I talk about motivation quite a lot on this blog because it’s not easy to stay motivated all the time.
Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.”

If you are feeling less energetic lately, here are 10 ways to stay motivated.

1. Develop a passion

It’s hard to feel motivated if you don’t feel passionate about something. Passion is what drives us to do things. Can you find at least two consuming passions in your life? It can be cooking, reading, sports, your career or achieving financial security. The more you train your mind to get passionate about things, the more likely you are to feel motivated in your life and geared up to do things.

2. Dream big, but don’t be a big dreamer

Believe it or not,these are two very different things. People who dream big have goals, stay motivated and go for what they want. Whereas people who are big dreamers tend to live in fantasy land rather than going after what they want, because the fantasy is just so nice and enjoyable. It’s much pleasurable to muse it over and play it out in your head than make it real. Have to admit , sadly I belong to the latter category most of the time.

3. Don’t procrastinate all the time

Are yo a big talker? Or some one who always has brilliant ideas but can’t put your plans into action? Like a big dreamer, procrastinating continuously get get you anywhere either. We need less thinking/talking, more doing.

4. Motivate other people

There’s nothing more likely to get you feeling motivated than to motivate others. So be someone’s cheerleader and you’ll discover the power of motivation and how it could work for you. Being a mentor, or positive friend. Help people highlight their strength, build goals and go after their dreams. Try it – you’ll surprised how effective it is.

5. Entice a reward

The trouble having zero motivation is that it makes you feel guilty, bad and fed up with your lack of zest. Change tactics and dangle a carrot in front of your face instead. Enticement of a reward works better as a motivator than guilt, whatever your goad is.

6. Do something everyday

It’s hard to be motivated when you’re overwhelmed by the big picture. Start small and do something every single day. Everyday write down three things you have to that will take you closer to your end goal. The key is consistency. If you are loosing momentum, ask a friend or expert along to help wither to boost your confidence or tackle a task with you. It can help make your task fun, keep your goals upbeat and enable you to see the bigger picture, just when you feel your motivation slipping away.

7. Finish what you start

This is a major motivation tip, because if you have trouble with motivation it’s also likely you have trouble finishing what you start. If his is the case, train yourself to finish things – even if you’ve lost interest. Getting to the end of a task teaches you that you are someone who is capable of completing tasks.

8. Energy yourself

It’s hard to stay focused if you feel tired and exhausted all the time. This means that if you are trying to motivate yourself you need to lose a few of your lazy habits (sorry). Eat well, sleep well, exercise and take vitamins if necessary. You’ll find you have the energy to get up and do things.

9. Surround yourself with go-getting people

Mix with people who have a real verve for life. Notice how your energy flags when you spend time with someone who moans all the time. Or is negative about everything. Motivated people give you energy and make you feel you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Find this type of people and stick to them.

10. Keep going

Stay motivated is hard, especially when the days get hotter and everyone is taking it easy and having a good time. These are days to watch out. While you take a break, don’t take your eyes off the ball or too long. Or else you’ll feel back at square one.

Stay motived.

Explore a Huge Range of Materials

Libraries are full of different reading materials and resources. You have rows upon rows of books to explore, and that’s not all there is. You can also find magazines, comic books, newspapers, and even sometimes areas to listen to music (with headphones). And that’s just what you can find offline.

Take a Break

Libraries can also be great sanctuaries. If you’re looking for somewhere quiet to spend some time, and perhaps to detox from technology, a library is a great choice. Some places in the library will allow for a little more noise, but many are intended for quiet reading, studying, and more.

Attend an Event

You can find a number of events at your local library. They will often offer talks on different subjects, readings from authors, classes and lectures, gatherings for various hobby groups and other fun and interesting events.

Admire the Architecture

At some libraries, one of the best reasons to visit is the architecture. Some modern libraries might not be much to look at, but a library with a lot of history can be a sign to behold. Sometimes you don’t even need to go inside to be impressed.

Infographic Design By University of Southern California

It’s something we may notice as we get older, that we have certain ailments we might think are too late to fix. Or once we’ve entered a new decade of our lives that we’ve got to watch what we eat a little bit more and this may fix a lot of problems. But if you are getting older and you think that it’s time to fix specific problems is it a straightforward approach that you need to implement? What does it really take to fix your health as you get older?

It’s Not About The General Things

If we are at a point in our lives where we really need to start looking at our health in a holistic sense this is when we have to drill deep into specific issues. Partly, this is to do with looking at our health and getting a check-up but also making those appropriate steps in the right direction before it’s too late. If you have a specific ailment or a niggling issue with a part of your body, it’s important to get these things checked out because it could be a symptom of something much more detrimental over time. This is where organizations like Nicholson Health and Wellness can come into play because they are able to look at physical ailments in the round and provide expertise so you can fix these little issues before they get worse. 

Your Mind Affects Your Body

We have to get out of the habit of thinking that they are two different things. There has been a lot of research to show that a positive attitude can help build your immune system. As the saying goes, it is mind over matter. Your mind can affect your body and when you start to implement certain practices that can have a positive effect on your life, your physical health will improve as a result. Whether you are particularly cynical towards something like meditation or mindfulness, even if you can focus on positive thinking or gratitude, this is something that will evoke a sense of wellness throughout your entire life.

