After visiting Kom Ombo temple, we sailed to Edfu and toured the temple of Edfu, also know as the temple of Horus. It is the largest temple dedicated to Horus. If you’ve heard the tales related the age old conflict between Horus and Seth, you’ll be delighted to see the original scenes and inscriptions kept almost perfectly inside the temple.

The statues of Horus feature a large bird with a very serious, nearly angry facial expression. It’s said that the popular game “Angry Birds” is inspired by the look of Horus. Everyone was trying to pose a photo with the largest Horus Statue in the centre court, looking angry. But I guess only Horus wears the look the best.

Here are some photos of the temple of Edfu:

I’m slacking off and not updating my Egypt travel photos on the blog as quickly as I wished for, but it’s better late than never right?

After visiting the amazing Abu Simbel, my driver took me back to the cruise. Oh how I enjoyed my spacious, comfortable cabin and all the luxury the cruise had to offer after a long day running around in the heat!

Next stop was Kom Ombo Temple. also know as temple of Sobek and Haroeris temple,where we visited early in the morning with a small tour of 3 people including me.

What can I say, there are so many multi thousands of years old, grand temples in Egypt and each one of them is magnificently beautiful in their own ways.

Here are some photos of Kom Ombo Temple:

And of course, I had to ask my guide to take a picture of me standing like a Chinese Soldier🙂

There’s no better way to experience the freedom of travel than to go on a road trip, at home or away.

Whether you’re at home or abroad, motorhome hire is becoming a more and more popular way to travel on the basis it allows for a sense of freedom and home comfort, wherever you are in the world.  

The challenge, if you own your own motorhome is that you need to drive to your destination from home – which means you are relatively restricted in terms of geographical area.  Whereas, if you hire a motorhome, you can fly out to some really cool and faraway places but still have the benefit of motorhome hire – without having to undertake a long, boring journey, to your destination.

The great thing about a road trip is that it gives you total freedom and flexibility in terms of where and when you go – if you spot something along the way that captures your attention, then you are free to explore and adjust your itinerary accordingly.

Similarly, you never know who you’re going to meet on a road trip and having the flexibility to go with the flow is one of the key principles of experiential travel… as this way you get to experience places off the beaten track, make unexpected connections with other travellers, and have a much more adventurous and independent experience than travelling in a more organised group tour format.

In terms of the world’s best road trips here are five offerings to consider:

  1. ROUTE 66 (USA)

Perhaps the most well known “road trip” in the world, Route 66 is now celebrating its 100th birthday, as one of the first numbered roads in the US.  

This route from Chicago to Santa Monica covers 2,450 miles and takes you through scenery that could very easily make you feel like you are on the set of an old western movie; where any minute you expect cowboys and Indians to come running over the plains toward you.

Whilst there are more interesting road trips to be had in America, a trip on route 66 is on most people’s bucket list, and it does offer plenty of interesting pit stops along the way.


In Portugal, the coastal route from Porto to Lisbon is breathtakingly beautiful; as is the route from Lisbon to Albufeira.  You could combine the two, if you have time, as Portugal is the perfect place for slow travel and the entire coastal route is beautiful.

The laidback lifestyle is akin to that you might find in Spain, yet there’s a sense of more efficiency and aspiration – it’s not laid back to the point that people are sleepy, it’s laidback to the point that people get on and enjoy life.

The scene on this coastal route here is pretty chilled out, though cities like Lisbon are comparable with Barcelona in terms of their vibrancy and attractions.


The Canary Islands are found just off the coast of Morocco, yet they belong to Spain and have a distinctively Spanish feel to them.  The people here are very easy going and friendly, to the point you don’t tend to find speed cameras or traffic wardens – in fact, there aren’t even any yellow lines in most part of the islands… which reflects the laidback lifestyle on offer.

The great thing about the canary islands, is that they have a brilliant climate throughout the year – even in winter you can expect sunny days with temperatures around twenty degrees and the summer’s never get too hot as the islands benefit from strong coastal breezes.

When it comes to the most epic drives, consider driving up Mt Teide, on the island of Tenerife as this ear-popping journey has you wind your way up Spain’s tallest mountain; to the point you drive through clouds to get to the top, and once at the top, it’s as if you are driving on the moon.  It’s perhaps the most enjoyable and beautiful drive in Europe.

That said, on the neighbouring island of Lanzarote, you can drive through the impressive lava fields and find yourself at a remote volcanic beach.  Similarly, if you’re more into the surf lifestyle you’ll want to head to Fuerteventura and bask in the chilled out vibe this island has to offer.

The other thing to consider, is that these islands are all pretty close to each other, meaning you could easily travel for a month to the Canary Islands, and work your way through the islands by car ferry.

  1. US ROUTE 20 (USA)

If you want to travel coast to coast then this is the route for you.  Route 20 is the longest road in America covering a distance of 3,365 miles from Newport (Oregon) to Boston (Massachusetts).  

If you have time to explore Yellowstone National Park this makes a lovely pit stop, as covering 3,365 miles is not something you want to rush.  That said, the route is fast and easy to drive… albeit, not very colorful, as your mostly on fast roads – meaning you should be able to cover it in two to three weeks if you’re in a hurry.  

However, the best way to approach this coast to coast route is to take your time, and stop off along the way in the small towns that are what make this route so culturally interesting.


If you’re looking to get away from it all then you can follow this Canadian route through Southern Alberta to the lunar landscape of the badlands and where the Great Plains meet the Rocky Mountains.  

