one’s push over and it’s time you remembered that you’ve earned the right to take charge of your life.

If you still find yourself running around trying to please everyone in your life then you need to employ the powerful art of just saying no and not feeling any guilt about it.

It’s also time to seize back control of your destiny to do the things that you might have said no to previously because of a young family, lack of confidence or too many time constraints. Now is exactly the right time to pick hobbies and sports back up that got left by the wayside or start learning a whole new skill.

Think health

Not because you’re going to stand a chance of finding some kind of magic rejuvenation process but because nurturing and caring for your body is the right thing to do. You have nothing to prove to anyone, so if you want to train for a marathon do it because you want to, likewise if you want to invest in an expensive daily beauty regime, it’s your call.

When it comes to looking after your physical self, make time to get any niggling injuries treated through physiotherapy and take time to stretch out any aches and pains. There’s no sense in trying to ignore it and push through, your comfort is paramount so make time for it.

You’ll want to stay fit to make sure that as you grow ever older you’re able to maintain your active and independent lifestyle long into retirement. You might not want to think about that, but investing in your health now is a prize you’ll reap later down the line.

Sleep more

While you still have heaps of drive, you may need a bit more sleep than you used to and that’s ok. Turning down social invitations to catch up on your sleep is a healthy and good choice. It will leave you better refreshed and able to deal better with the vigour of your job or home life the following day.

Make sure the sleep you’re getting is great quality, so put down your phone or tablet at least an hour if not two before bedtime and give your brain a fighting chance of unwinding before you shut down for the night.

Sleep in a cooler but not cold room, as dark and quiet as you can make it. Lifestyle experts all sing the praises of consistent, great quality sleep as one of the best ways to combat stress and feel mentally and physically on top of your game.

Say yes

Once you’ve harnessed the power of saying no remember you can also say yes. Yes to new experiences, yes to spending a little bit more on the finer things in life and yes to living life the way you want it. If your younger years were about getting on the career ladder and finding out what you wanted in life, now is the time to embrace that sense of achievement and celebrate how far you’ve come.

Embrace mindfulness

If you haven’t already, check out how mindfulness techniques will help you get the very best out of living in each moment and fully embracing both your present and your past. If you are going through some emotional turbulence, mindfulness practice can help you to live with your emotions without feeling overwhelmed by them.

Combined with something like meditation or even just a walk, this way of thinking and breathing can help you combat stress and anxiety and lead to a more improved sense of well-being and mental health.

Keep learning

Always wanted to play the piano? Get your lessons booked. You might never be Elton John but you’ll be delighted with the achievement of belting out a tune to your long-suffering friends, family or pets.

Learning something new, every day if possible, is the secret to a sharp mind. Even in our forties we see how forgetfulness can creep in and start robbing us of precious memories so stay hungry to learn and you’ll stave off those memory lapses.

Age ain’t nothing but a number

Remember to keep it all in perspective. That date on your birth certificate is only a fractional amount of everything that makes you, you. If you were to be defined by your age, you might find yourself already shutting down and refusing to take risks or go on adventures. Alternatively, you might find yourself thinking that you’re too young to be saying no to nights out and start burning the candle at both ends when you just need a little bit more sleep.

A number does not own you and it does not decide who you are and what you want to be. Want to redesign your whole look? Go for it. Embrace who you are, gather up your confidence and live your middle years with gusto.

People are strange. They can spend a not insignificant period making sure they’re eating well, or exercising, or otherwise trying to be healthy, and yet ignore one of the most important aspects: making sure that their body has enough water to keep them going. Perhaps because it’s not that exciting (how good is food, by comparison?), but it’s just one of those things that people overlook. But it doesn’t need to be that way. Below, we take a look at five ways you can stay better hydrated. Make the changes today!

Use an App

We use technology for virtually every other aspect of our lives, why not extend its use to making sure we get enough water? If you’re the forgetful type, you can download an app that’ll give you a notification when it’s time to drink some water. It might sound silly on the surface, but it doesn’t take long to see why an app like this would be useful. We don’t need to nudged to eat – we get in a foul mood if we go too long without food, but we barely bare any attention to the effects of dehydration.

Up the Ante During Exercise

We need more or less water depending on what we’re doing. If you’re one of those active types (and we hope you are), then you’ll need to drink more fluids on the days when you’re exercising. We can lose a lot of water when we’re sweating, and that all has to be replaced. Sipping on water will have another positive effect on your exercising, too – it’ll allow you to go for longer. If you’re beginning to feel tired even though you haven’t been at the gym too long, drink something. It’ll shake that feeling of tiredness away from you.

Looking Beyond Water

Water is the most common way to boost your body’s water level, but it’s far from the only – or the best – choice. There are other foods and drinks that give your body just as much water, and taste better, too. That’s a big deal, because let’s face it, the taste of water can get pretty old pretty quickly. Cucumber, for example, is full of water, so make it a common occurrence on your plate. Coconut water, too, tastes delicious, and may be better for your hydration than water. You’ll be more inclined to keep your body hydrated if you fundamentally enjoy the taste of what’s giving your body its hydration.

Out on the Town

There are some activities where you need to think more about your hydration. Exercising is one. The other? When you’re out on the town, consuming alcoholic drinks with friends. You’re probably already familiar with the morning-after sensation, when your mouth feels as if you’ve been up eating sand all night. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Alternate your alcohol drinks with water (or coconut or cucumber water), and you’ll keep that dry mouth feeling at bay (and will wake up feeling much better).

When it comes to the New Year, so many people are focused on diets and getting expensive gym memberships which they’ll use for a few weeks but then quit by the end of the month.  In many ways, whilst the New Year fitness craze can feel inspiring, it can also feel quite sad, as so many people race to lose weight without really taking care of their holistic wellbeing.

Indeed, with so many ways to get fit at home in 2019, there’s no excuse to not jump off the couch and take the year by storm – yet, fitness isn’t just about losing weight and toning up.  In fact, many people’s idea of what fitness is, could be better described as vanity!

Therefore, in this article we’re going to take a look at a few ways to take care of your holistic wellbeing this new year.


In simple terms, stress is a killer.  Stress is often at the heart of most illnesses, or at least it will exacerbate health conditions – from heart attacks to chronic fatigue, stress plays a much larger role in most illnesses than we realise.

Therefore, you really want to make sure you find healthy ways to reduce your stress levels this new year.


We all want a more fulfilling life, and whilst many people strive for success as a means for fulfilment what we tend to find is that many people neglect their ‘inner child’ and therefore feel depleted.  They often pursue success, only to reach their goal to find it doesn’t fulfil them as much as they hoped.

We therefore need to look a little deeper into ourselves, and work out what feeling are we wanting to create in our life.  

For instance, if your ‘inner child’ craves security, it makes sense that going out and earning good money will satiate this need, however, if your ‘inner child’ craves a sense of adventure, yet you live a dull existence of working, working, working – you’re not going to be happy.