Tackle The Science Behind Health

It’s so easy for us to do something because that’s what we “should” do but when we start to drill deeper into the science behind certain approaches to healthiness it could completely shake up your approach to health and wellness. Sure we aren’t all biochemists, but if we start to think about something like physical health and what the right sort of exercise can do for our body this can mean that we have a healthier attitude towards doing the things that are right for our body rather than doing something because we have to follow received wisdom. Exercise is a very good example because we can think that we have to hit the gym 7-days a week in order to receive any sort of benefits, when in fact, it’s all about the right sort of exercise routine. It’s all about giving your body the right signals and something like the Body By Science approach where you only exercise to weaken your muscles so it builds up stronger is something you could take inspiration from.

Fixing your health is such a massive subject that we can worry a lot about it and not really get anything accomplished. But if you start to think about these three approaches perhaps it can springboard you to the right method that will fix your health and happiness.

Gut health is something everyone needs to pay more attention to. “There’s a lot of focus on gut health,” explained nutritionist Jacqueline Alwill, “The gut is the seat of our health and is responsible for our overall health and wellbeing.”

So what exactly is gut health?

Gut health, explained

According to nutritionist Rebecca Reynolds, “in your large intestine, you have trillions of bugs (or microbiotia), and that’s called the gut microbiome”. Problem is there are good and bad microbiotia, and when the bad ones outnumber the good ones your gut falls into a state of dysbiosis, which simply means your gut becomes unhealthy.

An unhealthy gut has been linked to various adverse medical conditions. A Time feature on gut health details how poor gut wellbeing is associated with diabetes, lowered immune function, and heart disease. Gastroenterologist Terry Bolin goes a step further, noting how dysbiosis might play a role in neurological disorders and some cancers. “We believe [gut bacteria] do have a potential role in mental disease, psychological problems, anxiety, depression,” says Professor Bolin. “They do have an influence on weight gain. And they may have a potential influence in preventing cancer and possibly disorders of the colon like colitis.”

Keeping your gut healthy

The good news is that keeping your gut healthy is relatively simple and these three tips can help:

1. Eat more vegetables

In a post on ‘6 Ways To Start Improving Your Gut Health Today’ dietician Chloe McLeod recommends eating more vegetables. “Vegetables provide our body with the nutrients it needs on a day-to-day basis and helps to maintain general health,” explains McLeod. “They also provide fibre to keep the gut healthy and help our body’s systems run more effectively.”

2. Consume prebiotics

You must also consume fibre-rich fruits, like apples, bananas, berries, onion, garlic, and whole grains. These are non-digestible fibre, otherwise known as prebiotics. They are important because they “provide food for the healthy bacteria which are found in our gut.” (For health tips 1 and 2, you might want to get some ideas from the food suggestions we gave in our ’10 Healthy Snack Ideas Perfect For Weekends’ post. The kale and potato chips are easy to make, while the Cinnamon Dusted Apple Chips makes for a delectable dessert.)

3. Take probiotics

An effective and easy way to get more good bacteria in your gut is through probiotics. A guide to probiotics by Parsley Health, describes them as living microorganisms that “can maintain and help restore the balance of power in the gut”. They are especially important if you are suffering from general digestive issues such as diarrhoea, gas, bloating, and constipation, and from more severe gastrointestinal disorders like Crohn’s disease, pouchitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics are readily available and should be a regular part of your diet.

Mind your gut health now

While there is still more to be discovered about gut health, there is more than enough science for you to start eating right. Follow the above steps so you can keep your gut healthy.

Keeping your gut healthy

The good news is that keeping your gut healthy is relatively simple and these three tips can help:

1. Eat more vegetables

In a post on ‘6 Ways To Start Improving Your Gut Health Today’ dietician Chloe McLeod recommends eating more vegetables. “Vegetables provide our body with the nutrients it needs on a day-to-day basis and helps to maintain general health,” explains McLeod. “They also provide fibre to keep the gut healthy and help our body’s systems run more effectively.”

2. Consume prebiotics

You must also consume fibre-rich fruits, like apples, bananas, berries, onion, garlic, and whole grains. These are non-digestible fibre, otherwise known as prebiotics. They are important because they “provide food for the healthy bacteria which are found in our gut.” (For health tips 1 and 2, you might want to get some ideas from the food suggestions we gave in our ’10 Healthy Snack Ideas Perfect For Weekends’ post. The kale and potato chips are easy to make, while the Cinnamon Dusted Apple Chips makes for a delectable dessert.)

3. Take probiotics

An effective and easy way to get more good bacteria in your gut is through probiotics. A guide to probiotics by Parsley Health, describes them as living microorganisms that “can maintain and help restore the balance of power in the gut”. They are especially important if you are suffering from general digestive issues such as diarrhoea, gas, bloating, and constipation, and from more severe gastrointestinal disorders like Crohn’s disease, pouchitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics are readily available and should be a regular part of your diet.

Mind your gut health now

While there is still more to be discovered about gut health, there is more than enough science for you to start eating right. Follow the above steps so you can keep your gut healthy.

Gut health is something everyone needs to pay more attention to. “There’s a lot of focus on gut health,” explained nutritionist Jacqueline Alwill, “The gut is the seat of our health and is responsible for our overall health and wellbeing.”

So what exactly is gut health?

Gut health, explained

According to nutritionist Rebecca Reynolds, “in your large intestine, you have trillions of bugs (or microbiotia), and that’s called the gut microbiome”. Problem is there are good and bad microbiotia, and when the bad ones outnumber the good ones your gut falls into a state of dysbiosis, which simply means your gut becomes unhealthy.

An unhealthy gut has been linked to various adverse medical conditions. A Time feature on gut health details how poor gut wellbeing is associated with diabetes, lowered immune function, and heart disease. Gastroenterologist Terry Bolin goes a step further, noting how dysbiosis might play a role in neurological disorders and some cancers. “We believe [gut bacteria] do have a potential role in mental disease, psychological problems, anxiety, depression,” says Professor Bolin. “They do have an influence on weight gain. And they may have a potential influence in preventing cancer and possibly disorders of the colon like colitis.”