It’s a breathtakingly beautiful route with a lot of variety in terms of scenery and different landscapes that is complimented by the friendly nature of the Canadian communities you will be travelling through.  Of course, depending on when you visit depends on what the weather will be like, as for some a winter adventure of campfires and snow are right up their street whilst for most people they would prefer to visit in the summer months.

New York Street Shots

New York street Shots

America and Canada provide everything a road tripper needs for an amazing travel experience. From wide-open plains, towering forests, and breath-taking mountain ranges, both countries offer incredible itineraries, but to fully appreciate their similarities and contrasts, why not combine both? The best way to experience this is by taking a trip through Western Canada, and up to the northernmost US territory of Alaska. This inspirational trip offers a taste of amazing city experience in the beginning and sends you deeper into nature as you progress.

Begin at the Border

What better place to begin than America’s famed Emerald City, Seattle? Spend a day in the capital of the Pacific-Northwest before crossing the border. Go to Pikes Place Market for fresh seafood and craft goods, check out Olympic Sculpture Garden for a taste of Seattle’s thriving art culture, and ride to the top of the Space Needle to take in views of the entire city. Hop on the road for a quick two and half hour jaunt up to Vancouver (avoid hitting border traffic by leaving early in the morning or later in the evening). The largest city in British Columbia, Vancouver will be your last chance for urban excitement on this trip, so get it while you can! Visit the English Bay for some incredible skyline views and culture of this Canadian metropolis.

Into The Wild

Now it’s time to leave the city in the rear-view. With 1,800 miles ahead of you to Alaska, often with long periods between services preparation is crucial, so make sure your vehicle is well-maintained. Prepare an emergency kit with water and food. Cell phone service will be limited or nonexistent for many durations, so have a map handy or offline GPS app such as Maps.Me downloaded. The drive north through British Columbia is a feast for the eyes as you pass through sky-scraping mountain ranges and evergreen forests. A plethora of scenic points and trailheads adorn the roadside, photo-ops and wonderful hikes through nature are abundant. You’ll pass through historic landmarks such as the Fur Trading Center at St. James and the Xatśūll Heritage Village.

The Alcan Highway

As you venture further north, the road runs parallel to Alaska. However, you’ll have to continue into the Yukon Territory to merge with the Alcan Highway and cross the Alaskan Border. Stop for a night in Whitehorse, the capital of the Yukon and experience life in this historic oil town. The final Alcan stretch into Alaska is quite barren, although plenty of opportunities for spotting wildlife exist. Bison, black bear, elk, and moose inhabit the surrounding area, and will often travel along the road.

300 miles from the Yukon you’ll reach the Alaskan border. Once across, you now have the northernmost part of America at your disposal. Go off-road on the Denali Parks Highway for a straight shot to Denali National Park. Continue south to visit the city of Anchorage, the magical Kenai Peninsula (rated the most scenic drive in Alaska), or press on to the capital of Juneau. If you’d rather see the top of the world, drive north to Barrow and step foot in the Arctic circle.

The trek north to America’s largest state offers many possibilities. With so much to choose from, there’s plenty to inspire future road trips and excursions. With so much beauty to explore, the drive through British Columbia to Alaska is an adventurers dream.

If you are hoping to spend some time getting away from it all this year, you’ll likely have a lot of planning to do. Perhaps you are someone who likes to go on a big, exotic, extravagant all-inclusive package holiday, or maybe you much prefer a simple quiet sit by the beach. For many, there is nothing better than simply getting in the car and driving in any direction, not caring too much where they will end up or even how long they will be gone. If you quite like the idea of road tripping, but you have never actually done it in the past, you might want to think about it as a possible way to travel next time around.

As it happens, it is one of the more exciting ways to see a country, and you might find that there is a joy in it which you simply don’t get with many other kinds of travel. In this post, we will look at road tripping in some detail, to help you get excited and plan for yours. First, we will discuss some of the practical ideas concerning how to get the most out of a road trip, then we will talk about some important safety and security elements. Finally, we will look into some of the best parts of the world to go road tripping.

The Practicalities

First up, let’s talk about some of the more practical aspects of taking a road trip. As exciting as it might be, you till need to make sure that you are adequately prepared, just as you would be for any other kind of trip. Fortunately, many people have trodden this particular path before, and you should find that it is fairly easy to get yourself ready for your own road trip in good time. So what are some of the most critical practical concerns which you might need to focus on here?

For one thing, you need to make sure that you have a rough idea, at least, of where you are going. You don’t necessarily need to plan it all out perfectly, although if you do that could be a fine way to travel and see a lot of any particular country. But you should at least know a few stopping-points which you would like to take, so that you can appreciate if nothing else the length of the drive you are about to undertake. You should also make sure that you know where many restrooms, restaurants, and hotels are along the way, so that you don’t get lost out in the middle of nowhere with nothing around to help you out. Carrying a tent could be a good idea here, just in case you do get stuck somewhere.

Beyond that, another hugely important practicality you will need to think about is the cost. Your primary cost, of course, is going to be the fuel, and you need to make sure that you are going to be able to afford a journey of the distance that you want to make. You will also need to budget for food, any accommodation you might need at any point, and for any excursions or sights you might want to see along the way too. As long as you plan for your finances, you will find it considerably easier to be able to make your road trip work out successfully.

Once you have the route and the money sorted, you are pretty much there – unless, of course, you don’t yet have a suitable vehicle to travel in. You need a car you can trust, and which you feel is going to safely take you the whole way without complaining along the way. These can be hard to come by, and you, in particular, will want to make a point of servicing the vehicle before you go, to make sure that you are driving something you can trust for that kind of distance. This is important even for a shorter road trip.

PAs you can see, there are plenty of practical issues you need to be aware of. But you also need to make sure that you are staying safe, which is a whole issue in itself.

