September Is The New January – Small Resolutions

With the back-to-school feeling that takes over the whole society around now, it’s no wonder that September has become the new January for resolutions. If you’ve failed to keep your New Year’s resolutions, how about making the most of the feeling of renewal and fresh start of the back-to-school / back-to-work period? Now is the perfect time to sit down and start considering the small changes you could make to improve your life day after day. It doesn’t have to be big, especially if you haven’t changed your deadline – by next year. But sometimes all it takes to improve your home, your health and your mind is to take the first step in the right direction. The rest will then follow.

Your home

If you wanted to make the most of the new year to change your home and make it a better place, it’s not too late to start. You might not have time to lengthy projects, but it’s more than enough to make small changes that keep you motivated.

The little aesthetic touches

The appearance of your home is what creates the first impression. Whether you are trying to sell, or simply to fall back in love with your home, creating a neutral look can be helpful to maximize its unique features. Make your home a blank canvas for you to paint again, or for future homeowners if you’re putting the house on the market. Start with the garden, the first thing that people see, and turn it back to its green splendor with natural grass. Then why not paint your external wall to revive the house and make it stand out in the street.

The safety additions

The look is one thing, but your security is another. Keeping your home secure doesn’t need the installation of complex and expensive alarm systems. Sometimes, all you need is a set of sturdy doors for your front entrance, and for your garage. As silly as it might sound, a solid and modern door can discourage many burglary attempts. Another good tip is to change your windows, especially if they’re old and without double glazing. These can be far too easy to force, or even to break, to intruders.

The comfort gadgets

How about enjoying the warmth inside while it’s rainy and cold outside. The cold weather might not have started yet, but it’s for sure on its way and within a few weeks Fall will be there. So you need to make sure that your home is comfortable and stays warm – without breaking the bank – it might be a good idea to consider a smartphone-controlled system

Your health

Your health is precious, and you need to look after it if you want to maintain it. However, it’s often easy to fall back into bad habits. But every little change you make in September will build up towards a healthier you.

No more unhealthy food habits

So you’ve decided to eat healthy food this year, and somehow you’ve found your way back to your worst junk food craving habits. It can be difficult to ditch processed food when you think of your favorite pack of crisps or a nice pizza. But you’d be pleased to know that these cravings are controlled by your brain in the same manner than addictions are. You can train your brain to hate junk food. Start with the basics: Don’t buy food that is likely to be unhealthy – no more than five ingredients on the label. If you don’t buy it, you can’t eat it! Transform an unhealthy treat into a healthy choice, by making your treat a nice fruit for example.

Small and regular workouts for all


Every New Year’s it’s the same thing: You swear to workout, and you never come around to it. Don’t postpone it any longer and start with something simple today. Setting realistic goals, such as being active throughout the day by avoiding lifts and motorized transports for short distances, can help you to get used to sports. Then make sure to schedule your workout sessions to fit in your everyday life like any other appointment. It’s easier to stick to it!

Train yourself to better sleep

Do you know how many people struggle with sleep? So you can learn to relax with a pre-bed routine as you will rapidly feel more energized day after day. Practicing relaxation exercises and deep breathing before bed can help your body and mind to release negative tensions. Or if you worry too much to sleep, write down a list of your worries so that you can address them efficiently.


Mental health is often ignored in everyday life. But if you’ve found yourself struggling with feeling happiness in your life, or too stressed out to enjoy yourself, then it’s time to take the first steps towards your recovery. You might need in the longer term to change your job or to address personal issues to find happiness, but it doesn’t hurt to soothe the mind first.

Relax with a creative hobby

Creative hobbies are extremely relaxing for the mind as they help you to express your emotion through the power of creation. There are plenty of artistic hobbies that can help you to free your mind. If you’re the kind of person who loves to stay organized, you should try keeping a bullet journal, as these can be very rewarding for the mind and for the eyes too! More of an artistic soul? Try to make paper flowers. They’re tricky, but they look stunning!  

Take some me time

You need some time by yourself to reboot your brain and your soul. Me time is essential to your happiness and your sanity. Don’t be afraid to reserve some time for yourself; it’ll make you feel better in your skin.

In the end, what’s stopping you from making the little changes in your life to improve your home, your health, and your mind now? Don’t wait until Next Year to build a better you!

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