While we’re always told to get regular exercise, we don’t always show how much about the importance of rest and recovery. Rest is just as important as exercise. And if you are undertaking a strenuous exercise routine, it is pivotal. It allows your body to repair and recover. Because if you skip these rest days, you will soon face burnout. So let’s show you some of the benefits of taking regular rest days, and how you can do them right.

It Reduces Risk of Injury

If you drop form during an exercise, you could cause yourself a significant injury. This is especially true when it comes to running. We can get into the zone when it comes to running, but this means that we aren’t paying attention to our bodies. While any ankle and foot clinic will preach a lot about it, it’s beneficial for you to reduce the risk of injuries that can impact your life many decades from now. When it comes to running, many people find that their knees and ankles give in. This is why when you start any form of exercise that you focus on form first and foremost.

It Prevents Muscle Fatigue

Exercise will deplete the glycogen levels in your muscles. If you don’t replace these, you will get soreness and muscle fatigue. Your muscles require glycogen to function, even when you’re not exercising. And this means that you need to get adequate rest. One of the best ways to replenish your glycogen stores is to eat a good quality carbohydrate as soon as you finish working out, such as sweet potatoes.

It Improves Your Performance

You will know if you haven’t got enough rest. Because the next time you go back to the gym or start running, your performance won’t be as good as it was. And when you start to get like this, you may lose some motivation. It’s important to remember that you may push yourself, but over-training will decrease your performance over time. It decreases your endurance, makes your reaction times sluggish, but makes you less agile. By resting properly to improve your performance, you need to have an adequate amount of protein to increase your strength gains. Usually, this is approximately 1 gram of protein per 1 lb of body weight.

It Improves Your Sleep

Exercise is excellent for sleep, but if you don’t get the had a good sleep, your hormones could go out of balance. Because physical activity boosts cortisol and adrenaline, if you over-exercise, this can overproduce these hormones, which will impact your ability to get to sleep, meaning that you will feel like you are running on empty. If you are someone that struggles to get to sleep to come out especially if you are exercising a lot, this could be a sign of overtraining. But it could very well be that you are training too close to bedtime. Make sure that you exercise at least 4 hours before bedtime, but make sure that you eat at least 2 hours before you hit the hay.

In today’s world, people seem to see business and stress as some kind of a badge of honor. But it shouldn’t be. We shouldn’t wait until we’re at the edge of physical and mental exhaustion before we take a break. 

It’s important for our mental and physical health that we look after ourselves. You might not think you’re tired because you don’t have a super stressful job, or have anything to really worry about. But the fact is, just having to be constantly switched on almost 24/7 takes its toll. It might be less easy to anticipate that being constantly stressed or your mental health is suffering, but it can still happen. 

Your skin is suffering

Skin is often a great insight into overall health.  If you’re starting to get run down, it can react by breaking out into spots, or going completely in the other direction and becoming dry and flaky. You might find you’re getting more cold sores or mouth ulcers and find yourself needing ulcer cream to treat them. Either way, it’s not ideal and can really dent your confidence. 

You’re moody

If find yourself with a shorter fuse than usual, or a bit weepy, then your tiredness is having an effect on your mood. If you feel that it is more than a simple case of burning the candle at both ends, speak to a professional that can help you. Mood swings can really cause issues with friends and loved ones if they persist. 

Your digestion is all over the place 

Tiredness and stress can cause all sorts of problems with your stomach. If you already live with IBS or a similar condition, it can exacerbate them. More often than not, it will manifest as indigestion, bloating, or issues going to the toilet. Not ideal. 

You can’t stabilize your weight

Lack of sleep and too many stress hormones can throw our metabolism out of whack. Add to that you’re probably not taking the time to eat properly, you’ll find yourself putting on a few unwanted pounds, or losing them through lack of proper nutrition. 

What can you do to slow down? 

Not everyone has the luxury of just being able to take a complete break from everything (but if you do, take it). Some time away on vacation can work wonders, but only if you completely relax.  Find ways to take any stress or responsibility out of your life. Have you volunteered for too many things? Spend far too much time doomscrolling on social media? The answer is usually different for everyone. Some overworked people choose to hire in help for things like cleaning and gardening so that their free time isn’t spent on chores. For others, hiring a childminder a few times a week can take the pressure off 24/7 childcare and allow them to concentrate on themselves or other tasks they aren’t getting done. 

Don’t feel guilty about trying to reduce your life workload. If it makes you a happier and less stressed person, that’s a good thing. 

There is green living and green life. While we tend to assume these are the same, there are some non-negligible differences. Typically, you would describe your living habits as your lifestyle. On the other hand, when it comes to long-term commitment and our interactions with all sorts of factors that can influence your choices and your path, this is what you call life. Why is it important to make the distinction? 