Therefore, work out what your innermost self wants most from life, and ensure you find a way to meet that need.


We all know that we should be drinking more water than we probably drink – as so many people live in a perpetual state of chronic dehydration despite knowing the risks, and the benefits of ensuring we are fully hydrated.

You probably already know that your brain is made up mostly of water, so when it’s dehydrated it  functions at a sluggish rate. Dehydration causes brain tissue to shrink – meaning the brain has to work  much harder to perform the same task.

Drinking more water might also be good for your New Year weight loss goals…

The reason that drinking water has the power to assist in weight loss is mostly due to the fact people who drink water before a meal tend to feel more full, meaning they eat much less food, though there are other more complex reasons to do with metabolism.

To some extent, we all care about staying healthy with what we eat while traveling. None of us wants to send our blood pressure soaring or face extreme diets when we get home. When we reach our destinations, we avoid certain foods or seek healthy options which are sure to see us through. These are admirable efforts, and they can make a massive difference to our experiences.

But, have you ever thought about your health with regards to what you eat on the plane? Let’s face it; plane food isn’t exactly famed for its nutritional benefits. As such, you could do a fair amount of damage before you even touch down. This is especially the case on a long-haul flight. Get things wrong, here, and you could spend your whole holiday playing catch-up.

That’s why it’s well worth considering the food on offer before you book your flights. Each company brings different benefits. Some are far worse for our health than others. In a recent study, and the Hunter College New York City Food Policy Center took a closer look at what we can expect from meals on top airlines. Alaska Airlines came up top, with 4.25 stars. At the opposite end of the spectrum, Frontier Airlines got a measly 0.85 stars. That’s a significant drop and a worrying state of affairs. Lucky for you, there are a few tell-tale signs that on-flight food isn’t as healthy as you might like. Keep on reading to find out what they are.

A lack of nutritional information

Within the study, one of the main areas for concern was the nutritional information on offer. Airlines who ranked bottom had little to no info listed next to meals. That means everything from no calorie count to only basic allergy listings. This is a sure sign that you wouldn’t like the figures if you did have access to them. By comparison, high-ranking companies provided adequate listings for every meal. So, before you book up, take a look at the menu. If you’re unimpressed with the information available, look elsewhere.

Very few fresh options

For obvious reasons, fresh options are a decent indicator of health benefits. Sadly, many airlines fail to offer them because of the added costs incurred. If there isn’t an ounce of fruit on that in-flight menu, you don’t need us to tell you that you’re onto a lousy choice. But, that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Plenty of airlines stock fresh food from vegetable and fruit wholesalers. All you need to do is look out for them.

Limited choices

To some extent, every airline is sure to have a limited food menu. That’s just a matter of practicality. But, if the only food available is snack-based or high in calories, you’re best off steering clear. A decent airline should offer both snacks and healthy options with fewer calories. If an airline only has three or four processed options, then, it’s a sure sign you should avoid them at all costs.

Living a healthy lifestyle does not need to be huge changes in the way you live. Some small habits can make sure you get to old age a much healthier person who does not have to take medication for all sorts of conditions. Most of the suggestions are modifications rather than total changes, although of course, that does depend on how you live now.

Wash Your Hands Often

It would be impossible to know how many times a day you touch something that someone else has left germs on, and these germs could make you ill. Wash your hands often throughout the day especially after visiting the bathroom or before you eat a meal.

Start Stretching Your Muscles

When your job means that you are sitting in an office all day, your muscles can start to weaken through a lack of use. Start to make stretching your muscles part of your daily routine and then they will stay stronger and cause you less pain.

Yes! Stretch like this

Breathe In The Correct Way

Breathing from your diaphragm rather than your chest can improve your blood circulation and other body functions. The change in breathing technique is not difficult and although you may have to think about doing it to start with, it will eventually become the normal way for you to breath.

Have Lots Of Showers Or Baths

Of course, you already know that a bath or shower will clean your body and get rid of any nasty body odors. However, did you also know that they would revitalize your skin, as well as being a great way to relax your mind? Make them a time to pamper yourself too for the most benefit of some ’you time’.

Don’t Let Your Nails Grow Too Long

Long nails are the perfect place for germs to hide and this could result in all sorts of infections. Short nails are easier to keep clean and to get rid of any germs from underneath them. The problem is that is there is a virus or germs under your nails you could easily ingest them when you are eating.

Shorter nails can still look good and you should keep them that way unless you need to have long nails to model a nail varnish or some jewelry. Even then, if that is the sort of job you have, false nails could be used for the task.

Cut The Sugar

There is a huge proportion of the population in the US that suffer from type 2 diabetes as they get older and this is totally preventable. Keeping the intake of sugars very low in your diet will go a long way to lowering your risk of developing this condition.

Apart from the obvious things, such as candies, that have high sugar content, you should also avoid soda drinks and processed foods. It is processed sugars that are the problems and the natural ones found in fresh fruits and vegetables are plenty for our bodies needs.

If you do not want to end up injecting yourself with insulin every day, cut the processed sugars from your diet now.

Sleep More, Stress Less

Getting enough sleep is important to help stave off all sorts of health problems, and one that a lack of it will cause is stress and anxiety.  When you get depressed, you are more prone to heart problems and various other medical conditions. One of the biggest factors in coping with the stresses of everyday life is having enough sleep.

To help promote a good nights sleep make sure your bed is comfortable, never eat a heavy meal late at night and turn off computers, TV’s and digital devices at least one hour before retiring.

Take Supplements

Some people do not like taking supplements as it can feel like taking medication. The difference is that by taking supplements you are trying to prevent some medical conditions rather than trying to treat the symptoms, which is what most medications are for. 

Supplements for vitamins and various nutrients can be a huge help in keeping your body healthy. In most cases, if you have too much because you have changed your diet as well, your body will just expel the excess it does not need.

Put 30 Minutes Aside For Exercise

No matter how busy you are, put 30 minutes to one side each day for exercise. You can vary what you do, but that half hour a day will make a huge difference to your well being now and for the future. It does not even have to be very strenuous. If you have a dog, take it for a walk. If you have kids run around in the garden with them. Take up dancing, swimming, playing a sport or anything else that you think you might enjoy.

Exercise is not only good for your physical well being but it will also help you mentally too. If the exercise you do is in the fresh air that is even better. You will find that your brain becomes more alert, and this is why taking a walk in your lunch hour is good because then you are ready for the afternoon’s work, just as fresh as you were when you first arrived to start the day.

Drink Plenty Of Water

You should try to drink plenty of water every day. It will not only keep you hydrated but will also help to flush any toxins from your body and help to rejuvenate your cells. If you do not have enough fluid you will start to dehydrate and then will very soon start to feel unwell and exhausted.