Keeping your gut healthy

The good news is that keeping your gut healthy is relatively simple and these three tips can help:

1. Eat more vegetables

In a post on ‘6 Ways To Start Improving Your Gut Health Today’ dietician Chloe McLeod recommends eating more vegetables. “Vegetables provide our body with the nutrients it needs on a day-to-day basis and helps to maintain general health,” explains McLeod. “They also provide fibre to keep the gut healthy and help our body’s systems run more effectively.”

2. Consume prebiotics

You must also consume fibre-rich fruits, like apples, bananas, berries, onion, garlic, and whole grains. These are non-digestible fibre, otherwise known as prebiotics. They are important because they “provide food for the healthy bacteria which are found in our gut.” (For health tips 1 and 2, you might want to get some ideas from the food suggestions we gave in our ’10 Healthy Snack Ideas Perfect For Weekends’ post. The kale and potato chips are easy to make, while the Cinnamon Dusted Apple Chips makes for a delectable dessert.)

3. Take probiotics

An effective and easy way to get more good bacteria in your gut is through probiotics. A guide to probiotics by Parsley Health, describes them as living microorganisms that “can maintain and help restore the balance of power in the gut”. They are especially important if you are suffering from general digestive issues such as diarrhoea, gas, bloating, and constipation, and from more severe gastrointestinal disorders like Crohn’s disease, pouchitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics are readily available and should be a regular part of your diet.

Mind your gut health now

While there is still more to be discovered about gut health, there is more than enough science for you to start eating right. Follow the above steps so you can keep your gut healthy.

In life, we all go through some pretty bad instances. For some reason, we’ve been put on this earth to go through all kinds of experiences and emotions. There’s, of course, a better reason somewhere out there, but that one is certainly also true! The balance of life means that we must all have a few good things and a few negative ones. Whether you believe in karma or not, it’s almost a certain fact that you’ll have as much positivity in your life as negativity!

Now, a select few people in this world will go through something that’s a little more serious than they’d like. Health conditions and issues are things that seem to hit random people at the most random of times. It’s not great, but it’s all part of this strange life. It’s down to how you react and then act during the course of this particular episode. If you’re willing to do something about it, then you have a real chance of getting through some pretty shady times. 

When you have to see someone else go through this kind of thing, it’s arguably harder to deal with. There’s nothing really you can directly do to fix what’s happening, after all – you can only indirectly influence it. You can make a little difference with your actions, however. If you’re dealing with someone that has a mental issue or a physical one, then you can still play your part in helping them return to being happy and healthy. Here are some things you can do in order to make it happen:

Get Clued In 

You don’t need to be an expert in the medical field to figure out a few of the basics. The body and the mind are two pretty difficult things to get your head around, but you can get to know the fundamentals in a short space of time. If you know more about the issues that are facing your loved one(s), then you’re going to need to do a little research into what’s going on. Thankfully, there are lots of sources online that can give you all the info. For instance, if you wanted to know about chronic musculoskeletal conditions, then you can head to Musculoskeletal Australia after a quick Google search. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be in terms of helping your pal. 

Be Present

This one is easy – you just need to turn up and show the person in need that you do indeed care. When you’re struggling, it’s easy to get down. If you then have nobody to talk to or nobody to help you out, then you may start to feel worthless. If you could stop that kind of things from happening to someone, then you probably should. It’s not hard to take an hour or so out of your day to visit someone. It might seem like such a small, needless task, but it would do so much good for everyone involved. 

Don’t Do Absolutely Everything

You might start to feel as though you should be doing a lot for them. While that’s something to be appreciated, you should probably ease off a little, and let them complete tasks on their own. If you spoon-feed everything, then that will take away their skills. It would also make them feel as though they can’t perform certain things when they absolutely could.  

Hire Professional Help

If they’re in a pretty horrendous position, then the chances are that you’ve already sought out extra attention from experts. Some things can uncared for by professionals, however, due to ignorance or the decision to simply not bother. If you feel as though extra help is needed, and you can’t really provide it, then you might want to get someone that knows what they’re doing. Professional home care services might be a great idea – experienced and trained people that deal with all kinds of issues would be a great addition. 

Be Positive

Just being happy around them can do so much. If you’re constantly in a miserable mood when in their presence, what do you think it will do for them? They’re already struggling, making them feel negative will only make them suffer twice. People react to what’s around them, if you’re happy and positive, then they’ll feel as though they can beat whatever’s plaguing them.

Don’t Put Them Down In Any Way

Patronizing or simply belittling is obviously a tremendous no-go. You know that you shouldn’t talk down to them, but you might accidentally do it to them, too. Don’t make them feel as though they’re different to you – they aren’t. If you speak to them with a condescending tone, then they’re going to feel terrible. 

No matter how good Helen Mirren looks right now, it’s all smoke and mirrors. Older actresses and celebrities always look fantastic when they’re swanning up the red carpet, but they will have gone through the same changes in age as every other regular Juliet on the street. 

Aging hits all of us if we are lucky enough to get to that point in life, and knowing what to expect can take the edge off the changes that you could experience. So, pop the glasses on and settle down, as we’re going to take you through nine things that you should expect as you get older. 

