World cuisine can do so much more than pamper our sense of taste; it can also open new doors to different cultures and traditions, each of which has fantastic stories about the value of food to our lives. According to research by The American Culinary Traveler, around 88.2% of people consider gastronomy a defining element of travel destinations. If you are seeking inspiration for the perfect spot to visit, take a look at our small selection of food trends worth trying!

Around the world in a day

If you love Mexican, Japanese, or Spanish food, why choose just one? Savvy restaurants like El Celler de Can Roca in Spain are offering bites from different culinary traditions in one elaborate tasting menu. How does starting your meal with a burrito with mole and guacamole sound, followed by a Turkish vine leaf tartlet with lentil puree, eggplant and spices sound? China is next, then Morocco, Korea, and more influences that are well loved by sophisticated palates that enjoy exciting and surprising ingredients.

Probiotics: You are what you eat

The health and organic food industries are booming across the globe, with Europe and the U.S. making up the biggest demands for foods that feed the body, mind, and soul. Probiotic dishes, containing live bacteria and yeasts wielding a wealth of benefits, are making their way into sophisticated and family restaurants alike. One Arizona restaurant, Farm & Craft, has a wellness menu that incorporates probiotic classics like kombucha into dishes and beverages alike. Founder Ryan Hibbert notes that wellness offerings “focus on four main topics for optimal health: increasing your daily probiotic intake, boosting your immune system, reducing your stress level and enhancing an antioxidant diet.” In London, meanwhile, diners are raving over dishes like spinach and tofu miso soup or pork served with vegetables and kimchi, at Gaya restaurant.

Food swaps

In line with the penchant for health foods come substitutions for carb-rich or refined ingredients. Think cauliflower for pizza crust, spiralized zucchini for pasta, and dates mixed with orange juice instead of syrup. As noted by strategic food designer, Marielle Bordewijk, Magioni’s cauliflower pizza crusts and Halo Top’s Non-Dairy, Vegan ice-cream (made with coconut milk, prebiotic fiber and other healthy ingredients) are doing a roaring trade. It is relatively easy to opt for low-sugar, low-starch foods these days, with restaurants and supermarkets alike providing inspiration for healthier home cooking.

Haute cuisine tapas

Gourmets across the globe love Spanish tapas (small dishes served alongside great wine or Cava), but these days, presentation is everything. This is evident in restaurants like Bodega 1900, opened in Barcelona by master chef Albert Adrià (brother of ‘Father of Molecular Cuisine’, Ferran Adrià). Sa Brisa Gastro Bar in Ibiza, meanwhile, serves traditional tapas in a brand new way, using ingredients native to countries like Peru or Japan and presenting each dish as though it were a piece of contemporary art.

We have mentioned just a few food trends taking over the gastronomic world but there are so many more – including the penchant for regional cuisine, purely plant-based dishes, and eco packaging for foods. Travel is the best way to experiences these trends, taking home their influences to whip up dishes your friends and family will love. In general, health and sustainability will be big, and as for artistry – isn’t all great food a work of art?

I tried to meal prep for the next week on Easter Weekend and it worked out pretty well. For the last 3 weeks, I went to the fresh produce market every Saturday morning to get fresh food for the coming week. Cooking for one or two people can be time consuming so I used to eat out all the time but now I’m order and hopefully smarter, it has to change for better.

I’m still working out what food is best for my body and how much to buy and cook for the next week because I’ve never really been organised in this area.

I bought pork ribs, chunks of lean beef and made 2 kinds of pork rib soup, one with Winter Melon and the other with Seaweed. The are supposed to be full of nutritions and hopeful will help with my bowel movement too. Last week, I didn’t have much meat and ended up suffering from no bowel moment at all! Well, some people are not meant to be vegetarian. Obviously!

I also made beef stew with red onions, tomatoes and carrots. It tasted delicious! I’ve definitely eaten too much this weekend.