However, not everyone likes plain water. You can flavor it yourself with a few slices of lemon or orange, or drink it as infusions such as green tea, which is also very good for your body. There are also ways of ‘eating’ water. Melons and cucumber are just two examples of foods with a very high water content.

Say Hi To Fruits And Vegetables And Goodbye To Carbs

Fresh fruits and vegetables have lots of fiber, vitamins and nutrients that are crucial for a healthy body. Eat more of these and replace the carbohydrates with them. Carbs will slow you down and make you sluggish and although they may give you an energy boost it will be very short-lived. The natural ingredients of fruit and vegetables are a much better way to get the energy you need, with the bad side effects of too many carbs.

It does not matter if the fruit and vegetables are frozen. They will have been put in this state as soon as they were picked and so retain much more of their goodness than ones that have been sitting on the supermarket shelves for more than a few days. Even tinned ones are OK, as long as the fruits are not in syrup and the vegetables are not in salted water.

Eat Good Fats And Avoid Bad Fats

Fats need to be part of everyone’s diet, but only the good fats that you will find in oily fish, nuts, olive oil, and seeds to name just a few examples. Avoid sauces made with cream, margarine and full-fat milk to keep bad fats out of your diet. Of course, there are many more of both of these, but the problem with the bad fats is they are likely to cause cholesterol problems, which in turn can create problems with your heart.

Some of the worst offenders for bad fats, sugars, and artificial preservatives are junk food. Hence you should say no to them as often as you can. If you really must have burger and chips, make them yourself at home. Then you can use the leanest of meats for the burgers and use a deep fat fryer that works with a fine spray of fat for the chips.

That way you can still enjoy your treat without having the excesses of all the bad things, although a really occasional treat of junk food will not do too much harm as long as you are avoiding them most of the time.

Quit Smoking

Most smokers know that their habit is bad for them but it is not always easy to stop. If you want to be healthy though you really do need to quit smoking. If you cannot do it on your own, speak with the pharmacist about some of the over the counter preparations that can help. You could also chat with your healthcare provider as they usually have support groups to help you with this problem. They may also be able to recommend other methods that may help you to quit smoking.

This is one thing that can affect other peoples health too as second-hand smoke can also cause a lot of damage.

Making these things part of your normal life will soon become a habit and they are ones that will help to make you healthier now and put in in good stead for a healthier life in the future.

When you’re trying to be healthy, it’s natural that you’re going to work on a range of different things. You’re going to want to make sure that your body is strong, that your diet is nutritious, and that you’re just feeling good in general. But sometimes, this can be tough. And you won’t always feel in the best possible mind frame to make this happen. Or, worse, it may not be working. However, when you are eating right and you’re exercising, there shouldn’t be any reason for why this isn’t working. Unless, there’s something going on with your mentally. Because whether you realize it or not, you’re going to find that stress can really wreak havoc on what you’re doing. And if you’ve not got the most favorable mindset, this is going to affect you immensely.

And this is why it’s just so important to keep your mindset in check. Yet, when you’re not used to doing this, or you’re really not sure what you need to do to benefit from the best possible mindset, then you’ve come to the right place. Because if you’re already working on a healthy lifestyle, yet it doesn’t feel like it’s enough, you’re going to benefit from focusing on positivity. Let’s take a look at how and why this can work.

It Affects Your Outlook

So first of all, you’ll want to recognize just how much this affects your outlook here. Because if you’re negative and pessimistic, then you’re only ever going to expect the worse, and see the bad, in life. Yet if you’re positive, you’ll look for the good. You’ll notice things that go well. And this perks your mood and reinforced a positive outlook on life.

It Can Drive Your Experience

But then, you’re also going to want to think about how this drives your experiences in life. Think about it. If you’re negative, you will take away negativity from almost every situation. But if you’re positive, you’ll be more willing to try new things, step out of your comfort zone, and experience great things in life.

It Keeps You Holistically Healthy

Next, you’ll also find that a healthy, positive, and strong mindset is going to help you to stay healthier all around. Because it’s incredible what positivity and optimism can do – whether you’re sick or not. Yes, there are specialists that you can turn to when you need them. But don’t you want to make sure that you are putting yourself in the best possible position to fight off illness too?

It Boosts Your Efforts

Now, something that a lot of people can benefit from with this, is the power of positivity. Because if you’re going to be able to enjoy the benefits of a healthier mindset, it’s going to allow you to make all of your efforts stronger. You’ll have more will power and you’ll have a much better chance at staying on track when it comes to everything that you’re doing.

You’ll Be Extremely Self-Aware

And something that is always largely important here, is to ensure that you’re self-aware. Self-awareness allows you to be the best possible version of yourself. Because you know where you’re going wrong. And you know what your strengths are. When you’re in a stronger place with your mindset, you can be more objective and do what it takes to make yourself better.

You Can Influence Others

But also, you might want to recognize just how much you can influence others in life. Do you feel as if people around you aren’t happy or that they are just as negative too? Then you’ll want to take a look at how your attitude and your positive, proactive, optimism can also help them and influence their mindset too. Because that’s the thing about positivity and happiness – it’s infectious.

Gratitude Is The Attitude

And finally, just as a last point to touch on here, it’s definitely important for you to realize just how powerful being grateful can actually be. If you know that you need to look to the positive in life, and if you want to be content in your everyday living, then gratitude is for you. If you can wake up and feel thankful to be alive, each and every day, then it’s going to be tough for you to ever feel bad. And you’ll be much tougher mentally, so that you’re able to take what life throws at you too.

When we think of health insurance and the benefits it provides, we tend to think about instances of medical emergencies. Most people purchase this product looking for peace of mind and the reduction of risk, both in regards to their health and their finances. They know that no matter what occurs they are going to be protected. But, medical insurance offers so much more than this. It actually gives you the platform to be much healthier.

How can health insurance actually make you healthier?

Extra healthcare perks

Of course, this all depends on the level of cover you go for when purchasing a medical insurance policy, as high cover policies will obviously give you extra health perks. There are policies that cover things such as maternity care, hearing care, and dental care. This means you would be much more likely to get regular hearing checks. This means problems are picked up on much quicker.

Access to better professionals

Nonetheless, one thing that all covers have in common is access to the best hospitals, facilities, and professionals. You can be safe in the knowledge that whether you go for a check-up or you are having a major operation you will benefit from super health care. This is particularly beneficial if you are in a country whereby the overall standard of health care is low. Without international health insurance you will have no choice over the hospital you go to or the doctor you use, and thus you have no control over the level of health care you will receive.

Regular general health checks
Aside from benefitting from a better level of health care, one of the main reasons why you will become healthier by having a health insurance plan is by having regular health checks. This is a common feature of these policies. You will be more encouraged to have health checks, as you won’t have to pay for them and you won’t have to suffer extensive waiting lists or be forced to see a doctor you don’t want to. As a consequence, any health issues will be identified early. This can stop serious issues developing. You will be able to deal with any problems early, ensuring you stay as healthy as possible.