Most of us understand the need for an environmentally-friendly lifestyle. We appreciate that we have to make choices to put the planet first because there won’t be anything left for the future generations otherwise. Adopting a green lifestyle can be as effortless as you want it to be. Switching from a green energy supplier, for instance, doesn’t compromise your energy supply, but ensures that you can carry on using your devices without damaging the planet. Indeed, you are in full control of your lifestyle choices, so you can make the changes you want and need. But not everything in life is within our control. 

Can I make my funeral eco-friendly?

It’s an uncomfortable topic. But when you think about it, death is by far one of human’s least sustainable customs. The proof is we can still find artifacts that date back from hundreds or thousands of years ago in the ancient burial sites. Sure, we call it history. Environmentalists would argue that our relationship to death isn’t environmentally-friendly. Can you make your passing greener for the planet? It’s a topic that is worth discussing with professionals. The team at Phillip Stephens Funeral Home is experienced in answering many questions from individuals who are worried about organising their passing in the best possible manner. They understand that the grief process can stand in the way of eco-friendly choices. 

Are green weddings still enjoyable?

Your wedding day is often a dream come true. How many of us have a clear image of what they want from their big day, down to the dress and the music? There are some options to make your wedding more sustainable. However, couples can find it tricky to have a fully ethical wedding. Once you accept it, you can focus on the choices that will make a long-term difference. Easily accessible locations, for instance, can reduce travel impacts. Yet, that can be stressful for international families! You can also opt for an eco-friendly menu. However, you need to consider dietary restrictions from your guests! The bottom line: Eco-conscious weddings are growing in popularity. We can gradually expect more green services to become available. 

Can I be a green parent?

Every parent begins their journey with green intentions. But as a parent, you need to be realistic. Raising eco-friendly kids is no easy task. Parenthood can be exhausting and stressful, so you have to be kind to yourself too. Sometimes, it’s more convenient to buy a less environmentally-friendly product because, in the long term, it’ll preserve your sanity. Green parenting is not always achievable, but you can still make eco-conscious choices. 

Is green sustainable in the long term? In theory, eco-friendly strategies are good for the planet. But they may not be good for ourselves. As long as green initiatives remain time-demanding and stressful in terms of life choices, we won’t be able to turn our green living into a green life. Of course, things will get better in time and we’ll produce better solutions. But for now, you have to accept that you can be only as green as your mental health will allow. 

Spending a fun weekend away from home can fill you with good energy. Numerous research studies have shown that people who spend time in nature and engage in outdoor activities enjoy better physical and mental health. Outdoor activities are also great opportunities to create memories with friends and family and to find joy and accomplishment in simple things.

Are you wondering how to unplug? Here are three ideas for a weekend of outdoor fun away from home.

Challenge Yourself with Kayaking or Canoeing

 Kayaking and canoeing are fun activities that your whole family can enjoy. Because they’re such popular activities, there are many clubs and rental services near large lakes and rivers that provide equipment, guidance, and even training. A quick online search is bound to reveal dozens of opportunities for kayaking and canoeing nearby.

It’s important to add that canoeing and kayaking can be extreme sports, but can also be peaceful and relaxing activities. You can paddle on a calm lake or canal, or you can have an adrenaline-filled trip down a rapid river. In any case, being near water can have a calming and energizing effect on your mind. Also, paddling is an efficient way to tone your upper body and get your dose of exercise without going to the gym.

Go Fishing

Fishing is an excellent way to unwind after a busy week, and many consider it akin to recreational therapy. When you are fishing, you’re fully immersed in nature, you breathe fresh air, and the soothing sound of water lapping against the shores helps you relieve stress. But you are also rewarded with a feeling of accomplishment when you reel in your best catch of the day.

Using your outdoor skills and having a bag of fish to take home as proof of your deftness gives you a unique feeling of empowerment. Get the best musky reel when fishing in freshwater, and you’ll fill your bag in no time. End the weekend by cooking the fish with your friends and family and enjoying a nutritious, healthy, and delicious meal together.

Plan a Cycling Tour

A cycling tour in an area with unspoiled scenery and beautiful natural landscapes can be one of the most rewarding ways to spend your weekend. Besides being a perfect work out, cycling comes with a lot of flexibility. You can cycle casually at a pace you’re comfortable with, or you can push yourself a bit and see this as a chance to test your endurance. You can stop anytime, soak in the scenery, take photos, and even have a picnic.

Just like fishing, canoeing, or kayaking, cycling is an activity that helps you refine your awareness, retrain your focus, and learn patience. You will find yourself forgetting about stress and responsibilities and rediscovering the joy of being present in the moment. Because cycling releases endorphins, you’ll feel physically empowered, mentally free, and at the same time more appreciative of natural beauty.

Don’t waste another weekend in front of the TV. Challenge your mind and your body with fun activities that can restore your energy and revive your enthusiasm for life.