Your Safety

If you don’t make a point of focusing on your own safety and the safety of those around you, it is much less likely that you will be able to enjoy your journey, mainly if something untoward does actually occur and you end up in trouble somewhere. Fortunately, it is relatively straightforward to make sure that you are remaining safe and secure while on the road, and in this section, we will look at some of the essential things you should consider doing in order to keep yourself and your fellow travellers as safe as possible. If nothing else, this will also help you to enjoy your road trip as fully as you would hope to.

We have already looked briefly at the issue of finding a car that you feel you can fully trust. This is one of the most vital things you need to think about, as if you can’t trust it you can’t be sure that you are a going to remain perfectly safe – and that will ruin your experience and enjoyment of the whole road trip, in turn. So what are some of the road trip car safety checks you should be making before you set out on such a journey? As it happens, some of the most important are the really obvious and commonplace ones. You should, for instance, make sure that you check your oil and water levels just before you go, topping up whatever is necessary to be topped up. You should check the tyre pressures too, and inflate them to the desired psi for your tyre type and size. That will make accidents considerably less likely, and breakdowns less likely too. You should also make sure, as we have said briefly already, that your vehicle has recently been serviced, so that you can entrust it as fully as possible.

POnce you are on the road, it is vital to drive as safely as you can. It can be all too easy, when you are driving for long periods of time, to accidentally slip into some bad habits, or even to find yourself almost dozing at the wheel. You must make sure that you pull over or swap to another driver as soon as you start to feel drowsy. If you don’t, the consequences could be absolutely fatal, and it’s not a situation that you will want to find yourself in if you can help it. Drive slow, pay attention to the local laws and road signs, and make sure that you are retaining your common sense at all times. These simple things will ensure that you can remain safe, and that those you are travelling with can remain safe along the way as well. That will mean you come back from your road trip in one piece, but also that you enjoy it considerably more along the way.

Remaining safe is hugely important. But it’s also important that you enjoy yourself actively, and one of the most essential ingredients in that is enjoying the places that you are visiting and the surrounding country. So where are some of the best road trips in the world?

Top Road Trip Locations

If you want to enjoy your road trip fully, you need to make sure above all else that you are happy with the route you are taking. You may already have somewhere in mind, but if not – or if you are still open to new possibilities anyway – here are some of the world’s best road trips you might want to think about taking.

PCabot Trail, Canada. This 298 km road is one of the longest road trips you might care to take, and as such it is not for the faint of heart. But it is worthwhile, with some of the most stunning scenery anywhere in the world, and a beautiful variation of landscape to take in along the way. This beautiful Nova Scotia surrounding is going to honestly take your breath away – and why not consider staying at some of Canada’s amazing lodges while you’re at it?

Snowdonia, Wales. If you would instead prefer something a little shorter, then how about this 70-mile journey around this beautiful part of Northern Wales? If you are in that part of the world already, this is one of your best choices, and you will even get to see some stunning views of one of the three highest peaks in the British Isles.

PThe Garden Route, South Africa. Finally, if you are keen to get out there and be exotic, you must consider this top road trip in South Africa. Known for its fascinating sights and explorative sense, it’s not for the faint of heart – but it is indeed incredible to experience.

As you can see, road tripping can be a truly fantastic way to see the world, so long as you know what you are doing, where you are going, and how to make the most of it.

When we go on vacation we tend to take a lot more luggage with us than we really need to. This is something that could become a bit of an issue at the airport when they weigh your luggage. However, you can travel lighter and still have everything you need while you’re on vacation. So how is this possible? Read on for more great ideas:

Take Smaller Luggage

One of the first things you need to do is use a much smaller suitcase. If you plan to take a big suitcase on vacation you’re more likely to fill it. Using a smaller suitcase or even a backpack will mean you have to pack less.

Plan your Outfits

We all know how tempting it is to pack as many outfits as possible but this could result in you taking too many clothes with you. Think about what you’re going to wear and where you’re going to wear it. The next step is to check the temperature in your chosen destination as this will ensure you’ll pack what you need.

Pack Lightweight Clothes

If you can, and if the weather permits pack lightweight clothes. Jeans, for example, weigh much more than linen trousers. If you want more clothes-related ideas you’ll find that many vacation companies have a few tips so check their website for more information.

Don’t Pack your Suitcase Yet

Another great way for you to help you travel lighter is to pack your clothes etc. outside of your suitcase. This will help you to see how much you’re taking with you and allow you to re-think some of those items of clothing.

Take Fewer Toiletries

When we go on vacation we want to make sure we have all the toiletries we need. However, here is where we can end up packing more than we really need to. Try to use take smaller bottles with you while making sure you use the soap and shampoo that the hotel provides. Using the hotel’s toiletries is not only part of the price you’d paid to stay there it also means you can pack less.

One trick that will ensure you take fewer toiletries with you is to purchase those reusable travel bottles that come with a screw top or flip lid. When you fill one of these bottles up with shampoo, for example, you’re unlikely to need very much more. The same can be said for shower gel and hand lotion. These bottles can usually hold enough shampoo etc. for at least one week.

Wash your Clothes

If you have the chance to you should wash your clothes so you can wear them another day. This will prevent you from having to take a different outfit for each day. If your hotel does not have a laundry you can usually find laundry powder for sale in one of the local shops. As you can see, it’s perfectly possible for you to travel lighter. Use the above tips the next time you’re about to go on vacation and your suitcase

After visiting Saint Catherine Monastery, we continued our journey to Cairo. The road trip to Cairo was long but I looked out the car window with great interest. The Egyptian land! Africa! The part of world I always wanted to travel to! Can you imagine how excited I felt? There was endless desert. And the Red Sea. The Red Sea in Egypt looked differently compared to the Red Sea I saw in Israel. It was dreamy pink dotted with may private luxury beach resorts that were not accessible to local Egyptians.