All in all, buying international medical insurance is not merely about protecting yourself in cases of emergency. You can actually make yourself healthier and reduce the chances of such a medical emergency occurring. The benefits of this should not be overlooked. After all, nothing is more important than your health!

What if you already have a pre-existing condition?

Finding a health insurance policy can be much more difficult if you are deemed to have a pre-existing medical condition. You will find it near impossible to secure a plan if you opt for a local or travel health insurance policy. However, with international medical insurance, there are options available to you. So, keep on reading to find out everything you need to know…

First and foremost, let’s begin by establishing what a pre-existing condition actually is. If you are aware that you have a medical condition, or you have experienced one or more symptoms prior to taking out an insurance policy, this is deemed a pre-existing medical condition and you will not be covered. If you lie to your insurer you are assured to find yourself in trouble later down the line. If your claim is not refused imminently, there is a very high chance that you will be required to pay your insurer the amount they have spent covering your treatment and such like. This is a risk you definitely do not want to take.

Nevertheless, the industry has progressed a lot over the past few years. If you rewind the clock back you would have found it pretty much impossible to locate a global health insurance policy with cover for pre-existing conditions. Anything related to this condition would simply be excluded. However, things are somewhat different now.

There are no guarantees, yet insurers are a lot more willing to assess each case separately. They will look at your medical history and the particulars of your condition to determine what level of cover they can provide you with when taking out an expat health insurance plan. There are several options they may present you with. They can, of course, decide to simply exclude the condition from the coverage. But there are other options, such as medical history disregard, premium loading, and moratorium underwriting.

Premium loading essentially means the global health insurance provider will charge you a higher premium rate to cover the fact that you are more likely to need treatment than other policyholders without pre-existing conditions. Moratorium underwriting means that there will be a waiting period until the condition subsides.

If you have a pre-existing medical condition, do not be disheartened. A lot of people feel there is no hope for them when it comes to health insurance plans. You do not have to take out a policy that simply excludes your condition, you may find that there are other options at your disposal instead.

We all want to live healthily, but it’s hard work. Many of us are probably guilty of trying to take shortcuts. Maybe you’ve tried a diet that was supposed to help you get into shape quickly, but it ended up being ineffective. Maybe you’ve even tried out a weight loss garment that promised to be helpful in the adverts but did nothing whatsoever to reduce your waistline. And we’ve still only discussed one aspect of your wellbeing. As you probably know, there’s no way to cheat your way around a healthy lifestyle. You need to adopt habits that will improve your long-term health. Your wellbeing won’t change unless you do, so these suggestions should guide you as you work on your lifestyle.

Start eating nutritious meals.

This is the most important lifestyle change to make if you want to see a big difference in your physical and mental wellbeing. Getting into healthier eating habits will benefit you in the future too. As mentioned in the introduction, many people get confused by the idea of a healthy diet. They see a diet as a short-term thing, and it often involves fasting. That isn’t a healthy eating pattern to adopt. You need to think about the long-term. Trendy diets that help you lose a ridiculous amount of weight very quickly are not going to help you maintain a healthy weight in the long-term. You need to focus on eating nutritious meals that give your body the sustenance it needs. At the same time, you need to avoid overeating. There is a good middle ground to be found.

A varied diet is the goal. Stop relying on processed foods that are easy to prepare. Look for whole foods in your local store. Whole foods are foods that haven’t been altered from their natural state; fruit, vegetables, beans, and grains (e.g. rice) are all perfect and delicious examples. On a nutritious and filling diet, you might achieve a healthier weight slowly, but you’ll be able to maintain that healthy weight. Why? Because you’ll be looking after your body. You’ll be eating filling meals, so you won’t feel hungry; you won’t crave junk food. You’ll be getting all the sustenance you need, so there’ll be no need to revert back to unhealthy eating habits. That being said, overconsumption of any food is bad for you. Don’t eat until you’re stuffed full; it’s always good to leave a little bit of room in your belly. Of course, if you still don’t feel physically great after ditching the junk food then there are plenty of yoghurts and other foods that can improve digestive health. If you have IBS or other digestive problems then you just need to adopt an eating pattern that works for your body.

Work out in some way on a daily basis.

You should also work out in some way on a daily basis if you want to improve your wellbeing. It can be hard to find a form of exercise that becomes a regular part of your lifestyle. Not everybody enjoys going to the gym or jogging, but the important thing is simply to get your body moving. It doesn’t matter how you do it. You might want to take up karate lessons in your local area to learn a new skill, make friends, and get exercise. Think outside the box. You could even try out some yoga stretches at the start or the end of the day. It’s more of a meditative practice, but it’s still a form of exercise that’ll benefit your physical wellbeing. Besides, exercise should be something you do for the sake of your mental health too. Physical activity releases endorphins in the brain, so it can definitely help with your emotional wellbeing.

Make it a priority to get a good night’s rest.

None of these suggestions are anything new to you, but you might not take any of them seriously. Perhaps you knew that eating well and exercising was important, but sleep deprivation? That can be solved with a morning coffee, right? Wrong. Sleeping well isn’t just about keeping your energy levels high either. It affects your health on so many levels. So, you might think that you can solve your sleepless week with a long lie-in at the weekend, but you’re doing more damage than you might think. Sleep deprivation can slow your metabolism, weaken your immune system, lessen muscle repair, and even accentuate mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression. As you can imagine, those negative health effects would undo the positive effects of a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. So, depleted energy is only one issue of many when you don’t sleep properly. You need to make a priority to get a good night’s rest if you want to improve your wellbeing. Get 8 hours of sleep every night; make sure you sleep on a supportive mattress too. Your body needs to recover properly at the end of a long day.

A shocking statistic is that, according to research done by the USDA, the average American spends only 37 minutes a day in total preparing and serving food, and cleaning up afterwards.

In practice, this more or less means that the average American is doing virtually no home cooking. As anyone who regularly cooks will tell you, it’s difficult to make anything more complex than an omelet in that time period. What the statistic in fact shows, is that the average American’s diet is made up of processed and pre-prepared food, to an enormous degree.

It’s noteworthy that this coincides with a major obesity epidemic.

Home-cooking is almost a lot art in many places, but it doesn’t have to be that way, especially considering that we live in a time when information is at our fingertips and food is, in many places, as cheap as it’s ever been.

Here are some reasons why taking home-cooking seriously can transform your life for the better.

Home-cooked meals are infinitely better for your health than processed or pre-prepared food

Home-cooked meals are infinitely better for your health than processed or pre-prepared food, even if that food is fairly “clean”.

The food writer Michael Pollan has noted in the past that pre-prepared and processed foods and commodities sold by big businesses. To improve their bottom line, those businesses are incentivised to use the cheapest ingredients they can get away with.