In terms of green vegetables, I bought English spinach and baby buk choy. They are pretty good for simple stir fry with garlic and spring onions.

Oh, don’t forget seafood. I grew up eating lots of seafood so fish will always be in my weekly menu.

I’ve tried a lot of everything and packed the rest in containers, ready for the new week. Let’s see if I can stick with my prepared food next week and not to go out to buy take away again!




It often feels like we’re nothing but compromises when it comes to eating well. You could have a delicious steak on the table, or you could opt for a salad. It doesn’t take a food lover to see that this isn’t quite a fair trade! But here’s the thing: very often, it’s not about making big changes, ones that fundamentally change your enjoyment of the meal. In many cases, there’s a healthier alternative available; not replacement, alternative. Below, we take a look at some of the easy food substitutions that will have you eating well, without losing any flavour – indeed, some of these alternatives are even tastier than the originals!

Get Rid of Potato Crisps

It’s understandable that we have a packet of something to hand when we’re at home, watching a movie on a chilly evening. But do they always have to be fattening options? No! If you’re determined to have potato chips, then switch to baked chips as opposed to fried; they’re much healthier. You can also make super healthy options, such as apple chips and kale chips, in your own kitchen. Kale chips in particularly delicious; throw on some salt and you won’t go back to regular chips.

Dairy Products

In our coffees, in our foods; dairy products make up a large part of our diets. If you’re still plugging away with full-fat milk, then it’s high time you make the switch to 2% or less. It doesn’t quite have the creaminess of the 4% stuff, but it’s far from a poor alternative – indeed, you likely won’t notice. When it comes to cheese in things like salads, take a look at marinated fetta cheese. It’s delicious and is known as the “world’s healthiest cheese” by the people who monitor such things. Nice!

Go Darker Green

You’re hopefully eating a lot of greens anyway, but you would be helping yourself if you make the switch to darker greens. While things like lettuce and other watery greens are fine, things like spinach, kale, and watercress are jam-packed with nutrients and minerals. They’re typically tastier too, so you’ll be improving your meals at the same time, too.

Try Veggie Equivalents

Now, we know that some people don’t want to follow a vegetarian diet, but there are benefits to making a few subtle changes. A veggie burger, for example, is much better for you than a hamburger, and can be truly delicious – especially if they’re homemade! In things like curries and chilies, leave the meat out altogether – it adds very little to a dish which is all about the flavor.

Avocado Over Mayo

Finally, our favourite one – an excuse to eat even more avocados! When it comes to your sandwiches, leave the mayo in the fridge, and instead spread avocado. It’s a delicious, healthy option.

If you’re looking to slim down, or just all-around ensure that you’re getting everything your body needs to feel well, make sure you’re topping up your cupboards and fridges with the ingredients above.



Cereal is as simple a breakfast as it can get. You just get a bowl and fill it with cereal, splash some milk on it, and you’re ready to go. However, there are other ways to enjoy this humble grain. Here are just a few ideas to get you thinking outside the (cereal) box.

Use Other Kinds of Milk

There are a LOT of delicious plant-based milks you can pour over your cereal to give it a boost in nutrition. There’s almond milk that’s rich in vitamin E, oat milk that’s full of calcium, and rice milk that’s full of vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, and selenium. Pregnant women can enjoy a boost of folate with hazelnut milk, while braver souls may want to try coconut milk that may be a bit thinner than whole milk but is rich in lauric acid, a heart-healthy fat.

In addition to making your cereal a lot healthier, using plant-based milk also lends additional flavor to your cereal, making it an even more enjoyable dish.

Use It as a Topping

Looking for unique sprinkles for your cakes and pastries? Crush up some of your favorite cereal and dust it over the icing for some extra color and texture. You can also use them as toppings for ice creams and frozen yogurt — whether you sprinkle them whole or crushed is up to you. You can even coat a banana in some peanut butter (already a match made in heaven) and make it even better by rolling it in some cereal for a satisfying crunch.