At 11:30pm, we finally checked in my hotel in Cairo. Instead of staying in Cairo for sightseeing as per our itinerary, I was told to catch an early flight the next morning and start Nile Cruise. Can’t remember the reason why but it was a private tour, the decision was easily made for me. So I got up 4am the next day and caught the early flight to Aswan.

A local tour guide picked me up at the airport and that was the start of Nile Cruise. The ship was marvellous and my cabin was luxurious but there was no time to enjoy it yet. After quickly checking and dropped my luggage at the reception, we headed to High Dam and Philae Temple.

High Dam was a bore, haha. Sorry to say that, I understand the importance of it but it’s a very plain sightseeing place with not much to see.

We then caught a little boat to cross the water to reach Philae Temple on the island. Before setting our foot on the boat, the tour guide gave us a lecture about tipping. Note, it is compulsory to tip in Egypt so the boat driver must be tipped separately. That was kind of expected but little did I know that what I experienced in Egypt really showed me a different level of harassment.

Philae temple is an amazing site. Originally locted in Upper Egypt, the temple complex was dismantled and moved to nearby Agilkia Island as part of the UNESCO Nubia Campaign project, protecting this and other complexes before the 1970 completion of the Aswan High Dam.

As I was in awe at the sight of this ancient construction, two Egyptian men dressed in typical southern Egyptian garments waved at me. And indicated that me should take a photo of them with the temple. So I did. Silly me. The bigger one of these two men then started to follow me and the other one followed on. At first a didn’t understand what was the problem. Then the bigger Egyptian used his body language to demand money.

Ahhh… Of course, you must tip every step you go in Egypt. I paid them. For taking photos of them. And that was the first lesson learnt.

The most important lesson I learnt from my trip is Egypt is to remember not to make eye contact or smile at anyone! NO ONE apart from fellow tourists. I thought in Petra nobody will help you unless you tip them, but in Egypt, you must stay away from local Egyptian as far as possible. They will follow you, ask money from you and try to trick you regardless but just keep walking on and maintain a serious facial expression. Smiling makes you to be perceived a weak person and an easy target.

Back to the Cruise, I couldn’t wait to enjoy my spacious, comfortable cabin and to gaze out at the Nile River, day dreaming. Within a minute, some one knocked on my door. A waiter was outside my cabin. He started to introduce himself and stared at me eagerly. I gave him some money, put “Do Not Disturb” sign out and shut my door again.

There it was, a moment of peace in my own cabin.

My whole Middle East trip was safe, no gun shot, bomb scare or anything like that. Security check was very stringent in Israel but you can still travel solo freely without being harassed. So I really appreciated Israel and consider it was the most enjoyable part of my trip.

If you ask me what was the scariest incident during the trip, it has to be the boarder crossing into Egypt. The most practical way to travel between Israel and Egypt is overland via the Taba border crossing. According to Smartraveller website ( Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade official travel advise site), Taba area is the red, “do not travel zone”. “Within 50kms of Egypt’s border with Libya and Governorate of North Sinai, including the Taba-Suez Road, do not travel”, it says. That really concerned me. But then again, the whole Egypt is orange, “reconsider your travel” zone. Does that mean Travel to Egypt is not an option at all? I really wanted to go to Egypt and the need to get Egypt travel out of my system was increasingly urgent. So after months (even years) of deliberation, I booked the trip any way.

“I will have a driver and a tour guide accompany me all the time. The tour company will organise my visa and send someone to pick me up at the boarder. ” I was assuring myself over and over again. It’s just that due to the security situation in northern Sinai, the government does not allow tourists to ride the bus from Taba to Cairo, and the route between the two cities can be dangerous even for private vehicles. So I was a little bit scared about the safety of travelling with a private tour vehicle.

Thanks God I didn’t see any riots, military bombing or gun held robbery during my entire trip. Only thing was, I was stopped at the boarder terminal and denied entering Egypt. It was past 10pm at night. As you could imagine, being stuck at the boarder between Israel and Egypt during that hour is a little… scary.

The boarder officer wouldn’t allow us pass because you’d need a guarantee letter to enter Egypt. Our travel agent didn’t prepare the letter, my visa wasn’t ready. I was not informed any potential problem. There wasn’t anyone to pick me up at the other side of the boarder!

Without a sim card to call anyone in Egypt I asked the boarder officer to call the travel agent. But it appeared the one who picked up the phone had no idea what’s what. Long story short, I finally got in Egypt just before midnight! After being persistent and kept calling different people, someone finally turned up and prepared my papers. It could be worse right? I could get stuck at the boarder like Tom Hanks in the movie The Terminal and have slept on the hard bench right? So that was the most scary part of my trip.

We stayed at a charming resort right at the foot of Mt Sinai and went to visit Saint Catherine’s Monastery the early next morning.

Built between 548 and 565, the monastery is one of the oldest working Christian monasteries in the world. The site contains the world’s oldest continually operating library, possessing many unique books. We were not allowed to take photos inside the buildings but here are some photos from outside.

It was quiet peaceful in the early morning then all of a sudden arrived bus and bus loads of tourists. You see, some people are not afraid of security warnings.

To the left of and below the altar is the monastery’s holiest area, the Chapel of the Burning Bush, which is off limits to the public.