Pre-prepared food is made to be cost-effective and palatable, not nutritious, and certainly not healthy. Many of the ingredients most commonly found in processed foods — such as things like high-fructose corn syrup — have been directly linked with obesity and other health conditions.

Simply by cooking your meals at home from scratch, you’re likely already significantly improving your health.

There’s a real art to good cooking

Home-cooking isn’t just something you do in order to fuel your body. It’s something that has a real art to it, and that can enrich your life in an array of ways, including the simple pleasure of being able to enjoy tasty food on a regular basis.

Good cooking is an art, and the more you get into that art, the more you’ll respect it, and the more meaningful it will become in your life. Japanese kitchen knives, Italian herbs, and centuries-old recipes are tools that take on near-magical significance if you pay enough attention.

Of course, your friends and family will also benefit from the tasty food you cook.

Cooking is a great way to unwind

Cooking is a relatively slow, focused, and deliberate practice, while still being quite simple. It’s the kind of practice that we arguably need in our lives more than ever, busy as we almost all are, almost all of the time, with the demands of modern life.

Cooking provides an opportunity for you to find a bit of peace and quiet, and enjoy a more meditative approach to life. It’s an excellent way of unwinding, and getting your thoughts free from the preoccupations that might otherwise be hounding you.

Your poor dentist. He’s only there to help, but many of us are terrified of him. Why?

There’s the expense for starters, but there is also the fear of pain, the loss of control, and the discomfort of somebody poking around in our mouths. We can also fear humiliation, especially when we know we haven’t cared for our teeth properly (get ready for a lecture).

Of course, we aren’t all terrified. Most of us feel a little apprehensive about the visit to the dental surgery. But there are those of us who have more intense feelings of dread and fear, and these can lead to dentophobia, a genuine and troubling phobia of the dentist.

Still, no matter what side of the fear spectrum we fall in, a visit to the dentist falls into one of those must-have health check-ups. If we continually avoid the visit, our phobias will get worse, and our oral health can be put at greater risk. If you are relating to anything we have said thus far, here are some tips to help you.

Find a dentist you can trust

If you have had a bad experience with your current dentist, ditch them and register with another surgery. The right dentist will understand your fears and will take steps to make your visit more comfortable. In the right hands, you will come to realise that a visit to the dentist doesn’t have to be so painful or so terrifying!

Talk to your dentist

Tell your dentist how you’re feeling. Let them know what fears you have. The more they know about your situation, the better the help they can provide. Solutions can usually be found to make your visit less problematic, such as using background music or a sedative to make you feel more relaxed, so don’t be afraid to communicate your fears.

Bring somebody with you

Don’t be embarrassed about bringing a friend or a family member into the surgery with you. They can provide extra support and assurance when you’re going through a procedure, and may even be allowed to hold your hand provided they aren’t in the dentist’s way. Of course, ensure you bring somebody along who doesn’t have their own fear of the dentist. You don’t want them making the situation worse!

Learn some relaxation techniques

You will only feel worse when your blood pressure and stress levels rise when you’re waiting to go in for your appointment. People with more pronounced fears of the dentist have often been known to flee the waiting room because their nerves have gotten the better of them. So take a few deep breaths to calm and steady your nerves, before and during your time at the dentist.

Seek counselling

If you are genuinely afraid of the dentist, then counselling may work wonders. A good counsellor will help you get a better perspective of your fears and will suggest actionable steps to help you overcome them. Book an appointment directly, or ask your doctor or dentist to transfer you to counselling agencies they are in touch with.


Our final piece of advice is this: care for your teeth. The more you can do to look after them the better, as you won’t need to visit the dentist beyond your usual checkups! Still, we hope our other tips were helpful to you, but if you have any further words of wisdom for any fearful readers reading this article, be sure to let us know.

It’s important we keep our health in regular check as we get older, though many times, we neglect to undertake the necessary tests to ensure we are retaining our state of good health – often, thinking that as nothing appears to be ‘wrong with us’, we must be fine, yet things such as hearing and eye set degenerate gradually over time and therefore we don’t always notice the difference.

It’s therefore a good idea to have a check-up in certain areas, at least once in a while, to ensure our health is okay – a bit like how we take our cars for a service each year.


The majority of people today, particularly given the intensive use of computers, televisions, and mobile devices we all use require a little help to correct their sight; as we age the health of our eyes can start to deteriorate so it’s good to have a check-up.


The good news is hearing evaluations are one of the less invasive tests required, yet so many of us begin to lose the edge of our ability to hear others, which leads to severe and totally unavoidable communication issues.  

The ability to communicate is so important, and if you are struggling with your hearing, then it’s a good idea to get a quick test – as it’ll be over in a jiffy and could save a lot of embarrassment down the line.  The other thing to note is that some hearing aids are now totally hidden within the ear itself.


High or low blood pressure can lead to serious problems, or be an indication of something more serious underneath the surface – so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your blood pressure and make any lifestyle adjustments necessary to optimise your blood pressure, as this is an area that can lead to hypertension and heart disease.


In a similar vein, you want to keep an eye on your levels of cholesterol.

Given the processed diets of the modern age a lot of us suffer with high levels of cholesterol; which is where over time the arteries begin to clog up and harden.  This is a major cause of heart disease, and if you do have high cholesterol, it’s something that should be addressed sooner rather than later.  Today, you don’t even need to go to the doctor as you can self-testing kits online.


Finally, it’s a good idea to be tested for diabetes.  Many people are pre-diabetic due to the processed foods and sugar they consume on a daily basis, but if you do have diabetes and aren’t diagnosed – it can worsen the condition, as once you have a diagnosis it can be managed and controlled much better.

Your mouth is the main entrance to your body. It is how we feed ourselves, where we take drinks in medicines.  Not looking after our teeth can cause gum diseases, and these can be made worse by the things we consume. Sugary drinks, for instance, are bad for your teeth, but if you must have them you need to clean away the residue afterwards.

The Problems Neglecting Oral Healthcare Can Cause

Neglecting your teeth and gums has been linked to other diseases, such as heart problems, lung diseases, kidney diseases, dementia infertility and miscarriages. There is also one study that has found a connection between gum disease and obesity. There are more than enough risks in our daily lives without putting ourselves at more risk because of poor hygiene for our teeth and gums, which is why if you want to get healthier, you should perhaps, start with your teeth. Doing so can have so many benefits!

There is more to cleaning them though than just running a brush over them every day. Soft bristles are the best type of toothbrush to use, as they will clean your teeth without damaging your gums. You should make sure you clean every side of all of your teeth and then floss them to ensure no bits of food have been missed.

Visiting your dentist practice every 6 months should also be part of your routine, as they will be able to let you know if you are caring for them properly, and deal with any problems you might have.

There are many dental issues that can be sorted without extraction if they are found early enough. There are replacements that can be used for lost teeth, but none of them will be as good as your own.