Apart from sweet treats, you can also use crushed cereals instead of peanuts to top dishes like casseroles and gratins.

Use It as a Breading or Binder

Tired of those store-bought, pre-made breading for pork chops and chicken? Why not give it a unique upgrade with crushed cereals? Any crispy or crunchy variant will do! Just make sure to use unflavored or at least lightly flavored ones, such as unglazed cornflakes, Cap’n Crunch, or Cheerios. That’s because sugary cereals will caramelize quickly under high heat, affecting the taste or the dish.

You can also use crushed cereals as a binder to help keep burgers, croquettes, and meatballs in shape. As an added bonus, these dishes will also have more interesting flavors and textures. Cornflakes and bran are the best candidates for this cooking job.

Make Cereal Milk

Chef Christina Tosi of Momofuku scored a homerun with cereal milk: an ice-cold treat that’s both cereal and milk! Good news is that you don’t have to travel all the way to New York City to get a taste of this culinary wonder. Just get yourself some corn flakes, brown sugar, a bit of salt, and whole milk for a simple yet tasty DIY cereal milk recipe. There are many other variations you can find online if you want to achieve different flavors!

unique way to enjoy cereals

Prepare a Trail Mix

Instead of munching on chips while bingeing on your favorite TV series, why not make your own trail mix with some whole grain cereals, peanuts, sliced almonds, raisins, and maybe some dried fruits like mangoes, blueberries, and raspberries? Not only is it healthier, it’s also tastier and more colorful! Add some pieces of chocolates, mini marshmallows, and chewy candies for a little sweet treat.

Use it as a Cake or Pie Crust

Making a dessert crust out of cereal is as simple as crushing it and mixing it with butter and sugar (you can skip the sugar if you’re using sweetened or flavored cereal). Depending on the dessert you’re making, you can use different types of cereal, like chocolate-flavored ones for chocolate cakes or vanilla flakes for cream or s’mores pies. If you want, you can even use high-fiber cereal for a healthier take on desserts.

And there you have it. Who would have thought that this morning mainstay can be enjoyed beyond the breakfast bowl? Have you used cereals in other culinary masterpieces?


Sometimes, we all need a little help in the morning. Caffeine has been being used for this purpose for thousands of years, providing a boost on the days when sleep alone doesn’t quite seem to have been able to get the job done.


For most of us, caffeine comes from a single source: coffee. Coffee consumption has reached almost cultish levels; have you ever seen the number of different items you can buy, proclaiming your love for coffee? Drink coffee, it seems, and you confirm yourself as a sophisticated adult.

The problem is, drinking the same beverage day in and day out can get a little… well… boring. Yet you’re in need of a caffeine fix, so you stick with the coffee because what else can you do?

Well, here are a few options for caffeinated beverages that don’t include coffee in the line up. Why not see if something sounds tempting enough for you to want to give it a try?

  1. Green Tea

Okay, so, green tea. Let’s be real about this. Green tea is not nice. Few – if any – people have ever tried their first sip of green tea and muttered: “ooh that’s good!”. Even when compared to even the bitterest of coffees, it’s still not going to come out on top.

However, green tea is caffeinated. Not as much as coffee – you’d need to drink three cups of green tea for the same amount of caffeine as found in a single coffee – but it’s there. There are various ways to make green tea more palatable as well, such as honey and a slice of lemon. Given that green tea also has a myriad of health benefits, it’s worth considering.

  1. Chai Latte


You may be familiar with the word ‘latte’, but chances are you primarily associate it with coffee. However, the Chai latte is a different beast; for a start, it’s made from tea rather than coffee. It’s a unique taste that still has the delicious creaminess of the coffee version. Along with a gorgeous blend of spices, it’s comforting and tasty, while having a little zing to it also.

There’s plenty of caffeine to be found in a Chai latte as well. Again, it’s not quite as much as coffee, but it’ll be enough to perk you up when you need some help in the morning.