The most popular spot has to be where what is thought to be a descendant of the original burning bush in the monastery compound. Due to visitors snipping cuttings of the bush to take home as blessings, the area surrounding it is now fenced off. Every tourist from those big tour buses wanted to take a picture there. So it took me about 30 minutes to finally take a picture of this hot spot without anyone in the frame.

Hot spot. Had to wait for nearly 30 minutes to take a photo of this particular corner without anyone in the frame.

At that point I was still in Asia, next we were going to cross continent along the Red Sea and continue my journey to North Africa. How exciting!

Have you been longing for a new place to fish? Maybe you’ve been coming back to the same old fishing hole for years, and you’re tired of it. You might be craving a change of scenery, and want to see if you can hook a new type of fish. If this sounds like you, then you need to keep reading, because I’ve got some great news for you!

In addition to traveling, I love to fish. I’ve been in love with spending time on the water since I was 4-years-old. Anytime I go somewhere new, I always see if there’s anywhere I can set my line. I’ve been very lucky to find some great fishing spots in some of the most unlikely places, and I want to share my discoveries with you!

Below are five great fishing destinations for travel enthusiasts that you probably haven’t heard of.

1.   Fontenelle Creek, Wy. (USA)

Not too far from the city of Kemmerer, on the western border of the state of Wyoming, there’s a creek. You wouldn’t think much of it at first glance. It’s only about eight feet deep in its deepest portions, and it isn’t much to look at. But if you love to fish, Fontenelle Creek is a hidden gem in the heart of the Big Sky Country that you don’t want to miss!

Why I Love It

I’ll admit I’m not all that great at fly fishing,but I love it just the same! Fontenelle Creek offers plenty of great spots for both fly fishing and angling. It’s in a very remote part of the state, meaning it can be a little tough to find, but also that it’s secluded and peaceful.

Trout is the staple species in the creek, and you can expect to fill your bucket full of cutthroat, rainbow, and brown trout.

2.   Umba River, Kola Peninsula (Russia)

Like salmon? If so, I’ve got the perfect spot for you. Nestled in the northwestern edge of Russia, in one of the coldest parts of the country, you’ll find the Umba River. Starting at Lake Umbozero, about 62 miles to the northeast of Kandalaksha, the river snakes its way throughout the Kola, until it empties into the Kandalaksha Gulf, near the town of Umba.

Why I Love It

This is one of the toughest fishing trips I’ve ever taken. The cold was biting, the river wide and deep, and it turns out that bears love the salmon as much as the fishermen do.

Despite all that, it’s also one of the best trips I’ve ever had. If you can make it out in May, as I did, you’re almost guaranteed to land a bite as soon as you cast out. The salmon are migrating this time of year, and massive schools of them pack together as they follow the current. As long as you’ve packed the right gear, you’ll catch more salmon than you can fit in your bucket!

Bear in mind, the Umba allows for catch and release only, so ensure you respect the law as you fish.

3.   Piñas Bay (Panama)

If you travel along the southern coast of Panama, you’ll find Piñas Bay. Bordering on the Pacific Ocean, the bay is a beautiful spot, with expansive beaches, lush jungle, and plenty of sunshine. For those who love to fish, it’s not only one of the best spots in Panama, but in the entire world!

Why I Love It

Piñas Bay is great not only for its location but also the wide variety of fish you can catch. Common species you’ll find include:

  • Marlin
  • Sailfish
  • Tuna
  • Swordfish
  • Snapper
  • Dorado

There are also many sub-species you can find in addition to the ones on this list.

4.   The Eg River (Mongolia)

If you’ve ever watched fishing shows that focus on “monster fish,” and wondered if you could snare one of these gigantic species, the Eg River is the place to find out. Flowing out of the southern edge of Khuvsgul Lake, the Eg River is home to several different species of giant fish.

Why I Love It

I wanted to see if I could handle one of these oversized monsters, and the Eg River gave me plenty of opportunities. Taimen are the most common species to be found, and they can grow as long as seven feet and weigh as much as 230 pounds! Be ready to test your mettle as you try to land one of these monsters. Taimen are aggressive and will put up a fight the likes of which you’ve never seen before!

5.   Rio Colorado (Costa Rica)

A tributary of the San Juan River, the Rio Colorado spans over 60 miles long. Surrounded by the Barra del Colorado Wildlife Preserve, Rio Colorado is an amazing destination for animal lovers, scientists, nature lovers, and fishermen alike.

Why I Love It

The river is home to Costa Rica’s most famous species of fish, tarpon, and there’s a lot of them. While not as aggressive as taimen, these fish will still pose a challenge for you, as they can grow up to eight feet long and weigh as much as 300 pounds! I promise it’s a challenge worth accepting though, as nothing feels better than overcoming one of these monsters and hauling it up into your boat.

It’s not hard to see the appeal of visiting a country as exciting as India. It’s a land full of history, sights, sounds, smells, culture. It is a fascinating corner of the globe, a place that every traveler needs to visit at least once in their lifetime. But while there’s much to love about a trip to India, there’s an old truism that you’ll need to be aware of: people from Western countries frequently get ill there, which can put a (temporary) dampener on your adventuring! However, while it’s impossible to guarantee that you’ll be in tip-top condition throughout the duration of your trip, there are things you can do to make getting ill less likely. We take a look at eleven useful tips of Staying healthy visiting Indian below:

Insurance Coverage

Sometimes, it’s not whether you get ill or not that matters – it’s how fast you respond to it. Even a small disease can become problematic if it’s allowed to develop into something more sinister. Let’s not forget that there are hospitals in India. If you have a problem, then you’ll be able to get treatment. But for some people, the costs involved with treatment can be a barrier. As such, the smart approach is to take the problem out of the equation altogether. If you have travel insurance, then you’ll be able to receive treatment safe in the knowledge that the final cost isn’t coming out of your bank account. In some places insurance can feel like an unnecessary expense – not so in India.