Hormone Problems

Where women are concerned, hormones can play a part in the health of their teeth. They can find they are more like to suffer from pain in their mouths when they are having their monthly period, while they are pregnant, when they are experiencing puberty or going through the menopause. In all these different stages of a woman’s life, her hormones will change, and so will the health of her teeth if they are not properly cared for.

It is very common for their gums to become inflamed, and although sometimes extra brushing and flossing can help, it may need an extra visit to the dentist to check that their teeth are ok.

Teach Them From An Early Age

If children are taught from an early age how to look after their teeth, it will become part of their daily routine that they will accept as perfectly normal The same applies to visits to the dentist. The sooner they start the better. You do not want your children to associate these visits with treatment, as they may get frightened to go. Far better that they see the dentist for a few times before anything needs doing, as by then they will have come to trust them, and you will be able to get them there with no hassle at all. Dental practices are very good at handling little ones, as they want them to become regular visitors too.

You might have already got used to living with a long term condition, and will need to change your lifestyle once you have overcome your body’s challenges. Your main goal should be to make the most out of the things you can now do, and reduce your risks of developing the same condition again. Below you can find a blueprint on how to overcome a long term condition and make the most out of your health related routine in the future.

Get a Full Test

Before you can be sure that you can see the end of the tunnel and overcome the long term health condition, or got it under control finally, you will need to get the all-clear from your medical team. Just because you feel better, it doesn’t mean that you are fully recovered. Chances are that you have had a chronic disease for a couple of years, you will need to go through a process of full rehabilitation in order to start a new, healthier life.

Talk to Fellow Survivors

One of the best ways to overcome the challenges of your long term conditions and close the chapter of your life is to share your experience with people who have been on the same journey as you. Whether you have successfully recovered from cancer, asthma, or other autoimmune disease, you will need to put measures in place to make sure that you will not fall back and move forward. Joining a survivor group will give you the strength and motivation, even if you feel exhausted and drained.

Change Your Lifestyle

With a new health outlook, you will need to think about your lifestyle as well to avoid falling ill and protect your immune system. There are some small and big changes you can implement, such as having a walk in the fresh air three times a day, taking on a new activity, or simply doing things for yourself. You might have forgotten about looking after Number One, and you don’t want  to make the same mistake again. Improving your work-life balance and getting more rest, leisure time will aid your recovery.

Take On New Forms of Exercises

Whether you spent too much time in hospital or at home in bed, you will need to reverse the impact of a sedentary lifestyle. Your muscles are likely to waste away if they are not used, so you might want to start gradually building them up again and getting stronger physically and mentally. If your asthma has prevented you from doing cardio, and now it is under control, you can start slowly and build up endurance and stamina.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

If you would like to improve your quality of life, it is important that you take care of your mental health as well as your physical one. You might need to adjust your self image, so you can improve your thoughts and have a more positive outlook in life. You might want to talk to a therapist or a mental health professional to help you close the past and have the confidence to look after your future.

Change Your Diet

Taking on new forms of exercise is only one step in the right direction. If you would like to prevent the illness from coming back, you will need to talk to a professional dietitian, so you know which foods and nutrition, vitamin supplements your body needs to stay healthy. You might read blogs and articles, but you are better off talking with a qualified professional about this serious issue instead.

Keep an Eye On Your Weight

Obesity is one of the main causes of chronic diseases, and it is easy to prevent. If you need more than a few fitness classes and a better diet, you will need to talk to a professional to find out more about your ideal weight, If you have cardiovascular issues, it is important that you don’t put more pressure on your heart than you must. On the other hand, you will need to protect your joints and your nerves as well through keeping an eye on your diet.

Break Up with Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

When dealing with health issues; mental or physical, we often try to find an easy solution to manage stress. If you have become reliant on medication, or have taken on unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as risk taking behavior, substance use, or overeating, you will need to break the cycle. There are a couple of the best ways you can overcome these unhealthy habits, such as meditation and hypnosis. Try them and find a better way of dealing with life’s frustrations and stress.

Educate Yourself on the Conditions

It is also crucial that you learn as much as you can about the condition you have just managed to overcome. This will help you evaluate the risks associated with your lifestyle or your environment, and make important changes that will help you keep your health condition at bay. Many health care organizations offer free brochures and information leaflets for customers, and there are also charitable groups that can point you in the right direction when it comes to improving your life and reducing the risks of falling ill again.

Get Involved with Specialist Health Care Organizations

Overcoming a health related issue is never easy. You will need to take more responsibility for your own health, and make sure that you get the support you need. Rehabilitation is important when you would like to get back to work, update your skills, or simply change your lifestyle. You must remember that you are not alone. There are plenty of people in your shoes, you just have to find them. Some of these charities will offer free training and seminars for people who are looking to change their health.

Ditch the Car Whenever You Can

One of the easiest change you can make in your life to get fitter and healthier, and protect your immune system is trying to exercise more. You might have limited time given the fact that you have just recovered and got back to work. However, to build up your strength, you might be able to make some small changes. Instead of sitting in peak traffic, you can walk or cycle to work, even if it is only a part of the way. We get used to not being able to walk anywhere or relying on our car too much, and as you get healthier you can make better choices for your future.

Filter Your Water

If you have any type of autoimmune disease you just got under control, it is important that you reduce the amount of toxins and pollutants that can enter your body and cause your immune system to react the wrong way. Make sure that you get rid of the residues and toxins in the drinking water, including microplastics and chlorine, as well as other chemicals water treatment systems don’t filter out. Home water filters don’t cost an arm and a leg, and you will notice the difference in the taste of water, too.

Make Your Home Healthier

Once you have overcome a long term health condition, it is important that you look after your environment, so it can look after you. If you have been suffering from skin conditions or allergies, you might want to get an air purifier in your home. Having a vacuum with a HEPA filter will also help you keep the air clean in your home. Change your old carpets and consider installing hardwood or tile flooring instead.

Choose Organic Instead of Processed Food

Your food choices will also have an impact on your health outcomes. We rely on over processed food too much, due to the lack of time. However, the good news is that you can learn to cook fresh and even use organic ingredients if you find a local farmers’ market. You can eliminate waste and do something for the environment, while getting healthier and eliminating E numbers from your diet that might potentially have caused your long term condition in the first place.

If you would like to make sure that you are able to overcome the challenges of starting a new life after living with a chronic long term condition, you will need to get prepared mentally and physically. Once you make some lifestyle changes, you can increase your chances of saying goodbye to your health issues forever and living a happier, fuller life. Implement these changes and you will see your health and fitness rapidly improve.

Spring cleaning list

It’s the 1st of September, hence the official start of Spring season in Southern hemisphere! Spring marks the new beginnings in many ways and one of the best things to start off is to get a deep spring cleaning. If you are like me who’s actually afraid of the task of deep cleaning, fear not. This year I’ve prepared a thorough Spring cleaning list to share with you so we can tackle it with ease!

spring clean list

Why we call it Spring Cleaning?