Woman Standing Near Yellow-petaled Flower

Image Source

  1. Your Hair May Fall Out. Through life, many things make our hair fall out from pregnancy to stress. You can get more information from your doctor as to what you can do about hair loss in age, but it’s something that you should be aware of happening. It’s not nice, but slow down on the hairbrush!
  2. You Sweat Less. You may have been used to pump out sweat when you exercise or get too hot, but now you’ll sweat differently as your sweat glands shrink down and become less sensitive.
  3. Teeth Are Less Sensitive. Over time, the hard inner tissue of your teeth builds up, which makes your teeth much less sensitive on the surface. Handy, for the teeth you have left!
  4. Your Brain Shrinks. As you age, certain areas of your brain shrink down and it’s the areas that control learning and planning that shrink the most. 
  5. You’re Less Susceptible To Colds. By the time you’re in your later years, you’ve built up an amazing immune system with an excellent response. You’ve been there and caught that over the years, and it’s because of the years of colds you’ve already endured.
  6. You’ll Get Fewer Migraines. Most women who deal with migraines in life get them less and less as they age because of the changes in hormone levels that occur over time.
  7. Your Tastes Change. By age 60, most people lose half of their taste buds. This could be why you’re penchant for chocolate cake has come roaring back: you’re compensating with extra foods that are richer. 
  8. Hearing Loss Is Common. So many things are changing, and hearing is one of those things. It can begin early in life, but it’s something that is usually gradual from age 50 (or thereabouts). Hearing loss is common by age 65, which is why it’s important to see an audiologist as you age.
  9. You’ll Feel Happier. Older folks? Far more contented with life as they age. All the hard stuff feels finished and the children have flown the nest and are living their own lives. So many studies are out there telling us that older people are more contented with time, which serves why they are jollier! 

All of these things are just a part of life. Some things are nice, some not so nice, but all in all, it’s a part of life!

The weekend rolls around and it’s like all our self control flies out of the window. A little switch flicks on in our heads that tells us its the weekend, and boom! The healthy mindset we had adopted Mon-Fri disappears. It can be frustrating when your resolve was strong only to completely deteriorate at the mere sight of the weekend. Of course, life should be about balance – everything in moderation is key if you want to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle. That being said, if you want to make smarter choices come the weekend while feeling like you’re still eating a treat, the ideas below can help you. Take a look and you’ll find 10 healthy snack ideas perfect for weekends! 

  1. Homemade Tortilla Chips and Dip

Homemade tortilla chips are possibly far more satisfying because you know you’ve made them all on your own. All you need is a piece of flatbread, pitta, or a wrap cut into portions. You can cut them into triangles, strips, or whatever you prefer. You can then spritz them with a little oil and pop them in your oven or air fryer until they are crispy.

For the dip, you can pretty much make whatever you fancy. You can make homemade salsa with chopped tomatoes, onions, and herbs, or you could make guacamole with avocado, lemon, and anything else you like. Get experimental! 


  1. Kale Chips 

Kale chips are super easy to make in an air fryer. All you need to do is place your kale inside with a little oil, salt, pepper, and maybe some lemon. It only takes 5-10 minutes and they are so tasty! You’ll get your nutrients in while feeling like you’re chomping on a treat. 

  1. Protein Mug Cakes

If you need a good way to get more protein in but also want to indulge in a sweet treat, a protein mug cake is the way forward! Again, this is something you can get experimental with. Grab a mug, add your protein of choice, a little baking powder, honey or sugar, peanut butter if desired, a milk or milk alternative, and maybe even a piece of chocolate. Mix it all together until it has a cake batter like consistency and put it in the microwave for as long as it takes to rise. Be careful not to overcook, as it can go rubbery! 

  1. Spicy Roasted Chickpeas

Spicy roasted chickpeas are a delicious treat to eat in front of a film. Toss drained chickpeas with a tablespoon of olive oil and air fry it for 15 minutes. You can then add seasoning, more oil, and lemon juice before putting them back in the air fryer for 5 more minutes. You can easily store these to eat later on by placing them in an air tight container and they’ll last a few days! 

  1. Energy Bites

There are a ton of ways to make yummy energy balls! For this, all you have to do is add your chosen ingredients together in a bowl, mix, place in the fridge for about 30 minutes, and then roll into balls. That’s it! You don’t even have to bake them. An idea of some of the ingredients you can use include:

  • Oats
  • Peanut butter
  • Ground flax seed
  • Chocolate chips
  • Cup honey
  • Chia seeds
  • Vanilla extract 

Try the above recipe and see how you get on and you might just like to play around and make up your own next time! 

  1. Hummus 

Homemade hummus can be enjoyed with your homemade tortilla chips, or you could use carrot sticks, peppers, celery sticks, or anything else of your choice. Simply drain and tip the chickpeas into a food processor, add some garlic, tahani, and a squeeze of lemon juice. You should also add 1 tablespoon of oil and a little salt before blitzing. Mix it yourself, getting the hummus from the sides of the bowl, and blitz again to ensure a good consistency. You can taste it and add something extra if it needs it! 


  1. Banana Ice Cream

This is a super easy recipe that will satisfy an ice cream craving in no time. All you need is one frozen banana and one regular banana. Blend them together until they are the consistency of ice cream, and voila! You can also add protein powder or another flavouring if you wish. 

  1. Fruit Smoothie

Fruit smoothies can be customised to suit your needs. All you need is fruit, veg, maybe a protein powder, a nut butter, and any other additives you fancy. Here’s a recipe for a peanut butter banana one with a twist:

  • One banana
  • One scoop of vanilla, banana, or peanut butter protein powder (optional)
  • A milk of your choice (oat and coconut work well)
  • A spoonful of peanut butter
  • A small handful of kale leaves 
  • Vanilla essence (optional) 

All you have to do is blend together, and if you want it extra cold, add ice! 