Men are becoming more interested in perfecting their grooming regime. Below, we look at two areas of this. 

How To Remove Unwanted Body Hair 

Men’s body grooming is a huge industry. It’s not just because it’s endorsed by famous stars such as David Beckham or Daniel Craig. It’s not just that it’s advertised so well that no man can resist purchasing specialist shaving products. It’s that men have been waiting for these products for years, and now they finally have them.  

Men’s grooming has allowed men to admit that they aren’t that happy being hairy, and thanks to the plethora of products available to men both online and in the shops, they can now do something about it. Smooth skin is trendy and totally in with the fashions of today. If you have dry skin, you can find specialist cream for dry skin to help you get that smooth look and to ensure your skin is better prepped for waxing. 

Keeping a tidy moustache and beard is important when it comes to looking smart, and using a beard comb and trimmer is an ideal way to keep your facial hair from looking unkempt. It makes a big difference. Checking on your nose and ears is also an important addition to your male grooming routine. You may not realise it, but you could have tufts there that need to be removed. For hair in other places, shaving won’t cut it, so you should book into a waxing clinic – or try doing it yourself at home. Either way, once the hair has been removed it won’t grow back for a good few weeks, and you won’t have to worry about it. If you have a problem with a ‘unibrow’ then don’t be shy about investing in some tweezers and plucking and shaping until you look more like yourself again.

Using Dry Shampoo And Other Hair Products

Men’s hair products have evolved over the past few years and now there are as many styling and cleansing products for men as there are for women; and that includes dry shampoo. Dry shampoos have been around for a long time – the Romans used them (they really had very little else), and although they fell out of favour for a while, they are back on trend now. 

Using dry shampoo means you can keep your hair looking healthy and clean whilst reducing the number of times a week you wash it. That’s great news because washing your hair the traditional way with water and a liquid shampoo can strip it of its essential oils, damaging it in the long run. Dry shampoo is really handy when you’re in a situation when you want your hair to look good and clean, but there isn’t any water around – perhaps you’re camping, maybe you’ve stayed out all night and need to get straight to work, perhaps your boiler has broken and the thought of a cold shower just doesn’t appeal. It works by absorbing the oil from your scalp and hair, and although it shouldn’t take the place of regular shampoo in your male grooming routine, it works wonders as an interim measure.

In the past, acupuncture was considered pseudoscience and there was a lot of doubt about its effectiveness. But in recent years, there have been a lot more studies into it and now many medical professionals agree that it can be an effective treatment for a lot of different health issues. If you haven’t considered acupuncture before, here’s how it works and some of the health problems that it can treat. 

How Does Acupuncture Work?

When you have an acupuncture treatment, small needles are inserted into the skin at certain points. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that this addresses issues with the balance of energy in your body. Although that may not be the reason that it works, studies show that it can be very effective for treating a range of different health issues. 

A lot of people find the idea of acupuncture quite daunting because having needles inserted into the skin does sound quite scary. However, if you have it done at a professional facility, like Unwind Health and the procedure is carried out by a professional, it’s perfectly safe. The needles are incredibly thin so, the majority of the time, you will barely feel them going into the skin and you shouldn’t experience any pain during the procedure. 

What Problems Can Be Treated With Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is now used as a treatment for a range of different issues, especially localized pain in certain areas of the body. These are some of the most common problems that are treated with acupuncture. 

Back Pain 

Back pain is such a common problem, especially as you get older, and it can be very debilitating. When you are in constant pain, even the simplest everyday tasks can become incredibly difficult. If you see a doctor, they may be able to prescribe medication to help deal with the issue but acupuncture is often more effective. In fact, it is the number one reason why people seek acupuncture treatments in the first place. It is believed that acupuncture encourages the release of opioids and endorphins, which reduce feelings of pain. 

Chronic Headaches 

We all get the occasional headache but if you experience constant headaches, it’s important that you seek treatment. You should see a doctor to make sure that there are no serious underlying issues that are causing your headaches. If there are not, acupuncture may be the best treatment for you. It can relieve tension in the back and neck, which often leads to headaches, and it will help to manage the pain as well. 

Respiratory Issues 

Respiratory issues can be very dangerous and finding the right treatments to manage them can be tough. But if you haven’t tried acupuncture yet, you may find that it gives you a lot of relief. Acupuncture helps to stimulate blood flow around the body, which boosts the immune system and also helps to open up the lungs. Although it won’t deal with the root cause of respiratory issues, it can help to relieve the symptoms. 

These are just a few of the many health problems that can be treated with acupuncture, so you should definitely consider it if you are concerned about your health. 

Stress can often seem like a universal constant, and that’s because our bodies are wired to produce it in difficult situations. It’s an evolutionary technique our bodies use to help us understand that there is danger out there, and that we need to focus on it. Stress can also accumulate when we have an overwhelming degree of complexity in our lives, too much for us to handle.