A lot people never bothered to do a proper Spring cleaning. I was one of them, but surly life has taught me some good lessons over the years. As a result, I know first hand Spring clean is really worth the effort. For that reason I’ve prepared this Spring clean list for future references. Why it’s called Spring cleaning? According to tradition, the Catholic church thoroughly cleans the church altar and everything associated with it on Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday, in the Spring. In North American and Europe, people throughly clean theirs homes in Spring after a long, cold winter. Nowadays, the term of Spring clean has evolved into any kind of deep cleaning.

Why deep cleaning is good for your soul?

Many of us perceive cleaning as a daunting task, therefore avoid it whenever possible. Before we go into the details of my Spring cleaning list and be freaked out, let’s first take a look at the benefits of Spring cleaning.

It marks a new beginning and fresh start

Make your home a better place through deep cleaning will refresh your mind and make you feel energised. What better time to do it after a long Winter? This year, Sydney’s had a long and cold winter so it’s great to welcome the warmer season and more brighter days. In theory we might not be able to complain about the weather, because when I say cold, it’s close to zero degree the lowest. Compared some really freezing weather conditions, it’s not that cold.  But without central heating inside the house, it can be pretty cold and uncomfortable! That’s why I always feel good about Spring. Start to clean and make changes to your surroundings at home can help keep you motivated to make other small changes and improve your life day after day.

It helps release stress

We all feel a little stressed from time to time. Imagine being in a messy or dirty home when you are stressed. It’ll sure make things even worse! Your home should always be the place that makes you feel safe, calm and at ease. The only way to achieve that is to declutter and clean thoroughly.

It helps you breath better 

Do you sneeze a lot at home or in the office? That’s probably because the place you are staying is overly dusty. While you might not be able to do much in the air conditioned office, you can certainly improve the situation at home! The air at home will be much cleaner, fresher after you’ve dusted, vacuumed and cleaned everywhere. Being able to breath properly is not only essential for someone who suffers from allergy, it is essential for everybody!

A clean home helps you stay focused and improve productivity

If your home is cluttered and untidy, chances are you are feeling slightly stressed or depressed right now. Our everyday environment is pretty much a good reflection of our state of mind. Clutter is the enemy. An untidy space makes an untidy mind.Organise your stuff and find that your life follows suit. A clean and organised home is will  help us stay focused with better things and be more productive.

Deep cleaning itself is a good workout

We all know exercise is good for us so let’s get to it! I’m not talking about going to the gym here of course. Who needs the gym? Just start to clean at home, right now:). Cleaning is a wonderful full body workout indeed. All the sweeping, wiping, squatting and working around is actually good for your body! The reward? A fabulously toned body and immaculately clean home.

It helps you sleep better

Exercise will make you sleep better. We’ve just covered that deep cleaning your home is a wonderful form of exercise. Fresh air also helps you sleep better. And most importantly, a clean bedroom will definitely help you sleep better! Who doesn’t like the feeling of sleeping in a bed with fresh, clean sheets, cleaned pillows and mattress.

It improves your mood

Cleaning itself might be a daunting task to many of us. The psychological benefit of deep Spring cleaning is enormous. Just think about the great satisfaction after you’ve thrown out a lot of unwanted items, cleaned and organised everything at home. You’ll feel that a whole weight is off your shoulder. You can breath better. You feel lighter and happier!

Now that you’ve seen all these benefits about deep cleaning, are you ready for the Spring cleaning list?

The modern day Spring cleaning list

Why I say the modern day Spring cleaning list? Because this Spring cleaning list contains two main components. The first part is Spring cleaning list for the traditional household, while the second part is a digital Spring cleaning list.

Firstly let’s have a look at the house spring cleaning list. This includes different areas at home: kitchen/dining area, living room, laundry/utility room, bathrooms, bedrooms, home office, hall way, kids play areas, cars and outdoor area. Before we get to the details to different areas, here’s the Spring cleaning list that applies to the all general areas in your home:

  • Walls: Wash smudges off the walls.
  • Ceilings: Dust the cobwebs off of all ceilings.
  • Skirting/base boards and crown moulding: Dust and wipe them clean.
  • Light switches and outlets: Clean and disinfect all light switches and outlets at home.
  • Doors: Wash smudges, figure prints off the doors and clean all door knobs.
  • Windows: Dust and clean windows inside and out; wash all window curtains and blinds; clean all window grooves with a small brush then wipe them clean; dust and wipe clean all windowsills.
  • Plants: Clean the surface of all indoor plant pots. Dust and clean big leaves of indoor plants.
  • Hard floors: Sweep, vacuum and mop all hard floors.
  • Carpets: Vacuum and shampoo all carpets.
  • Rugs: Vacuum and clean rugs in all areas.
  • Air vents: All air vents need to be cleaned.
  • Ceiling fans and air conditioning unit: Clean surface of all ceiling fans and air conditioning unit.
  • Smoke detectors: Clean all smoke detectors at home.
  • Rubbish bins: Scrub, clean and disinfect all rubbish bins.
  • Shelves and picture frames: Dust and wipe clean all shelves and picture frames.
  • Underneath furniture: Move furniture around, vacuum and clean all areas underneath your furniture. You’ll be amazed how dust can accumulate so easily.
Kitchen/Dining room area:

Unwanted rubbish, old food laying around: Discard all of them.

Kitchen sink: Scrub and clean kitchen sink throughly including kitchen sink taps and plugs.

Kitchen tiles splashback: Wipe them clean with good kitchen cleaning products.

Rang hood: Change range hood filter if required. Thoroughly clean the entire range hood.

Stove top burners: Scrub and clean.

Kitchen bench tops: Scrub and clean.

Pantry: Discard expired unwanted food suppliers. Reorganise your pantry in easy to use order.

Microwave: Scrub and clean inside and out.

Oven and grill: Scrub and clean inside and out.

Dishwasher: Clean inside and out. Clear the waste filler inside dishwasher. – vinegar

Refrigerator: Discard old, expired food both in fridge and freezer. Take shelve and baskets out of fridge and freezer, then soak and clean them. Wipe down figure prints and smudges on doors of refrigerator. Pull refrigerator out and clean behind and beneath it.

Kitchen cabinets: Discard old spices, unwanted plastic containers, cups, dishes and pots.Dust, wipe down shelves and inside cabinets. Clean and polish cabinets doors.

Kitchen drawers: Deep clean kitchen drawers organise.

Cups, bowls, plates, pots and frying pans: Wash them and keep them organised in the right places.

Water kettle: Clean it inside out.

Under the sink: Tidy up and clean.

Table linens and tea towels: Wash and air dry.