Get Your Vaccinations

If you’re going to India for the first time, make sure you’re getting all the essential vaccinations! You’ll need to think ahead a little bit so that you have time to book yourself in for an appointment (no last minute trips!) to get all the vaccinations that you need. And what do they include? You’ll want to get hepatitis A, typhoid, and possibly rabies, if you’re planning on going through the mountains. None of these are legally required, but are strongly encouraged. If you’re intent on staying healthy, then it’s not worth it take risks. 

Bottled Water

Drink bottled water – that’s all we can say. The tap water is not going to be OK for you if you’re coming from the west. Your stomach is not going to be accustomed to it. In some areas, such as areas heavily frequented by tourists, you might be advised to only buy sparkling water. This is because some sellers refill empty bottles with water from the tap, and then “reseal” them. If you buy a bottle of sparkling water and it doesn’t fizz when you open it, then you’ll know that you’re not buying the real thing. Also, never accept ice cubes if you can’t be certain that they’re not from the tap, as they nearly always will be.

Where You’re Eating

One of the main draws of visiting India is trying out all that delicious food! And take it from us, you’ll want to go with an appetite. But remember that sometimes your eyes and stomach can overrule your head when it comes to the foods you should eat and which should be left to one side. The street food might look delicious, but it might not have been made in the most sanitary conditions. Actually, that’s putting it too mildly – there was probably no cleanliness conditions whatsoever. It’s a good rule of thumb to only eat in restaurants that are busy – if everyone else goes there, then it must be for a reason.

Lining the Stomach

It might be beneficial in the run-up to your trip to start taking some gut boosting probiotics. This will help fill your stomach with the good bacteria which helps keep everything running as it should. They can be very effective if they’re taken regularly. Actually, it’s usually a good practice just to take them anyway.

What’s in the Bag?

You can stave off a lot of the problems you could encounter when in India just be packing smart. You’re probably already aware that the biggest complaint people have while there are issues to do with their stomach. If this happens, then you can suffer through the ordeal, or take a Gastrostop capsule, and help to relieve the symptoms. Most people find themselves in the unfortunate situation of having a problem with their stomach only to then think “I should have visited a pharmacy”; by having something in your bag already, then you’ll be ready to tackle the issue head-on should it present itself.

Staying healthy visiting Indian

Opt for Vegetarian

The vast majority of the world’s vegetarians live in India, and that means that it’s probably the best place on the planet to have a meat-free diet. Now, you don’t have to just opt for the meatless option on the menu for ethical or environmental reasons: it’ll better for your health too. That’s because refrigeration isn’t always of the best quality in India, and is, in fact, non-existent all together in some areas, which makes it more likely that the meat is contaminated. But take our word for it – you won’t miss the meat in your dish when you’ve tasted some of the delicious meals that are available.

Wash Your Hands

The most simple tips are usually the most effective, and so it is with washing your hands. You’re going to come in contact with a lot of germs while you’re traveling, but they’re not going to automatically get you sick – but if they have time to linger around, then they will. So wash your hands well, with soap. If you’ve grown up in a Western country, it’s worthwhile researching how to wash your hands properly, as ridiculous as it sounds – a splash of water and a bit of soap on the tips of your fingers won’t cut it, we’re afraid!

Don’t Forget the Sun

It’s easy, when you’re so focused on the diseases that might be hanging all around you, to forget that, well, India is a pretty hot country too. And if you’re not used to spending too much time in the sunshine, then this could pose some big problems for you. When you’re out and about, always wear lotion to protect you from the sun’s harmful rays, drink plenty of (bottled) water, and stay in the shade during the hottest parts of the day. It would be silly to spend so much time thinking about upsetting your stomach only to get taken down by the sun!

Rest Well

You’ll have a lot of things that you want to see and do when you’re in India, but it’s important that you get enough rest – for the simple reason that a well-rested person is much better able to withstand threats to their health. It’s highly advisable that you invest in a good pair of earplugs, because as you’ll soon come to understand, the noise in India can be quite intense.

Don’t Lose Your Mind

While it’s important to take precautions to stay healthy when you’re traveling to India, keeping your health in check shouldn’t become an obsession. Some people get sick when they’re there; others don’t. If you’re looking at the country through the lens of “how might this place harm me” then you’ve gone too far. The best approach is to just do what you can, and then put it to the back of your mind. India is a fascinating country that offers a lot to its visitors: go out there and explore all of its delights!

Where’s the best best cherry picking farm near Sydney? Certainly not in Orange (a town in NSW, 255kms from Sydney). My first experience of picking your own cherries at a cherry farm was many many years ago. I drove all the way to Orange with a small group of uni friends who picked that cherry farm for us to go. We were told “There isn’t any cherry tree left for you to pick your own” at the farm when we finally arrived. So that was that.

Don’t get me wrong. I still had a superb time in Orange. We bought lots cherries, had a feast of BBQ, swam in a lake, went out at night with fire crackers in hands. These happy old times. And how time flew! Later I heard the best cherry picking farm near Sydney is in Young (375kms from Sydney) but never tried “pick your own” again. Until this year.

J suggested to go visit Young, “the Cherry Capital of Australia” during the national cherry festival and do some sight seeing. Located in a valley surrounded by low hills, Young is famous for cherries, peaches, plums and other stone fruits. The cherry harvest runs throughout November and December and the fruit season ends in April. There are dozens of orchards around town which, in season, sell cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, apples, pears, grapes, strawberries and raspberries. Some of these orchards offer visitors “pick your own fruit” option. Where others only sell fruits readily picked or jams, pies made from fruits from their own farms.