  1. Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet potato chips are ridiculously easy to make. Chop into discs, add to your air fryer, and wait until cooked! You can also add oil, salt, pepper, and other seasonings. 

  1. Cinnamon Dusted Apple Chips 

Cinnamon dusted apple chips are the perfect snack for fall. Simply cut an apple or two into bite sized chunks and place them in your air fryer drizzled with a little oil. You can then cook for 10 minutes until crisp. When done, toss them in cinnamon and enjoy! You can literally use this recipe on any other vegetables, so get experimental with your veggies and your herbs and see what you can come up with! 

If you’ve been trying to think of ways to curb those cravings at the weekend, don’t do anything silly or extreme. Fads never work in the long run. Instead, have lots of the above ideas in your back pocket so you can whip them out whenever you need to. You’ll be getting plenty of nutrients and you’ll feel so much better for it. Enjoy and thanks for reading!

How to Help Minimize Your Blog’s Environmental Impact

It’s something we don’t always think about, but using power has an effect on the environment, as does nearly everything we do. From the paper we use to the equipment we buy, what we consume and what the companies we shop from do with the things we trade in or recycle matters.

So when it comes to blogging, we have to think about the impact it has on the environment. Starting a website that is “green’ has to do with a lot more than just choosing and purchasing a domain name. It has to do with how your site is hosted, where servers get their energy from, and even how and where you blog.

Here are some effective methods to help minimize your blog’s environmental impact.

Check Out Your Host

Not all hosts are created equal. First of all, there are two different types of hosting, and each comes with its own environmental cost. The first is shared hosting, which is the most common and environmentally friendly type, at least on the surface. This is when your website shares server space with other websites. As long as you don’t have a huge amount of traffic, it will serve your needs, while reducing the amount of power you generate, saving environmental pollution from the production of non-renewable energy.

The other kind of hosting is dedicated hosting, which means your site has its own server. This, of course, takes more energy than sharing a server with others, but if you have a lot of traffic to your site and want to minimize downtime, it is essential.

The important thing is to know where your host gets their server space. Some have their own servers, others use Microsoft, Google, Oracle or Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers. Many of these large server farms consume large amounts of energy, but many of them are also powered by solar, wind, or other forms of clean energy.

There’s nothing wrong with getting a large amount of server space for your blog; in fact, I sincerely hope that your blog becomes so successful that you have to upgrade to a dedicated host, but by being conscious of who you choose to work with, and thoroughly researching their production methods, you stand a much better chance of staying in the green, as far as the environment’s concerned.

Look into Self-Service

Of course, you can host your own blog if you have access to your own server. Many larger companies have this option, but if you have a way to power your own server with renewable energy, you can self-host and ensure that your blog has as little impact on the environment as possible.

Though this is often the best method for ensuring you’re being environmentally friendly, there are two distinct disadvantages. First, there is a much higher initial cost unless you have another use for the server besides your website. You can of course offer server space to other websites if you have room, but if you want to live by your principles of responsible conservation, it will take additional time on your part to ensure that the people whose sites you host are eco-friendly as well.

The second issue is that, if you do not have another use for your server, you could be wasting a lot of natural resources by hosting your own site, resources and power that could better be used elsewhere, even if they are “green.” The operations and maintenance of a server makes this cost prohibitive for many users. It’s definitely an option to consider, but objectively, if you’re spending more to setup and maintain your blog than you are making, you’re going to lose your capacity to live, and that will affect your future conservation efforts as well.

Use Clean Energy Yourself

This was mentioned above, but I can’t repeat it enough. If you can use clean energy yourself, in your home, your business, and all other facets of your life, you will have a smaller impact on the environment and so will your blog. An electric car that is charged by solar power when you are at home saves a huge amount of the emissions that gas powered vehicles generate.

The same can be said for powering your laptop, tablet, and phone. Solar charging helps prevent pollution in a big way, and might even be a viable everyday solution for all of your home power needs, depending on where you live. Even if you can’t use solar energy 100% of the time, using it when and where you can will go a long way in cutting back your contribution to environmental degradation.

Consider clean energy options whenever possible to reduce not only your blog’s environmental impact, but your personal one as well.

Update Your Equipment

Sounds a little backwards, right? Wrong. Newer equipment uses less energy, has longer battery life, and even emits fewer emissions over its lifetime. This is true even for eco-friendly products that were produced even just five years ago.

Since your blog will need some great photography to distinguish itself, prioritize buying newer cameras, made from recycled materials, as much as is feasible. Going even further, if you want to avoid producing more waste through the production of a new camera, consider using stock photos of nature to illustrate the beauty of the earth, and why you’re committed to protecting it, rather than shooting your own photos.

Don’t stop just with upgrading your gear; be aware of what happens to your old equipment. The US throws away hundreds of tons of electronics a year, much of which can be recycled. Check with the company you purchased from about recycling programs (Apple has some good ones) and be sure your old device either goes to a new home, or that the parts get melted down and reused as much as possible.

Newer equipment will make you and your blog more efficient, and reduce your impact on the environment.

Work from Home

This is something most bloggers do anyway, but if you work for a marketing agency or a writing company, work from home as much as your employer will allow. Most of these companies have remote workers regardless, and encourage remote work simply because it saves the company money as well.

There are other ways you can help though. Conduct interviews from home using video chat. Avoid travel when you can Skype or Facetime with someone, and use other methods of research. When you do need to travel, use green transportation when available, and limit your forays to only what is essential.

Your blog has an impact on the environment, but with a few simple tactics, you can minimize the effect you have and be kind to the Earth while you spread the word about green energy and protecting the world we all live in.