Taking care of our minds when under stress, then, is an essential part of living healthily and being able to cope. It takes time, energy and the willingness to conform to a few worthwhile techniques to achieve this goal, but the end result is almost always thoroughly worth it. After all, stress can lead to a range of medical issues, such as heart issues, as prolonged exposure to cortisol simply isn’t good for you.

So – how can we take care of our minds when under stress? How might we develop ourselves to overcome these issues, and more importantly, how long does it take for us to achieve this in the best possible sense? For that and more, please consider, below:

Speak To Those You Trust

It’s important to speak about your issues from time to time. Stress is a universal constant, and so you’re not going to be talking of anything guilt-inducing or profane when telling someone things are getting a little too much. In fact, most people will appreciate your candor. It shows you care about being vocal, and it shows you respect others enough to show you trust them. Most will care about what you have to say, and it can help you feel a million times better about it. Set this open and trusting relationship in the best manner.

Take A Break For Self-Reflection

Take a break for your own mind. Self-reflect if you get a chance to from time to time. This might involved taking a mental health day from work from time to time, booked as part of your holiday allowance. Spending a day getting out in nature and or reading or trying to get your balance right can be extremely helpful for your general outlook, and it can help you almost completely alleviate your stress. That’s an important thing to achieve.

Make Stress-Busting Part Of Your Schedule

Scheduling the time necessary to bust stress is also important. Perhaps every Sunday evening you can soak in a bubble bath? Preparing deserts before then with nang delivery could also be a great idea. That might give you the chance to relax, for a set amount of time each week, something you can rely on.

Stress-busting might also mean meeting with a friend each week, or watching a film together, or playing a video game online with them in these lockdown-focused times. Stress-busting means ensuring you have time for it, and that you don’t forsake it. Sustainable stress-busting is always the healthiest option for anyone going forward.

With this advice, we hope you can take care of your mind when under stress, week after week.

In the past, many of us were completely unaware of the ways that our actions impacted the planet. Nowadays, few of us can plead ignorance. We’re told time and time again that we need to start living more environmentally friendly lifestyles in order to minimise the damage we create. Climate change is speeding up and we’re genuinely starting to see negative consequences. So, what can you do to be a bit mindful of Earth and lead an eco-friendly lifestyle? Well, there are countless changes you can make. But those listed below provide a pretty good starting point!

Switch to a Green Energy Supplier

We’re all well aware that fossil fuels aren’t sustainable and they are contributing greatly to environmental degradation. It’s bizarre that we’re still using them widely when there are so many better and greener options out there! Plus, these options are becoming increasingly easily available. When your current energy tariff comes to an end, make sure to switch to a green energy supplier. They will be able to fuel your home with energy that is sustainable and sourced in a much more eco-friendly way. The good news is that green energy suppliers are often cheaper too! For the best deal possible, make use of a price comparison site. This will pull up the best deals and the lowest rates in your local area, helping you to choose the right green provider for your needs!

Generate Your Own Energy

Of course, generating your own energy is an option too! Solar panels tend to be the most popular method. You have them fitted to the roof of your house or another sunny area and generate your own green energy independently!

Avoid Fast Fashion

Fast fashion has acted like a plague on the environment. Put simply, it’s low cost clothing that is created for one time use, or isn’t of a standard that will last many wears. People buy it because it’s cheap. But by throwing out outfit after outfit, you’re contributing to landfill and creating more emissions through increased numbers of manufacturing processes. So, instead, opt for more sustainable clothing. Take a look at Etiko Fair Trade Sustainable Clothing as a great example. Buying from companies like this can make all the difference to the planet.


Another step that the eco-friendly amongst us should also be taking is recycling. Now, this is simple and most areas have some sort of recycling collection, so please make the effort if these collections are available to you. Simply separate your waste into separate bins for paper, tin, plastic and general household waste that cannot be recycled. You could even use organic waste to create your own compost!

These are just a few suggestions you can try out to make your lifestyle a little more eco-friendly. There are countless more steps that you could take into consideration, but these are pretty easy to implement and can have great results!

Getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet is a vital part of staying healthy. When you don’t get enough of something that your body needs, it could cause a variety of problems for your body. Many of us think of vitamins and minerals as coming from fruits, vegetables, and salad leaves, but we can get them from many food sources. Opinions differ on how many portions of fruit and veg you should have each day across the world, as well as what a portion even is. But if you think that you might not be getting enough, there are plenty of ways to make sure you get enough vitamins in your diet.

Expand Your Palate

A broad and diverse diet is the best way to make sure you’re getting lots of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. By exploring new foods and expanding your palate, you can introduce foods into your routine that will help you to be healthier. Keeping things exciting can help you to stay motivated to eat a healthy diet. Open yourself up to trying different fruits and vegetables, as well as grains and other foods with plenty of healthy nutrients. Don’t just try out these things to eat, either. Learn to prepare and cook them too.