“Pick your own fruit” at Young, NSW

As soon as you drive near Young on Olympic drive, you’ll see orchards after orchards with signs on the road side, inviting you to go in. So it wasn’t easy to decide which one is a good one to “pick your own”. We drove around that road twice, searched through google reviews and stopped by a few to check how they operated. Eventually we decided to go to Ballinaclash Fruit and Wine on Olympic Highway South of Young. Staff at the reception explained how it works and I was so glad to go on my own cherry picking for the first time! The good news is, they also has pick your own apricots for $4 a kilo. There’s no entry fee to go in. You can eat as much as you can inside the orchard and cherries you pick to take home is $8 per kilo. That sounded really good compared to some other orchards that charge $10 entry fees to go in on top of $10 per kilo for cherries you pick.

No wonder they had relatively more people inside and good reviews. Nevertheless, we had to test it ourselves.

Oh my, there were rows after rows of cherry trees full of cherries in the orchard. All I saw was big, plentiful of cherries everywhere ready for you to pick. I started to wonder how it was possible “there’s no tree left for you to pick your own” back then in Orange?

Anyways, I wasn’t complaining. 🙂 With so few people around because it was Friday, we ate, picked and took lots of pictures.

Walking pass by different types of cherries, we reached the apricot orchard. How cute are these apricots! Not to mention that they are delicious!

Will I come back again?

This cherry farm is full of cuteness. They also have a shop next to reception full of cherry wines, jams and pies.
cheery picking farm near Sydney

The next day when we drove pass it to the Young Cherry Festival Parade, it was crowded with people and cars. Glad we went in on a week day while it wasn’t so packed.

The Cherry Festival Parade in Young town centre was so fun. Want to check out what it looked like?  J posted lots of photos here. Go and check it out!

Will I go back to the cherry farm again? That’s for sure! It’s the first cheery picking farm near Sydney I’ve ever got in. It’s got to be the best! Haha. Finally I went into a cherry farm to pick my own fruits! With a little bit more research beforehand, we fully enjoyed the trip, feeling full and happy.

I nearly didn’t make it to see Petra Monastery on top of the mountains. Temperature in Elate Israel on the day I left was 43 degrees and the climb to Petra Monastery requires at least 6 hours to and from the main entrance of Petra tourist centre. It certainly wasn’t an easy walk in the park but I’m so glad I did it. It only took me a little over 3 hours from a secret entry on my second day in Petra.

I was with a tour guide the first day in the ancient city of Petra. We took the main road walking from Petra visitors centre,through the Siq all the way to the Byzantine church Petra. Of course the main attraction for the majority of visitors was the Treasury and most of them would stop there.

Weather inside the ancient Petra was surprisingly cooler compared to surrounding cities. I enjoyed the nice breeze and large areas of shades throughout the Siq.

There were a lot donkey owners approaching us to lure me to take a donkey ride but I didn’t really want to as I much preferred enjoying the journey on foot instead of worrying about falling off the donkey all the way. Yes, to see the Monastery is must. What’s the point of coming to a long way to Petra from Australia and not seeing the whole ancient city of Petra? Sure there are more than 800 steps to climb uphills after passing the museum. But when it comes to travel, I’m never lazy.There was enough time to climb all the way up to see the Petra Monastery on the first day but I felt the urge to take it a little slower. So it was decided to do it on the second day so we headed back.

Map Of The Ancient City Of Petra

Visit Petra - the map

More donkey owners came to persuade tourists to take a donkey ride. Some fellow travellers took the donkey ride to be taken back to the entrance but I walked back to the visitors’s centre on my own. Next time I met these travellers, they all complained that those bedouins were “lying” to them. They felt cheated because donkey owners dropped them off at the Treasury, not the entrance to the Siq as promised.

The Secret Entrance To The Ancient City Of Petra

I was planning to get up early and climb Monastery on the second day but didn’t want like pushing too hard waking up the next day. “If I can’t make it, so be it. Most people don’t make it any way.” I thought. “No big deal. You deserve a rest.”  So I had a warm bath and long buffet breakfast instead. It was 10:30am, looked like there was no time for me to do the Petra Monastery climb any more as I had to meet the tour guide at 2:30pm to go somewhere else. To go to Petra Monastery from visitors centre requires at least 6 hours. As I was walking back to my room, the hotel driver came up to me.

“You wanted to go to the Monastery right?”

“Yes, but it’s too late now. I might just go to the Treasury again then go to the market in Petra.”

“You can still go. There’s a quicker way. I can take you to the entrance that most tourists don’t know about.”


“Yes, it’ll take about 3 hours. I’ll pick you up from the entrance once back to the hotel once you finish. But you have to walk hard.”

So I rushed back to my room, quickly packed some water and snack and of I went. Fearing the driver won’t come to pick up in the end, I paid half of the $50 he charged and agreed to pay the remaining once I’m back to the hotel.

Looking out from the car window, we were in the only car on the road. The scenery was breathtaking – mountains, caves and desert, though it was becoming normal to me. 🙂

Drive to the “Secret” Entrance to climb Petra Monastery

Arriving At The Secret Entrance

After about 10 minutes drive, we arrived the “secret” entrance. There wasn’t anyone else there apart from a tiny office with lonely guard who checked my ticket to enter the ancient city of Petra. The driver promised to come back to pick me at 2pm. I started to get a little nervous as it’d be alone from there onwards.  There was a good 20 minutes walk all the way down the valley to the basin area where the foot path to Petra Mona started. What if I get lost? It didn’t look like there was anyone to ask directions. As you can see, it was a long empty road.