How to Help Minimize Your Blog’s Environmental Impact

Setting yourself a personal challenge of some kind is a great way to focus your mind and channel your efforts towards achieving a particular goal. If you can do this while raising money for a charity that is special to you, this is even better! The question remains: what fundraising challenge should you set yourself? Well, there are all kinds of options out there so it is worth thinking hard before you settle on one that is right for you. Here are just a few ideas to spark off your imagination!

Run a Marathon

Probably the most common fundraising challenge that people set themselves, running a marathon is undoubtedly an incredible feat of endurance. You will need to be committed to months of training, in which you set aside hours of time so that you can keep building up your distances. If you are not a regular runner or gym goer, you will probably want to go for a shorter distance, but giving yourself a target to aim for gives you a great challenge and an incredible feeling of accomplishment at the end.

Take on a Physical Challenge

If running is really not your thing, there are plenty of other physical challenges that you could set yourself. Just a few different options include climbing, cycling, hiking or canoeing. Choose a particular challenge that you would like to tackle; it may be that there is a hiking trail that you would like to complete or a river that you would like to cross. Taking on some sort of physical challenge is a great way to capture the imagination of potential fundraisers.

Go on a Journey

go on a journey

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Choose a particular journey that has some sort of personal significance to you and take this on using a mode of transport of your choice; whether this on foot, by bike or by car. You can take an epic charity road trip. Ultimately, you can choose the distance you would like to cover, and you could even set yourself a time limit to ramp up the challenge.

Overcome a Fear

If, for example, you have a huge fear of heights and build yourself up to taking part in a skydive or bungee jump, not only is this an incredible accomplishment for yourself, you also have a great story to tell which will certainly inspire people to donate to charity. Obviously, you won’t be able to leap headfirst out of a plane straight away, but you can gradually build up to this over time until you are able to overcome your fear.

Climb a Mountain

Another classic challenge that people set themselves is to reach the top of a famous peak. It all depends on how high the mountain is before you know how much training and effort you will need to put in to reach the top. There is nothing like the feeling of satisfaction and personal accomplishment when you can stand at the top with your arms aloft!

When you think about exercise, it’s so easy to assume that it has to be pushing yourself to your limits, feeling the burn and getting really sweaty and out of breath. But while that kind of activity is great, there are plenty of reasons why you might want something a little more mellow. Perhaps you’ve been inactive for a while and are building up your fitness from scratch, or maybe you have a health condition that takes high impact and high energy activities off the table. You might already do a lot of cardio, but are looking for something during your ‘rest days’ which is a little lighter. If so, you’ve come to the right place, here are some examples of low impact activities you could try.


Many people find that golf is a fantastic way to get some fresh air and some light exercise. There’s a fair bit of walking involved (even if you use a golf cart) and swinging the club helps to work out your muscles. Golf has been shown to improve balance, strengthen muscles and it’s generally a enjoyable hobby that doesn’t require you to break a sweat or push yourself too hard.


Swimming is ideal for anyone who struggles with high impact activities because the water supports your weight. But as long as you can swim, it’s suitable for anyone and burns a crazy amount of calories. Swimming uses and tones just about every muscle in the body and there’s plenty of ways it can be adapted for those with disabilities. If you never learned how to swim when you were young, set a goal to do it as an adult. There are lots of clubs that can teach you in a safe and enjoyable way, then you can head down to the pool whenever you like.

Yoga and Tai Chi

Some of the benefits to both yoga and tai chi include increased flexibility, improved muscle strength, improved bone health, better posture, boosted immunity and even drained lymph which reduced swelling and inflammation. They might be very different practices but there are plenty of similarities. While both strengthen the body, they’re also very focused on calming the mind and so are great from a mental health point of view as well. Both activities are something that all ages and abilities can enjoy, since you can start small and build your way up.


Walking is perhaps one of the most underrated exercise. As well as being a great way to get from A to B, walking is low impact while burning calories and building lean muscle. It’s easy and accessible and something most people can do, it’s free and you don’t need any special equipment. Check out walking trails which often run alongside cycle trails. You could go on family walks or hikes with your dog. You could go on romantic walks down the canal, on the beach or to the park with your partner. Once your fitness builds, start walking places which have more hilly terrain for a harder workout.

Finding ways to look and feel younger after retiring is a common desire for many seniors. Fortunately, you can still maintain a youthful complexion, exude essence and style, and have a healthier body as a senior. Explore these ways that you can look better in retirement and enjoy yourself during your golden years.

Get a Beauty Makeover

If you want to look and feel younger, you can get a makeover. Opting for a shorter hairstyle and softening your hair color can do wonders for increasing vibrancy. If you have been wearing your makeup the same way for the past decade or more, then it is time to switch it up for a fresh start.

Choosing makeup and lipstick colors that are harmonious with your complexion is important to appear more youthful. Consider visiting a cosmetic counter for beautiful makeover ideas to make your complexion look brighter and more rejuvenated. Using firming eye cream can improve the appearance of fine lines and bags under the eyes, while using an herbal-infused mask once a week can tighten facial skin and make you feel more confident in your appearance.

Spruce Up Your Wardrobe

Changing the way that you dress can shave pounds and years off of your appearance. AARP suggests that wearing matching, tailor fitted clothes, or donning a pink scarf can take a decade off of your age. Bring out the natural rosiness of your skin by avoiding dark and drab colors, and remember to choose brighter shades to illuminate yourself and look your best in retirement.