  1. Pu-erh Tea

As our final option, let’s explore something a little more esoteric. Unless you’re a real tea aficionado, chances are you’ve never heard of Pu-erh tea. While it is slowly making its way into markets around the world, it’s still something of a hidden secret.

Pu-erh is Chinese in origin – and if any nation knows their tea, it’s the Chinese. Unlike regular black or green tea, Pu-erh goes through a different – and longer – fermentation process. The result is a delicious tea with a malt kick to it. If you have trouble sourcing Pu-erh tea, your best option might be eBay – you can usually buy it loose leaf and then brew it yourself.

So while coffee may rule the roost, there are plenty of other options for your caffeine fix – so why not give one a try?


Food, glorious food. It’s a fundamental feature of living a healthy life, and is also one of the simple pleasures that can be enjoyed alone or with friends and family. Frankly, it’s significance in our world should not be ignored for a second.

We all love a treat at great restaurants, especially when there’s a cause for celebration. When it comes to daily eating habits, though, avoiding negative influences is essential. Here are four very common mistakes, along with what you can do to overcome them.


#1. Not Understanding Intolerances

The right diet isn’t all about giving your body the nutrients it craves. It’s equally important that you protect it from things it doesn’t like. If you often feel unwell or bloated after eating, you may have an intolerance to gluten, dairy, or something else. These are more common than ever before, so being tested is essential.

In truth, you’ll probably know about dangerous situations from a very early age. However, the discomfort of eating foods that your body rejects can be telling. Educate yourself on your body’s reactions, and you will not go far wrong. Even if the upshot means spending more on groceries, it’s worth it for greater happiness.

#2. Confusing Thirst With Hunger

There’s no doubt that overeating is one of the most common mistakes that people tend to make. In many cases, it’s because people fall victim to making food when they actually want a drink. Correcting this issue can make a world of difference.

Another regular problem is to consume empty calories with energy drinks and sodas. Drink tea instead. Once you’ve found the best ones for your taste preferences, you’ll never struggle to remain refreshed.


#3. Skipping Breakfast

Whether you’re bothered about body image or not, ignoring the most important meal of the day is a huge error. After an entire night of not eating, your metabolism needs a boost. Even if it’s only a small meal, you must eat something. Otherwise, you’ll be lacking energy while the body can enter starvation mode too.

Besides, not eating now will encourage you to eat larger quantities throughout the day. This can be a major issue for those looking to lose weight but is also problematic for those that aren’t. There’s nothing worse than eating yourself into feeling uncomfortable and bloated. This is especially true when heartburn arrives.

#4. Overcooking Food

Most people are concerned about undercooking their food, especially when it comes to meats. In reality, though, overcooking can be just as damaging. Learn about the risks of overcooking to see those links to cancer and other deadly causes. It’s simply far too important to ignore.

It might be down to personal preferences, but most people believe overcooked food to be less tasty too. After all, the burnt elements will overpower the taste of natural ingredients. For the sake of your enjoyment, as well as your health, avoiding this issue is essential. Because you deserve the best eating experience possible.

In the early part of the 20th century, Western cuisine was slightly mundane and less adventurous than it now. The younger generation can’t even contemplate not having the plethora of cuisine choice they do now as so many people didn’t have. The thought of eating raw fish was thought of as not just strange, but it carried with it a stigma of uncivilized eating. Who would have thought that America would become the home away from home for so many sushi chefs plying their trade. Yet, now this Japanese delicacy has become synonymous with fine dining and those who know their fish are seen as cultured and sophisticated. The food was made palatable for the North American audiences by not using such strong and pungent flavored fish. This caught on particularly in Hollywood, with the advent of the ‘California Roll.’ From cozy residential neighborhoods to high-rise apartment buildings, most people of every wealth class enjoys the unique combination of fish and rice.


