Signs You’re Running On Empty

In today’s world, people seem to see business and stress as some kind of a badge of honor. But it shouldn’t be. We shouldn’t wait until we’re at the edge of physical and mental exhaustion before we take a break. 

It’s important for our mental and physical health that we look after ourselves. You might not think you’re tired because you don’t have a super stressful job, or have anything to really worry about. But the fact is, just having to be constantly switched on almost 24/7 takes its toll. It might be less easy to anticipate that being constantly stressed or your mental health is suffering, but it can still happen. 

Your skin is suffering

Skin is often a great insight into overall health.  If you’re starting to get run down, it can react by breaking out into spots, or going completely in the other direction and becoming dry and flaky. You might find you’re getting more cold sores or mouth ulcers and find yourself needing ulcer cream to treat them. Either way, it’s not ideal and can really dent your confidence. 

You’re moody

If find yourself with a shorter fuse than usual, or a bit weepy, then your tiredness is having an effect on your mood. If you feel that it is more than a simple case of burning the candle at both ends, speak to a professional that can help you. Mood swings can really cause issues with friends and loved ones if they persist. 

Your digestion is all over the place 

Tiredness and stress can cause all sorts of problems with your stomach. If you already live with IBS or a similar condition, it can exacerbate them. More often than not, it will manifest as indigestion, bloating, or issues going to the toilet. Not ideal. 

You can’t stabilize your weight

Lack of sleep and too many stress hormones can throw our metabolism out of whack. Add to that you’re probably not taking the time to eat properly, you’ll find yourself putting on a few unwanted pounds, or losing them through lack of proper nutrition. 

What can you do to slow down? 

Not everyone has the luxury of just being able to take a complete break from everything (but if you do, take it). Some time away on vacation can work wonders, but only if you completely relax.  Find ways to take any stress or responsibility out of your life. Have you volunteered for too many things? Spend far too much time doomscrolling on social media? The answer is usually different for everyone. Some overworked people choose to hire in help for things like cleaning and gardening so that their free time isn’t spent on chores. For others, hiring a childminder a few times a week can take the pressure off 24/7 childcare and allow them to concentrate on themselves or other tasks they aren’t getting done. 

Don’t feel guilty about trying to reduce your life workload. If it makes you a happier and less stressed person, that’s a good thing. 

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