Go Stress-Free Today

Smiling and feeling happy makes you look more beautiful, pleasant, and enjoyable to be around. One way that you can look better in retirement is to reduce the level of worry and stress present in your life. Practicing daily meditation, prayer, and yoga are some ways that you can release the frustrations of daily life and feel more stress-free. Maybe you need to get out instead of staying in so find a hobby. Getting a bike and go for a ride can give you a one person escape from the world anytime you want to just relax and go for a ride. The more that you practice letting go of things that you cannot change and changing the things that you can, you will feel much better about yourself and your existence.

Engage in Regular Exercise

Without a doubt, regular exercise is a must for looking your best, staying energized, and remaining healthy in retirement. Aerobic exercise increases blood flow to the skin, resulting in an increased supply of oxygen and vital nutrients that improve your complexion and make you heal faster. Some exercise ideas for seniors include swimming, walking, and light aerobic activity in short intervals. Consider working out with a friend or joining a local gym with a senior population that is interested in looking and feeling good, just like you.

Consume a Balanced Diet

What you choose to eat every day has a direct effect on your appearance, so it is important to consume a balanced diet. Everyday Health states that nutritious foods reduce your chances of developing chronic diseases as you age, and it elevates your energy, which can make you naturally more vivacious. Although nutritional needs do vary among seniors, eating more vegetables, fruits, small portions of lean meats, fish, beans and whole grains are especially helpful. When you eat healthier, it is easier to keep the pounds off and avoid developing life-threatening health conditions that negatively impact your appearance.

The older that you get, the more important that it becomes to develop life-saving and beauty-magnifying habits with a sound diet, regular exercise, and a worry-free mind. Maintaining your beauty regimen and using products that nourish your skin is important for reducing anti-aging and appearing years younger. Every day that you make the choice to do something positive to make yourself look and feel good, your natural beauty and inner glow will shine through.

As life expectancy around the globe increases, so does the average age of retirement. In countries like Australia, the US, and the UK, the average age of retirement is 62, based on the findings of Aperion Care. For many, this age can be too steep or too late. The concept of early retirement is something that is commonly desired but is it something that is achievable?

The Appeal of Early Retirement

Early retirement is more than just the picturesque idea of lounging about at some beach somewhere. For many, it’s about their health. Early retirement has been known to drive down the occurrence of serious diseases by a minimum of 20%, based on the findings of a recent US study. Beyond health, it’s about finding better ways to sustain and fund their living after they’ve said goodbye to corporate life. Early retirement is an appealing concept, but the way to attain it can be paved with confusing and challenging bricks.

Common Misconceptions

Peeking behind the veil of appeal, there are a lot of misconceptions regarding early retirement. One of the biggest misconceptions is the idea that you stop working completely or stop making money once you’ve retired. The usual ways to earn money ends with formal retirement but there multiple ways to earn without being actively engaged or tied to a desk like freelancing or investments. It can also mean opening up your own business.

Is Early Retirement Possible?

The short answer to this is: YES. However, it is something that requires extensive planning and strong mental fortitude. The capacity to earn may not be as large or as steady after you retire. Yet, the retirement spending may only increase with time once you factor in healthcare costs and living expenses. So what can someone who hopes for early retirement aim for?

Smart Yet Simple Steps

If you’re thinking of retiring early, it’s best to start as early as today. Those that are able to retire in their late thirties live on only less than 50% of their income and set aside the rest for savings, based on the market study of NerdWallet. It also helps to calculate what you’ll potentially spend once you’ve retired. That way, it is possible to make plans regarding any adjustments necessary to current lifestyles and spending.

There is no denying that early retirement will continue to be appealing for all that has ever had to earn a living for themselves. It all comes down to how much you want it and what you’re willing to sacrifice now so that you can obtain the end goal. The goal being, of course, the highly coveted retirement before you hit your sixties.

Life is a huge rollercoaster of good things, bad things and ugly things. We have so many experiences throughout our lives which shape who we are and allow us to be the best we can be, and our lives are often something we really neglect and don’t appreciate enough. This month, you should start to appreciate what you have in your life more. It will make you feel happier overall as a person and it will allow you to strive for more with confidence and optimism. Here are some of the ways you can truly begin to appreciate your life this year.

Write down the positives

Sit down at the end of the day at write down three things which either happened that day or three positive thoughts you had. It could be anything from the sound of the bird singing as you woke up, the fact that it was sunny all day long, or the fact that you spent the evening playing games with your family while watching a movie. Anything which made you happy today should be on the list and it will make you forget about all of the bad stuff which happened in between. Doing this each day can reduce stress and make us feel more positive in general.

Say thank you

It is so important to think about everything that you have in your life now and again and to say thank you for the opportunity. When you see your partner today, thank them for the happiness they have given you and any children which you share together. Thank your friends for always being there for you through the thick and thin of your life and never judging you, and thank your work colleagues for making your working days bearable. There are so many things you can be thankful for, and when you put it all together you can really start to see how good your life really is.

Think of who you have

Look at your family and your friends today and think about who they are. They are likely amazing, kind, intelligent and unique people who you adore and think the world of… and now think about yourself. If they are so amazing in their own right and they have chosen to be a part of your life, you must be pretty great yourself. Sometimes thinking this way can give us a much needed confidence boost and it can make living our live a much happier and pleasant experience.

Look after family

If you have older relatives who you don’t see that often, now is the time to make time for them and to make sure that they know you are here if they ever need you. It is all too easy for us to get caught up in adult life and forget about the people who raised us, but we won’t have forever to look after them and spend time with them, they might already need home care services or to be in a care home. Make sure you appreciate the older members of your family just as much as everyone else because you will regret it if you leave things too late and they are gone.