Look for Things to Add to Your Meals

One way to get more vitamins into your food in an interesting way is to look for things that you can add to the meals and snacks that you already make. What ingredients can add flavour but also make your meal even healthier? If you use 100% pumpkin seed oil in salad dressings or add it to desserts and other food, you benefit from B vitamins, zinc, calcium, and other healthy minerals. A spoonful of Marmite or Vegemite can add umami flavour to a surprising amount of things and gives your meal extra B vitamins.

Make Your Snacks Nutrient-rich

Swapping out your snacks for healthier versions is another great option for getting more vitamins into your diet. Although it might be enjoyable to simply open a packet of something salty, there are always healthy snack options available too. An apple or banana can be filling and provides you with lots of nutrients. Vegetables can make good snacks too, and you can have them with a healthy dip or drizzle them with something rich in nutrients too. It’s a good way to sneak in some extra vitamins between meals.

Take a Multivitamin

If you want a quick way to get some of the vitamins that you need, taking a daily multivitamin can help. It’s particularly useful if you have a vitamin deficiency of any kind for some reason. For example, some people might not get a lot of vitamin D and can benefit from a supplementary boost to help them get an adequate amount. Not everyone needs to take a multivitamin, as you can get all the vitamins that you need from your diet, but some people need a helping hand.

Make sure you get enough vitamins, and you can protect your health and your immune system.

In December 2019, when the Coronavirus outbreak broke out in Wuhan, China, it was a pretty much unknown disease. Fast forward to August 2020, over 830,000 lives have perished around the world. If this figure is not scary enough for you to adopt new stringent habits, you must rethink your stance.

  1. Heightened need for cleaning and disinfection

Regular cleaning and disinfection may have been your routine safety regimen, but, the keyword here is ‘heightened.’ Most bacterial and fungal infections in the body require antibiotic treatment. However, the contagion at the centre of the pandemic is a virus called SARS-COV 2 and antibiotics do not work against them. Their inability to destroy viruses is due to the differences in cell structure between bacteria and viruses. An antibiotic would function by directing its potency against a bacteria’s growth speed.

Are you aware viruses multiply faster than bacteria? For this reason, a heightened cleaning and disinfection regime immediately eliminates the rate at which the virus would multiply.

Alcohol and bleach or chlorine-based cleaners are most effective against the Coronavirus. If you have to use it at home, you must be cautious because there is a recommended concentration. At home, you can use a concentration of one part of 5% strength household bleach to 49 volumes of water.

It would help if you also used alcohol with a 70 to 90% concentration to disinfect your surfaces at home or work. The best way is to initially clean with water and soap to remove dirt before disinfection. When cleaning, you must endeavour to begin from the least soiled to the most soiled. The reason behind this is to avoid spreading dirt to the least soiled area.

  1. Wear approved nose and face masks

The reason behind wearing face masks is to act as a protective shield for you. However, there is a science to it. The SARS-COV 2 (the virus) outside of a host is inactive but potentially infectious for a while. They possess nothing of the features a living organism should have on its own; such as mobility.

What they do is to lie in wait for someone to get in contact with them. As sneaky as the virus is, it thrives in the upper respiratory tract and begins to multiply. Your face/nose mask acts as the first line of defence against the virus. Without your nose mask, your nose and mouth are defenceless.

 One in every five people who get infected develop breathing difficulty and require medical care. Unfortunately, if you are over 60years old or have an underlying health condition (such as Asthma, diabetes or hypertension), your chances of survival could be limited.

The mask may feel uncomfortable initially, but you will get used to it. Moreover, you can find a variety of nose masks if you shop online. Dynamic Gift is an online store where you are bound to find comfortable, secure, unbranded, and hypoallergenic nose masks to purchase as a wholesaler or retailer.

  1. Avoid touching your face

As you read earlier, you already know the virus needs a host to survive. In the unlikely event that you touched a contaminated surface, your face should be a no-go area.

Your eyes, nose and mouth are entry points to the respiratory tract. That is the reason.

Therefore, for the avoidance of doubt altogether, avoid touching this part of your body unless you wash and sanitize your hands thoroughly.You should know that once the virus is inside your cell, it can reproduce and make 10,000 copies of itself in a few hours. Armed with this knowledge, you must adopt the conscious habit not to touch your face. 

  1. Adopt social distancing protocols

Also described as “physical distancing,” this is a safety measure by keeping a safe gap between yourself and others who may not be from your household. The WHO recommended distancing is a minimum of 6 feet, whether indoors or outdoors.