Masa, New York City

Are you a sushi fanatic looking to tour some of the finest Japanese cuisine outside of Japan? New York City, the undeniable hotspot for the best sushi on the East Coast. Masa Takayama is a sushi master, with a calm, precise and instinctive knife hand. His fugu sashimi which includes delicate cuts of liver is well worth the $450-per-person tariff for the particular menu it features in. The generous helping of rich, black caviar seems to justify the price of admission. Masa’s stuffed maki rolls are juicy and the salt of the sea explodes in your mouth with each bite. His pride and joy is located in Manhattan’s Time Warner Centre, so expect to be surrounded by sophisticated architecture and people who follow traditional customs.

Naoe, Miami

Miami is a city of Cuban influence and sunshine is almost treated as the currency, as the bright beach culture is what has made it be the everlasting image. Sushi lovers will be can enjoy a little slice of heaven made by the hands of Kevin Cory also known as the Omakase King. Forbes’ Travel Guide gave the establishment a five-star review, and it’s plain to see why. There’s a horse mackerel dish topped with freshly grated wasabi. Some of the best fresh-roasted basted eel and cured squid sushi you’ll ever find anywhere. The careful selection of ingredients goes hand in hand with the restaurant’s ethos of Japanese customs of politeness and dedication to the craft.

eel japanese

Photo by – Ron Dollete

Sushi Zo, Los Angeles

A taste of American-Japanese cuisine just wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the West Coast. For some time it was a secret, but chef Keizo Seki has a no-nonsense traditional sushi chef approach that has lured in a more refined class of sushi lover. Somewhat of a purest, Seki’s course of expertly cut and seasoned nigiri is one of the staples of the restaurant. With beautifully presented dishes of seaweed and raw crab, you’ll want to savour every bite of the internationally sourced produce at Sushi Zo.

I’ve always wanted to check out Sunshine Coast area, especially Noosa Heads because many people have mentioned that it’s stunning up there. It’s a 3 hours to drive from Broadbeach to Noosa Heads so during my last trip to QLD in May, I finally went to Noosa Heads for a day trip.  The beach is nice and the rainforest walk is pleasant but compared to many other stunningly beautiful places in the world, it’s lacking the wow factor in my eyes. But still, there are some pretty corners worth taking a picture or two and I really like the relaxed atmosphere there.

Noosa Heads-4

Noosa Heads main Noosa Heads-2

Noosa Heads

Noosa Heads-3

Oh you know what was the highlight of the trip? Betty’s Burgers.

I tried the Betty’s Classic and Betty’s Classic Stack. They are not just ordinary burgers, they are exceedingly tasty burgers! Can’t wait for Betty’s Burgers to come to Sydney.


It’s a staple and one of the most widely enjoyed meals by meat-lovers around the world. Sometimes, nothing scratches the itch or fills you up just as much as steak does. But the truth is that a lot of people simply cook it wrong. If you’re ever making steak for you and your friends, you need to make sure you do it right.

serving steak

It’s an involved process

There’s a set order to preparing a steak and failing it is a big mistake. For instance, you need to take it out of the fridge before cooking and let it come to room temperature so it cooks exactly as even as you want it to. Make sure you season it before you throw it on the pan too. Otherwise, it’s not going to be seasoned so much as dusted with added touches that will likely fall off it while it’s being cut up and eaten. You can season it as it cooks and releases the juices, too, with things like butter and thyme. Six minutes is the optimal cooking time for a medium-rare steak, but it’s not going to turn out well unless you turn it every minute. Finally, when it’s done, don’t serve it immediately. Let it sit on a hot plate for a minute so the juices can gather before you start carving and serving.

It’s all about the contrast

Few things taste better than a juicy, well-made steak. But it’s a taste that you can get bored of if you don’t have the right contrast. It’s not enough to just serve a steak with a simple staple like potatoes. The best sides are a little more flavoursome, Pearl onions, and add a tart sweetness that does well to liven up the heavier taste of steak.

