Leading the Most Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle You Can!

In the past, many of us were completely unaware of the ways that our actions impacted the planet. Nowadays, few of us can plead ignorance. We’re told time and time again that we need to start living more environmentally friendly lifestyles in order to minimise the damage we create. Climate change is speeding up and we’re genuinely starting to see negative consequences. So, what can you do to be a bit mindful of Earth and lead an eco-friendly lifestyle? Well, there are countless changes you can make. But those listed below provide a pretty good starting point!

Switch to a Green Energy Supplier

We’re all well aware that fossil fuels aren’t sustainable and they are contributing greatly to environmental degradation. It’s bizarre that we’re still using them widely when there are so many better and greener options out there! Plus, these options are becoming increasingly easily available. When your current energy tariff comes to an end, make sure to switch to a green energy supplier. They will be able to fuel your home with energy that is sustainable and sourced in a much more eco-friendly way. The good news is that green energy suppliers are often cheaper too! For the best deal possible, make use of a price comparison site. This will pull up the best deals and the lowest rates in your local area, helping you to choose the right green provider for your needs!

Generate Your Own Energy

Of course, generating your own energy is an option too! Solar panels tend to be the most popular method. You have them fitted to the roof of your house or another sunny area and generate your own green energy independently!

Avoid Fast Fashion

Fast fashion has acted like a plague on the environment. Put simply, it’s low cost clothing that is created for one time use, or isn’t of a standard that will last many wears. People buy it because it’s cheap. But by throwing out outfit after outfit, you’re contributing to landfill and creating more emissions through increased numbers of manufacturing processes. So, instead, opt for more sustainable clothing. Take a look at Etiko Fair Trade Sustainable Clothing as a great example. Buying from companies like this can make all the difference to the planet.


Another step that the eco-friendly amongst us should also be taking is recycling. Now, this is simple and most areas have some sort of recycling collection, so please make the effort if these collections are available to you. Simply separate your waste into separate bins for paper, tin, plastic and general household waste that cannot be recycled. You could even use organic waste to create your own compost!

These are just a few suggestions you can try out to make your lifestyle a little more eco-friendly. There are countless more steps that you could take into consideration, but these are pretty easy to implement and can have great results!

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