But did you know the science behind this? Respiratory droplets when you cough or sneeze can travel up to six feet! Imagine spit on a catapult. Now that sounds disgusting. You know now why you must not ignore keeping a safe distance from others.

  1. Cover your nose & mouth when you cough or sneeze at all time

The medical reason behind the need to cover your nose and mouth is to limit passing on respiratory droplets containing infectious pathogens to others. Besides, it is good etiquette to do so.The other medical reason is that viruses live through humans and animals. They survive by intertwining to cells. If you sneeze or cough without covering these facial parts, you risk infecting others. It goes the other way too.

  1. Increased intake of fruits and vegetables

Your body needs its immune system to be in tiptop shape at all times. Your soldiers require weapons to fight threatening intruders and enemies.

In the same way, vitamins derived from fruits and vegetables are the necessary nutrients required by your body’s immune system. Vitamins enhance the fighting potency of white blood cells, the disease-fighting soldiers within the body.

  1. Stick to information about the disease from credible sources only

Your ability to remain sane during the pandemic is a skill and habit required for your mental and emotional health. At this time, many fake news channels attempt to draw attention to themselves by churning out inaccurate news content. Stick to credible news sources on your television or other. The BBC, CNN, ABN, CNBC are examples of such credible news outlets.

  1. Work from home if you can

The contagion as you have already learnt spreads by close contact, and by breaking this chain, you may live. By working from home, you restrict yourself to virus-free spaces which are potentially not infected. You limit your chances of infection and enhance the safety of your family. On a brighter side, employers who formerly refused this working style consider it a necessity now.

Your new daily habits and positive changes made to your lifestyle are the new normal. Stay safe as you protect yourself and others.

We all want to live the happiest life possible. When we are happy, we give our everything and get the very best out of life. There are so many things that affect our happiness levels, one of them being our health. If we are free from illness and pain, we will have a much better quality of life. While it is no guarantee, the best thing that we can do to protect our health is to live a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips on how to do this.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet

The first step towards healthy living is by following a balanced and nutritious diet. Eliminate as much processed food and refined sugar as possible, and replace them with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. If you eat meat, swap out red meat for leaner white meal and poultry such as chicken. They are superb sources of protein and have fewer calories. If you eat a healthy and balanced diet, your body will be getting all of the minerals and vitamins that it needs to work properly. As well as that, you will feel great on the inside and look great on the outside. 

Take supplements

Sometimes, even when we follow the healthiest diet possible, we may find that our body lacks something. Find out from your general practitioner what you need and top it up with a supplement. Things like multi-vitamins, iron tablets, and energy boosters are readily available and give you the additional support that you may need.

Keep fit

While slumping in front of Netflix is tempting, it is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Put your sneakers on and head outdoors for a run or the gym for a workout. If staying at home is more your thing, find a workout video you can do in your lounge or even pop some music on and dance around your living room! Staying fit means that you won’t put on any excess weight and have more energy to chase after the kids and play a game of ball with your friends.

Get plenty of sleep

Sleep is often under-prioritized, due to us living such busy lives, but if we want to be healthy and happy, it is essential. Try to make sure that you get at least eight hours of sleep a night. Not only does it leave you feeling fresh and revitalized for the new day ahead, but it gives our body the chance to rest and recuperate, reducing our risk of catching illnesses or getting injures. Make sure that your bedroom is set up for quality sleep – a dark, quiet environment free from screens is optimum, as is a good routine. 

Reduce stress

Stress can have an affect on our physical health as well as our emotional health. If things are getting on top of you, try techniques such as mindfulness or even yoga. While they won’t magically make your worries and problems disappear, they will help you to find ways of coping with it.  

Whether you’ve got a routine health check planned or you want to discuss a particular issue, visiting the doctor can be nerve-wracking. If you’re feeling anxious about an upcoming consultation, don’t let your worries prevent you from accessing medical help. Instead, take a look at these top tips to banish your anxieties now:

Be honest

At the start of your appointment, tell your doctor how you’re feeling and identify what you’re feeling anxious about if you can. It’s perfectly normal to feel worried about your health and your doctor will be able to put your mind at rest about any specific concerns you have. Remember – anxiety can sometimes be a symptom in itself, so telling your doctor how you feel will assist them in making the right diagnosis and prescribing an effective treatment. 

Ask for pain relief

Many patients undergo minor procedures in their doctor’s office, rather than in hospital. Generally, this is a much quicker and easier way to obtain the treatment you need. Of course, you might feel apprehensive about experiencing pain or discomfort when you’re due to have a procedure of some sort. 

If so, ask your doctor whether it’s appropriate for a local anesthetic to be used. Xylocaine gel is one of the most commonly used forms of anesthetic and it’s ideal for use in a clinic or doctor’s office. Successfully numbing the area for around 20-30 minutes, you can relax once you know that your procedure will be pain-free and stress-free. 