Different cuts deserve different wines

If you’re serving wine with your steak, then it’s good to base the choice off what cut you’re serving. We all know red wine goes best with steak, but there are plenty of different kinds of red wines. With leaner cuts, like top sirloin, then you want something light like Shiraz. For fattier cuts like a porterhouse, it’s all about those sweet, tannin-riddle flavours like a cabernet or maybe even a port.

Counteract the bloating

Steak is very filling. If you have even a few ingredients that cause bloating to go along with it, it can really make the post-dinner relaxation very uncomfortable. Instead, counteract it by serving the meal with tomatoes or asparagus. A banana and blueberry fruit pot after or even a cup of green tea can help people regain some control over their belly after they’ve had such a big meal.

When it’s done wrong, steak is more of a chore than something to enjoy. It’s not a pleasant eating experience and it can make you feel a little worse for the wear after. Make sure you know how to serve steak properly before you start throwing poorly prepared slabs of meat at everybody.

Earlier this year I caught up with the girls for lunch at Hotel Palisade – the Henry Deane rooftop cocktail Bar.

It was a scorching hot summer day with a temperature reaching nearly 40 Celsius degrees.  When I finally managed to get there with sweat streaming down from my face and all over my body, I realised there’s no air conditioning on the rooftop. Fear not, there was a  good old fan and the sweeping harbour views were enough for us to admire.

Henry Deane Rooftop Cocktail Bar 2017-04-07 09.45.42The food portion was very small and dishes were relatively dear but at least they were beautifully presented – smart phone snaps could not do it justice of course. Not a singly drop of hot beverage was served here but don’t forget, it’s a cocktail bar after all. The cocktails could really live up to their reputation as many people were just here for a drink or two.

2017-04-07 09.47.39 Earlier this year I caught up with the girls for lunch at Hotel Palisade - the Henry Deane rooftop cocktail Bar.

Deserts were yummy

Deserts were yummy

Two hours time limit were placed for the seating so we wrapped up our conversation when it was our time to leave and moved to somewhere else.

It was so good to catch up with the girls and I always appreciate new experiences but it was slightly unpleasant to feel hot and hurried. There are some places that make you feel like you want to go back again and again. As to some other places, maybe visiting once is enough:).


British cuisine is known for its specific set of cooking traditions, which have been passed down for centuries. Regardless of what the French might think of English cooking, they can pack a punch, given that they are made with fresh local ingredients, matched with simple sauces to accentuate the flavour, rather than disguise it. British food has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish. It is generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable.

Even the full English breakfast is a mighty meal by itself. It is delicious and usually inexpensive. To enjoy this meal and many others to the fullest, stay at great value budget hotels in Earls Court, such as Hotel Lily, which offers a breakfast that consists of sausages, mushrooms, eggs, tomatoes, potatoes and more.

5 Traditional Dishes to Try While in London

Here are five must try dishes during your stay in the capital of the UK:

      1. Fish & Chips: Traditional Fish & Chips has been on the top of any foodie’s list for not just decades, but maybe centuries, for times when they visit London. The dish is a combination of fried battered fish and hot chips. They are often garnished with salt and vinegar and are traditionally eaten with mushy peas.
      1. Sunday Roast with Yorkshire Pudding: A true British classic, the Sunday Roast is typically served on Sunday, as the name suggests. It consists of roasted meat, potatoes, vegetables, gravy, and accompanied by Yorkshire Pudding. The pudding is made of batter consisting of eggs, flour and milk or water. You’ll find this dish in the menu of almost all cheap & budget hotels in Earls Court. The size of the dish is such that you might find it difficult to finish all by yourself!
      1. Pie and Mash: This has been the staple diet of Londoners for centuries. It is traditional working-class food that originated inthe city itself. The dish has come a long way from the simple steak and kidney pie to pork pies. You’ll have a whole plethora of pie types to choose from in Britain. The pie is served with a pile of creamy mashed potatoes and lashings of gravy.
      1. Eton Mess: A traditionalEnglish dessert, this dish is a fabulous mix of crushed meringue, whipped heavy cream and strawberries. However, several variants are made using different kinds of fruits or with ice cream instead of simple cream. But nothing can beat the classic strawberry version.
      1. Beef Wellington: Moorish, flaky and filling, Beef Wellington is a standard British classic, made of filet steak, covered with pate and duxelles. It is then wrapped in a puff pastry and baked. However, the tenderloin may be sliced into individual portions prior to wrapping and baking. Spices like allspice and ginger are added to enhance the flavour.