Small gestures

When it comes to showing your appreciation and gratitude in life it doesn’t have to be a big romantic gesture and you don’t need to spend a huge amount of time, money and effort to make people around you feel like they matter. It could be as simple as telling your partner you love them each day, smiling and saying thank you to the bus driver, getting a cup of coffee for your work buddy… small things matter and it is these small gestures which can make someone’s day and make them feel incredibly happy and loved.

Send a text

Sometimes the best kind of appreciation is the spontaneous kind, and you might want to text your friend or loved one and tell them how much they mean to you. It could be a short sentence or a huge paragraph, but sending a text like this to someone you care about can be exactly what you need to make them and you both feel special and happy for the whole day. It doesn’t take a lot but it can make a huge difference to your relationship and your bond.

Go away on holiday together

Sometimes the best way to appreciate what you have at home is to spend time so where totally new for a while. When you spend time with family exploring new places and immersing yourself in new culture you can often start to appreciate what you have back at home much more. By the time you get back home and settle on your sofa you will realise just how lucky you are to live where you live and have what you have in life.

Be present

It is always important for us to be present. Stay in the moment and enjoy where we are right now rather than simply looking to the future for happiness. If you spend your life thinking about what life is going to have in store for you in a year, you won’t ever be able to appreciate what is right in front of you and as a result you will also lose a lot of time to live your life with the people you love. It is ok to look ahead, but make sure that you focus on where you are right now and enjoy every single second you can spent with the people you hold most dear in the world.

Don’t let mistakes pull you down

No one in the world is perfect, and everyone makes silly mistakes once in a while which can cost them something great and replace it with sorrow. You can’t let setbacks knock you down and make you give in. You are worth so much more and you can achieve anything you want to achieve. As long as you get back up and try again, nothing can stop you being who you want to be in life.

Do you hate to wake up in the morning? To some of us, the hour right after waking up makes the world seem dreadful – and it doesn’t really matter if we look forward to the rest of the day or not. Until we’re fully awake and had that cup of coffee, it’s actually better to just stay away.

They say that the key to better mornings is to go to bed earlier, though, and to make sure that we get enough sleep. Yet, what if we can’t fall asleep at 10? Luckily, there are a few hacks to this as well.

Here is a handful of the best ways to improve your mornings by setting a bedtime routine for yourself. It’s kind of like parenting yourself to bed but as long as it makes it easier to wake up, it’s definitely worth it.

First: Be active

Nobody sleeps better than those who have been active during the day. It’s difficult to fall asleep with ease when you still feel energised inside; try to get a sufficient amount of exercise while you’re awake, however, and it should be way easier to fall asleep.

Just try not to exercise too late, though, as this might boost your brain back into wake up mode. 

Next: Do something calming

How many times have you heard that you should avoid using your phone or being on your laptop before going to bed? It’s easier said than done, though, and especially when you’re used to checking the news and making sure that the world is still standing before tucking in.

Try to ease into another bedtime routine instead such as having a bath and reading a book. Both of these will help you to relax a bit more – and it’s good for you as well, by the way. 

Drink chamomile tea

That chamomile tea has calming effects is not just a myth – it’s scientifically proven and should definitely become a part of your bedtime routine. See if you can find that slightly more expensive type with whole flower buds as these have way more of the good oils in them than the grinded tea we usually find in the grocery shop.

A cup of tea and a book after a nice bath is just what you need before a good night’s sleep. Add the calming sound of rain on the window and a cat to snooze on your lap, and you have the perfect scene for a relaxing evening.

Body confidence is essential to build in ourselves. It helps us gain the clearest mental functionality from day to day, as we become much less distracted by insecurity. It’s also important to consider that body confidence is also body comfort. This isn’t all led by perception. In order to feel comfortable in our bodies and as our bodies, we need to consider how health and fitness might benefit us, and the habits we employ each day. It’s not hard to see those who become obsessed with maintaining the perfect weight, or amateur bodybuilders who can develop body dysmorphia until they steward ‘the perfect frame.’

Health and fitness should be a joy, a daily occurrence, not something you feel chained to. That’s because keeping fit and healthy, despite the effort it takes, is one of the most natural things in the world to keep on top of.

Consider our tips to keep this habit healthy, rewarding, and in pursuit of your best body confidence:

Natural Intake

It can be that fitness and health becomes a fantastic opportunity for you to figure out exactly what it is you’re putting into your body each week. Many of us simply eat and drink items that take our fancy, choosing healthy options here and there but never really taking a dedicated effort to perfect our diet. Not every wants to do this, and that’s perfectly fine. However, you might decide that if you’re putting in the heartfelt effort to exercise, you might as well begin to choose healthier options.

The main thing is to keep an eye on the big picture of what your foods provide to promote overall health. When you know what’s going into your body, you not only feel healthier, but feel more authority and autonomy over its functioning. This can only lead to confidence, as personal care and discipline is often responsible for doing.

Habit & Passion

An interest in fitness and health can often lead you to develop passions that help you nurture your self-respect and sense of dominion over your body. Rock climbing, dancing and of course yoga help you stretch and utilize your body like never before. They are quite exposing enterprises to enjoy, and over time you’ll become more comfortable performing them, and fall in love with the craft. You’ll feel less insecure in new clothing habits, or feel less exposed in personal circumstances when you have this sense of body dominion you’ve wanted to practice for some time. Pushing forward in this via habit and passion can go a real long way in ensuring you stay comfortable on a daily basis, as love is always a better teacher than wipping yourself into shape like a soldier. Confidence is always born of security, and positivity often leads to security in the most reliable sense.

With these tips, you’re sure to employ fitness and health as a means to body confidence effectively and pleasurably.