Take someone with you

If you’re feeling nervous about meeting with your doctor, ask a close friend or family member to attend the appointment with you. Providing you give permission for your doctor to discuss confidential matters with you in their presence, they can even accompany you into the consulting room. Sometimes even having someone with you in the waiting room can be a great relief, so arrange to have someone with you for moral support. 

Practice relaxation techniques

When you feel anxious, your body can respond in many different ways. Some people might feel shaky, breathless, or nauseous, for example, while others may experience palpitations, weak legs, or dizziness. Fortunately, you can reduce or eliminate these symptoms by practicing relaxation techniques in advance. 

Even learning how to take deep, calming breaths can be surprisingly effective at combatting anxiety. When we feel nervous, we tend to breathe more quickly, which leads to increased carbon dioxide levels. In turn, this can increase feelings of dizziness, headaches, and shortness of breath. By learning how to breathe calmly, you can stop this cycle and halt the symptoms of anxiety swiftly. 

Overcoming Health Anxieties

If you suspect you’re unwell, it’s not surprising that you feel anxious about visiting your doctor. Similarly, if you struggle to cope with a clinical environment or you have a fear of needles, for example, you may dread having a procedure. However, medical professionals are committed to helping you access the treatment you need. By informing them of your anxieties, you can ensure that your doctor will take your feelings into account and take steps to make the visit as stress-free as possible.  

There’s no doubt that taking care of one’s health is incredibly important. This is especially true right now. The reality is that there has likely never been a time in many of our lives where we have spent quite so much time thinking incredibly carefully about our health. However, the truth is that your health has all kinds of different impacts on your health as a whole even without the conditions of the current crisis. Not only can it impact the way that you feel physically but it can even have an impact on your mental health and wellbeing. Your mind and your body are obviously connected and if you’re not taking care of both as much as possible, you’re likely to end up feeling exhausted, sick, and miserable. With that in mind, here are some things that you can do in order to make some positive changes in your life for the sake of your health.

Your habits

Woman With White Sunvisor Running


We all have various habits in our lives. Things that we do on a daily or even constant basis that can either make our lives easier or harder depending on what they are. Something like biting your nails is hardly the most desirable habit in the world and not only can it cause a lot of pain and discomfort but it can also increase the chances of you getting sick. Obviously, habits that increase your chances of getting sick are things that are on many of our minds right now. However, this time is a great opportunity to develop some habits that are far more positive for your health overall. Things like making sure that you’re able to wash hands as thoroughly as possible aren’t just useful during this current pandemic but are an excellent habit to get into well into the future. Likewise, many of the habits of mindfulness that many of us are developing during this time can be incredibly positive moving forward.

Your lifestyle

Times are tough right now and that’s something that we’re all having to deal with. However, the mistake that a lot of people make is that they end up developing elements of their lifestyle in order to deal with tough times that aren’t exactly that helpful when it all comes down to it. Finding the energy to cook and eat healthy meals can often be a challenge and that leads some people to rely heavily on takeout and junk food. And sure, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, if you indulge in those kinds of things too much, it can end up making you feel worse. The same applies, to an even more significant degree, to things like alcohol. Sure, having a drink now and then really isn’t that big of a deal but if you get to the point where you’re relying on alcohol to feel better about the current state of things, that’s a pretty serious issue and a situation that you really don’t want to get yourself into.

Your job

A person’s job can often be the most significant source of stress and anxiety for them, something that has most certainly been pronounced by the current state of affairs. One of the best things that you can do to try and minimise the negative impact that your job has on your health and wellbeing is to focus your energy in other places like a personal hobby or talking to friends and family. Obviously, your options for activities outside of work right now is a whole lot more limited than it was before but there are still ways to take your mind off your career so that you’re dragging any stress from it into the rest of your life.

Your friend circle


No matter how tough things can get a lot of the time, there are few things better than having a genuinely positive support network around you to help you get through it. Now is a time for many of us to come together and take care of each other. However, if you find that certain people in your life are making life even more difficult than it already is, then that’s something you need to deal with. Obviously talking to them is the first step but if you find that someone is genuinely committed to particularly toxic behaviour, sometimes the best thing that you can do is to just walk away from that relationship. You’d be amazed at just what a positive difference it can make in your life letting that weight off your shoulders.

Your home

Obviously, the chances of being able to sell your home and move right now are pretty slim. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to put up with a home that makes you feel worse. Whether it’s stress from clutter and mess or a bigger issue with something like damp, there are always things that you can do to make your home a more positive space. It’s often a simple and small change but one that can have a big impact.