Eton messFor a great experience and best value, stay at the reputable budget hotels near Earls Court Station. And, the next time you visit London, don’t miss out on enjoying the ultimate British tradition, the afternoon tea, which begins with a glass of champagne-rose. Accompanied with finger sandwiches and scones, lathered with fig and strawberry jam, along with pastries that include a tangy citrus meringue and pistachio profiterole. The list goes on!


So they say Duck at Tang Hui is exceptional and it didn’t disappoint, though the instruction of dipping duck’s crispy skin in white sugar as a “traditional Chinese way of eating” was a bit odd. Because, being a Chinese coming from Northern China where this kind of duck cooking originated from, I’ve never seen or heard anyone ate duck skin with white sugar. I know, I know, Chinese food has this reputation of being unhealthy so fat + sugar seemed legit, right?:)


Tang Hui has rather grand interior decoration and dim lights at dinner time. Needless to say the ambience is excellent.





For entrees, we ordered:

One Whole Beijing Duck with pancakes;


Triple-fried Crispy Calamari;


Wok Fried Grade 7+ Wagyu Beef with sun dried tomatoes and Vegetables;


Wok-Fried Pork Belly with Sweet & Sour Sauce & Frensh Fruits;


Smoked Salmon with Baby Rocket.


For Main, we ordered the Prawn curry with French chestnuts and Fried Mantao, highly recommended by the staff. Got to say, the prawn curry itself wasn’t that amazing but loved the fried Manto!


Another main we intended to have was the live mud crab but it wasn’t available so we ordered the Wok-fried prawn cutlets in homemade Sichuan Sauce.


For desert, we wanted to try the ice sugar cherry tomato. At $8 per cherry tomato, most people considered it expensive but Tan Hui is marketed as a high end restaurant so nobody wasn’t expect anything less. It turned out that desert wasn’t available either, so instead, we had Walnut Partfai, which was pleasantly delicious, and the Five-hour Poached Pear which tasted just like fruit out of a can.


I didn’t want to be rude to take photos of each dish as they came, preventing everyone from trying the new dish asap. Luckily most photos of the dishes we had are available from Tang Hui’s facebook page. So unless watermarked, photos of many dishes are Tang Hui’s facebook page. Those photos are so much better lit and presented with flower branches and all.

What can we say about Tang Hui restaurant?  The food was reasonably tasty and over priced (if the toilet wasn’t that dirty and smelly, maybe we’d probably let it go). The service was fast and attentive. The 3.4m tall terracotta warrior at the main door is impossible to miss. Overall a great dinning experience indeed.


As a seafood fanatic, I’m delighted to be invited to the Seafood Spectacular again this year.

The Seafood Spectacular is organised by Pyrmont Ultimo Chamber of Commerce offering great creative seafood canapés by 11 local Sydney TAFE apprentice chefs to enhance the 2016 ‘Where the Locals Go’ Guide by the Pyrmont Chamber of Commerce.

I love the venue where The Seafood Spectacular has been always held – the prestigious Sydney Seafood School at the Sydney Fish Market. Love the spacious cooking stations and the chalkboard walls full of pictures of different fishes, recipes and seafood preparing tips.