Chopping board and knives: Sanitise chopping board and sharpen knives. I’m never good with knives so I got a great knife sharpener. My life in the kitchen has been much easier because of that.

Living room:

Table tops: Dust and wipe them clean.

Electronics including TV, remote control etc: Dust and wipe them clean.

Magazines and books: Discard old magazines and unwanted books. Organise and tidy the rest.

Wood furniture: Wipe clean and polish wood furniture. Vacuum and clean underneath all furniture.

Sofa: Clean underneath cushions; wash sofa covers. Vacuum and clean underneath sofa.

Kids play area: Sort and put away toys.

laundry/utility room

Utility shelves cabinets: Dust and wipe down shelves and inside cabinets.

Cleaning suppliers: Discard expired or empty cleaning suppliers, then keep the rest organised.

Washing machine: Clean surface of and inside washing machine. Clean behide and underneath it.

Dryer: Clean dryer vent. Clean behind and underneath the dryer. Clear out the lint that has gathered towards the bottom of the opening.

Laundry room sink: Scrub sink and clean under the sink.


Bath tubs: Dust and wipe clean.

Vanity Unit: Scrub and clean vanity unit including the sink, counter top, cabinets, drawers and under the sink. Clean underneath the vanity unit. Clean cabinet shelves, doors, knobs

Makeup and bathroom suppliers: Discard expired makeup, beauty products and empty bathroom supplier bottles.

Mirror: Clean mirror thoroughly using Windex.

Toilet: Wash and disinfect toilet, including toilet seat, toilet bowl, around the base, under the hinges, flush buttons.

Towels: Wash hand/bath towels and discard old ones.

Shower: Clean shower candy; scrub clean shower screens; wipe down tiles.


Beddings and pillows: Wash all beddings and pillows (not just pillow cases).

Mattress: Vacuum your mattress. It helps to get rid of the majority of dust mites that may have made your bed their home, and generally freshens it up. If you haven’t replaced your mattress in the last 8 years, it’s a good reminder to do it to keep your posture great and give you a good night’s sleep.

Drawers and closet: Empty drawers and clean them. Discard extremely old underwear and single socks. Donate or resell unwanted clothes. Organise your wardrobe.

Wardrobe sliding doors: Wipe down sliding doors and clean sliding door grooves.

Cushions: Air cushions and wash cushion covers.

Home office

Office furniture and equipment. Dust and wipe clean.

Paperwork: File paperwork in right folders; discard/shred paperwork no longer in need.

Desk: A clean desk speaks a happy mind. Try to keep your desk clean and organised everyday!

Drawers and filing cabinets: Because things get piled up or thrown into drawers and cabinets, we need to declutter and reorganise.

Outdoor areas

Entrance: Clean door matts; sweep and mop floor.

Garage + tool shed: Dust the cobwebs off; sweep floor clean; keep things inside tidy and organised.

Garden/ Balcony: Sweep and mop balcony floor; keep potted plants tidy; wipe clean outdoor furniture.

Gutters: clear it out.

Now it’s time for the equally important Digital Spring cleaning list:

Passwords: organise and save your password list.

Photos/digital images: Delete useless images; create folders and file images into relevant folders.

Computer desktop: Delete files and keep your computer desktop as clean as possible. That’ll also speed up your computer speed.

Document files: Create and organise folder for all your document files for easy accesss.

Bookmarks: Delete unwanted sites from your web browser bookmark. Keep the rest in relevant folders.

Emails: Unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters; simplify email folders; delete past conversations that are no longer useful; save important files to USB or a hard drive for back up.

There you have it. The modern day Spring cleaning list! The easiest way to get it done is to try to do small things at a time. Remember you don’t have to finish everything in one day! Spread those tasks across a period of time, say a week up to a month. And you can hire cleaners to help you with some of the chores you really don’t enjoy.

Most importantly, once you’ve get it done, maintain your home clean and organised. It’ll only take a few minutes a day to keep it that way. You’ll be able to clean your home much easier and enjoy your clean, organised home all year round!

Spring cleaning list

I’ve Reached My Goal Weight. How To Maintain It?

No doubt I’m a late bloomer and this post comes in a bit late too. It’s mid July already and I felt like it’s time to reflect what I’ve achieved in the first half of 2018 and really set focus on what needs to be done in the second half of this year.

I’m not going to touch upon everything here but only mention a small win I had so far this year. I achieved my goal weight, finally. Every year at the beginning of the past 6 years, I’d write down my goals on a piece of paper. One of them has always been this one: Drop down to 55kgs. My weight doesn’t fluctuate too much so there were only 3 – 5 kgs to lose but I never did manage it until this year.

There’s been a popular saying, “If you can’t control your weight, how can you control your life?” True, I’d never ever really put any effort to control my weight (or waist line). I never ever tried to control my life! All I did was to write down my ideas on a piece of paper and never took any action. It really hit me one day that I felt like a failure, some one who only dreams but never tries to achieve any smallest goals. So I decided to focus on this goal first then tackle other aspects in my life.

It’s worth mentioning that I did loose weight very quickly once, unintentionally. My weight went down below 54kg in 2011. I never paid attention to my weight at that time until a lot people commented “Wow, you are slimming down.” Looking back, loosing weight quickly was an inevitable result. I was doing Power Yoga in a heated studio in the morning. Went to dancing at night for hours and then walked all the way back home for at least 2 months non-stop. I sweat  A LOT almost every day and had dinner long before bedtime (after midnight), until I had an injury and never went back to Yoga and dancing again. By the end of that year, I went to 59kgs and stayed around 58- 60 for a long time.

As I get older, it’s harder to loose weight especially when I’m not over-weight. The lifestyle I had in 2011 is not going to be sustainable so there must be other ways to get back to shape.

How did I loose 5 kgs this time without exercising or starving myself?

1. Cut down soy sauce, carbs and sugar

I don’t believe soy sauce or sushi rolls are healthy food now. It took me years to realise over consuming soy sauce and rice will only make me fatter. I’m a big fan of biscuits, muffins and cakes… anything sweet. So I cut down all of the above and have lots of fish and meat instead.

2. Control portion

I’m a bit eater and could easily finish one whole bag of large potato or corn chips, packed with flavour in one go. I still have chips now, just very few of them.

3. Keep it slow but steady

Loosing weight and keeping them off is just like everything in life. I had to remind myself that there’s no quick fix or short cut. Just be mindful of my journey and stay in control. And it worked.

Admittedly I’m still not happy with my life. Haha.. are you surprised? But people say learn to celebrate small wins so I’m having loads of carbs again. Carbs and cakes me make me happy.
Seriously though, I wonder if my weight can be maintained this way. The only option is to keep applying self control and perhaps incorporate some exercise routine. The ultimate goal is to be slim and healthy not skinny fat.
Good bye 1st half of 2018 and bring it on the 2nd half! Let’s see what we’ll end up with by the end of 2018.