The reality of trying to be healthy is that it’s never going to be easy. There are plenty of things in life where the easy option is often the one that sacrifices your health. Whether that’s eating a plate of junk food, indulging in some unhealthy behaviors, or neglecting certain things that you should be doing. The truth is that, for the most part, there really isn’t anything wrong with the occasional slip up when it comes to your health. Slipping on your diet or avoiding a couple of workout days every now and then really isn’t going to have that much of a negative impact on your life. Of course, that doesn’t apply to the current situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The reality is that it’s all of our responsibilities to make sure that we’re following all of the correct procedures. There are plenty of aspects of your health that you can ignore from time to time, but for the good of both yourself and everyone else around you, the rules of social distancing and washing your hands simply aren’t one of them.

Throughout the lockdown you might be missing your regular trips to the hair salon, getting your mani-pedi done or pamper days at the spa. However, there are certain things that you can do at home that will ensure that you’re maintaining your beauty regime while staying safe from the virus.

A beneficial way of practicing your self-care, it will make you feel relaxed and pampered – something that everyone could do with during this time. Just like maintaining your fitness routine, it will bring a sense of normality to quarantine life.

But where do you start? Here are 5 tips that you can use to help you to keep up your beauty regime throughout the next few months.

  1. Keep Moisturized 

Being inside all of the time can cause havoc to your skin – whether you’re constantly turning the heating or air conditioning up. So the key to happy skin is to keep it moisturized. This should be done both at night and in the morning. Ensuring that your skin is healthy and doesn’t become dry, you’ll feel more refreshed and ready to start the day.

Moisturizer, face creams, serums and more can also be easily ordered online, so you don’t have to worry about venturing into your local store (for example on Pharmacy Online).

  1. Make DIY Face/Hair Masks

If you’re used to purchasing hair and face masks from your local store, well you’ll be pleased to know that you can create your own at home with a small number of ingredients. The perfect opportunity to get crafty in the kitchen, they will give your hair/face the nourishment and moisture they need. 

For a face mask, you could use a variety of ingredients, including avocado, honey and natural yogurt. For a hair mask, you could use honey, aloe vera gel and lemon (amongst other wonderful, natural ingredients.

  1. Run a Bath With Essential Oils

The ultimate way to unwind is with a long, hot soak in the tub. Rejuvenating the skin, you’ll feel calm and at ease afterwards. If you really want to treat yourself, as well as adding essential oils to the tub, you could use a body scrub while in it or a body lotion afterwards. 

  1. Treat Your Nails To A Manicure 

As aforementioned, you’re probably missing getting your nails done at the salon. But there are kits that you can use to create the manicure-look at home. 

If you normally love to get your nails done, this will help you to achieve a similar look, while the lockdown continues. There are so many tutorials and step-by-step guides online that will help you to do this too.

  1. Give Up The Makeup

Although applying makeup throughout the lockdown might make you feel as though life’s normal, it will only damage your skin in the long term. So, as part of your beauty regime, why not give the makeup a miss for a while? This will give your skin time to breathe and will make it feel so much more refreshed.

We put a lot of expectations on ourselves but there’s one thing that we’re all constantly told to do from an early age: grow up. Many of us just kind of assume that feeling like a real grown-up is something that inevitably happens with time but the truth is that this isn’t actually the case. A lot of people end up in adulthood while still feeling like they don’t really know what they’re doing. If you want to start feeling like a grown-up, you have to start taking responsibility for your life. Here are just a few ways that you can do that and start feeling like a real adult.

Get involved in local politics

Snore! I’m sure that’s what you might be saying at the thought of local politics. Politics can be pretty dry at the best of times. And local politics doesn’t even have the newsworthy glamor of a national election. But, believe it or not, local governments have a surprisingly serious effect on your life. The best thing that you can do is make sure you’re aware of who your local representatives are and how you can contact them. Making changes in government might seem too big for any person to make a difference but getting involved at a local level is a great place to start.

Take care of your health 

One of the hardest lessons that many people have to learn is that their health is something they have to take an active part in looking after. If you don’t you could end up in some seriously unpleasant situations. It’s time to start taking care of every aspect of your health. Whether that involves getting in touch with a place like the McCrae Dental Surgery in order to take care of your teeth, to contacted your doctor to discuss any issues that you’re having with your mental health, it’s something you should never ignore. Ignoring your health is a fast way to make sure that your life never feels entirely in your hands.

Stay active

In the same way that your health is something you have control over, the way you feel on a day to day is just as much in your hands. Living a more active life is an essential ingredient when it comes to getting everything you can out of life. You’ll have more energy, you’ll feel better about yourself, and your body will be happier and healthier than ever before. An active lifestyle is often a lot easier to achieve than many people assume and it can make you feel like you have more control over your life.

A lot of the things that come with feeling like a real adult aren’t exactly the most exciting things in the world but that’s the reality of living in the modern world. If you want to start feeling like you have more control over your life then the first step is to acknowledge just how much control you have over the direction that it takes. Once you can to that, you’ll start feeling like you’re far more in charge of your own life.