This year’s seafood canapés were superbly delightful, even exceeding my expectations. I’m glad I had my extra light Fuji camera and a borrowed Fuji 23mm f/2.0Lens with me to capture a few of my favourite dishes in very low light condition while keeping my mouth full.

the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-2 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-3 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-4 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-5 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-6 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-7 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-8 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-9 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-10 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-11 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-12 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-13 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-14 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-15 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016-16 the-pucc-seafood-spectacular-2016

Life has been hectic for me the last couple of months and as a result, I’ve completely given up cooking at home. Who has the time to shop, prepare food, cook, then clean afterwards? Besides, restaurant foods are so tasty! Yeah… you can tell I’ve been quite happy with eating out everyday. Trouble is, my body doesn’t seem to agree with me. Though my stomach is very happy about indulging on seafood, meat & desert all the time, I’ve been feeling lethargic and started to crave for more vegetables.

A balanced diet! That’s what I need right now. “Busy” is truly just my excuse of being lazy. In case I forget what is needed for my empty fridge and deprived body, here’s a list of healthier foods that can be incorporated in my daily diet:

  • Broccoli
  • Nuts
  • Onion
  • Apples
  • Carrotshealthier-diet
  • Tomatoes
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Orange
  • Avocadoavocado

Ok. Let’s go food shopping, shall we?


Shake Shack just opened its 100th location in the world this month – on 16th August 2016, in Boston. It reminded me the first time I tried Shake Shack in New York a few years ago. It was a warm autumn night in Manhattan and I was starting to feel peckish after a day’s exploring in the city. Looking out for somewhere to sit down and have a bite to eat randomly, Shake Shack really stood out in the dark.

From the distance, it looked like a fancy restaurant with elegant glass windows, warm, inviting lights and a catchy name: Shake Shack. That was the first time I’d heard of the name, “Shake Shack”. Out of curiosity, we went into the glass doors to check out what food they had. It turned out to be some sort of burger place, but popular burgers – you could tell from the long queue. It proved to be a good choice. I loved the Pickled Jalapeno burger, the milk shake and those crispy crinkle-cut chips. Oh, also loved having a beer while gazing out those glass windows.

shake shack in new york

A couple of years after I first tried Shake Shack in New York, the company went on public. Obviously it’s become more and more popular over the years. Hopefully one day they’ll open a chain store in Sydney but Shack Shack is so New York. If you are visiting New York the first time, try Shake Shack there. Here are 7 reasons why you must try Shake Shack in New York:

mmexport14713151306641.Tasty food. Burgers at Shake Shack are definitely not boring. The company keeps developing new menus and I love the old favourite pickled Jalapeno burger. Clearly your first choice if you want some punchy flavour in your burger.

mmexport14713158768792. Enjoyable dining environment. Like I mentioned before, Shake Shake chain restaurants look a lot fancier than your average fast food restaurant. Their logo is green and white and every chain restaurant has been decorated with a “fine dinning” feel to it.


3. People are always queuing up for Shake Shack. It’s so not your typical fast food. You’ll have to wait for your food at Shake Shack. Seems that people are happy to wait, no matter how long the queue is. One thing for sure, you’ll never want to eat in an empty restaurant  during peak hours. If people are always happy to wait at Shake Shack, they must have done something right.

mmexport14713158963134. Shake Shack emphasizes its “use of all natural 100% angus beef only and that its meat is completely free of hormones and antibiotics.” So there, at least you know what you are eating.

mmexport14713151387465. It’s fun. A business has to have good products and good marketing strategy to be successful. Shack Shack has both. Never ending clever marketing ideas have surely helped Shake Shack become one of the fastest-growing  food chains since its founding. Who doesn’t want some fun? People love getting involved and sharing their experiences with Shake Shack on social media.

6. Shake shack has The. Best. milk shakes. You just have to try it yourself.

7. It’s also cool to be able to have wine or bottled beer with your burgers and fries from a fast food restaurant. Well it’s not really fast food place, is it? It’s way better than that.

mmexport1471315820329From a hot dog car inside Madison Square Park to publish company with restaurants in 100 locations all over the world, Shake Shack has come a long way. You know what they say now? If you haven’t seen the Statue of Liberty and haven’t had Shake Shack in New York, you haven’t been to New York!

Photos from Internet.