Meal Prep For The Week

I tried to meal prep for the next week on Easter Weekend and it worked out pretty well. For the last 3 weeks, I went to the fresh produce market every Saturday morning to get fresh food for the coming week. Cooking for one or two people can be time consuming so I used to eat out all the time but now I’m order and hopefully smarter, it has to change for better.

I’m still working out what food is best for my body and how much to buy and cook for the next week because I’ve never really been organised in this area.

I bought pork ribs, chunks of lean beef and made 2 kinds of pork rib soup, one with Winter Melon and the other with Seaweed. The are supposed to be full of nutritions and hopeful will help with my bowel movement too. Last week, I didn’t have much meat and ended up suffering from no bowel moment at all! Well, some people are not meant to be vegetarian. Obviously!

I also made beef stew with red onions, tomatoes and carrots. It tasted delicious! I’ve definitely eaten too much this weekend.

In terms of green vegetables, I bought English spinach and baby buk choy. They are pretty good for simple stir fry with garlic and spring onions.

Oh, don’t forget seafood. I grew up eating lots of seafood so fish will always be in my weekly menu.

I’ve tried a lot of everything and packed the rest in containers, ready for the new week. Let’s see if I can stick with my prepared food next week and not to go out to buy take away again!




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