Will I make the return trip in 3 hours? I’m not fit. It was 42 degrees that day. It was 11am, which meant I had to climb Petra Monastery the hottest hours during the day. Oh dear.

I didn’t have a sim card to make phone calls in Petra, what if my driver doesn’t come to pick me up at 2pm?What if I missed my tour in the afternoon? It’d mess up the rest itinerary! I still had Egypt to go…

After went through all those doubts in my mind, I pushed head with my backpack. There wasn’t time to waste. Just march on!

A Surreal Journey

There wasn’t anyone, any car, any camel, horse or donkey on the road. Yes, the driver was right, that obviously was the secret entrance that nobody knows! A horrible thought came to my mind, if some came to kill me then, nobody would ever found my body. Then I quickly calmed down. There was no reason to kill me or rob me. I only had little money on me and dressed down as poor tourist.  March on!

There was only me walking all the way down to Petra Basin yard from the “secret” entrance

There were more caves and pretty flowers along the way. The road was super clean. No smelly animal poos. That was not a sound to obscure the deep serene. 

About 10 minutes on the way down, I walked passed another resting area with a gate , where they checked my ticket again. So it wasn’t far from the main traffic. Hurry!

Soon enough I saw the Theatre, the Royal tomb, the colonnaded street. Camels and people! Climb Petra Monastery

Climb Petra Monastery

You have to walk through the Basin yard where the torrents meet and to ascend to the Monastery. It was nice and cool under the shades of the Basin restaurant but I didn’t have time stay for a drink. March on!

Signage to the pathways to Monastery was damaged so it wasn’t clear which way to go. But I got on the right path eventually and started the first steps to the mountain top.

Climb Petra Monastery

Climbing up the path to Petra Monastery

There was a long climbing to do. The climb itself wasn’t hard. It was just super long. If I wasn’t pushed by time, it’d be easier but I was under pressure. And it was hot. All larger shady areas along the rocks were occupied by bedouin vendors. It seemed unavoidable to purchase something once you enter the shaded areas. I didn’t want to buy overpriced, useless souvenirs, nor have the time and energy to haggle. March on!

Climb Petra Monastery

More caves on the way and stunning views looking back down:

Climb Petra Monastery

Climb Petra Monastery Climb Petra MonasteryClimb Petra Monastery

But the top was nowhere near in sight. I kept climbing, climbing and climbing. After weeks of touring and hiking before visiting Petra, my body started to feel the pain. I started to doubt if I’d ever got to the top in such short period of time. “Don’t give up just yet.” I kept telling myself but my pace was slower and slower.

At last I sat down on the side of the road, sweating and panting with my tongue sticking out like a dog. “You’ll get there.” “Only another 15 minutes.” “It’s totally worth it.” People passing by on the way down encouraged me sympathetically.  “Be patient and calm down. There’s still time.” I too, tried to encourage myself though I was totally exhausted and wanted to give up. March on!

On Top Of The Mountains!

At last, I saw all the mountains behind me and there’s a cafe on top of the mountains near the Monastery.Climb Petra Monastery

Climb Petra Monastery

It was cool and breezing on the top. I breathed deeply feeling the joy filled my heart. It felt unreal. The views form nearby mountain tops are amazing. You can get a good view of the Treasury from the top.

The monastery looks similar to the Treasury but much bigger in size. V

Climb Petra Monastery

Can you see the little in green top behind me? That’s how small a person looks compared to the Monastery. I couldn’t help but wonder, how did they make it over a thousand years ago without any modern tools?Climb Petra Monastery

On The Way Back

It was time to rush downhills to meet my driver! Luckily it was so much easier walking downhills. It didn’t take me long to reach the Basil yard down the valley. And this time I wasn’t confused about which way to go. Obviously I was the only headed that direction and many people yelled at me “Turn back, Turn back! That way back to the visitors centre was on the other side!” But I carried on without turning because the secret entrance was the my destination, not the visitors centre. Some donkey owners chased me to offer me a donkey ride back to Treasury but I marked on without stopping.

Soon I was left alone on the road again. The long, steep journey climbing up to the secret entrance! I wished there was a donkey, horse, camel or something. It was 2pm, time to meet the driver at the entrance on top but the road ahead was so steep. I started to feel powerless and desperate.

All of a sudden, someone yelled at me from behind, “Do you want a ride?” A bedouin with a donkey! I was no longer alone!

“Not really. I’m scared of donkey ride.” I was telling the truth.

“It’s not a donkey. It’s a mule. I’ll take you to the gate.”

Looking at the animal I couldn’t tell what it was. It did look a little taller and stronger than a donkey. No matter a donkey or a mule, it was God sent. I only had strength left to climb up the donkey/mule. What a wonderful 15 minutes ride! I felt rested and slightly relieved.

Meet the Donkey/Mule?

Tell me, is it a donkey or a mule?

The bedouin dropped me off about 200 metres away from the gate. And I rushed up to find my driver. As I approached the gate, I saw the driver coming my way too. So everything worked out alright!

How to enjoy the climb to Petra Monastery

It was an enjoyable experience to climb up to Petra Monastery and totally worth the effort.

Be mentally prepared

Firstly be mindful that it’ll be a long climb up. Some people like me even felt a little bored in the middle of the journey. So just be patient, you get there eventually. In the mean time, admire the views!

Take your time to do it

Don’t rush it. I rushed and stressed because I only made the decision to go in the last minute. Take your time to climb and take a few stops to rest.

Rest well before trekking up Petra Monastery

The climb itself is not hard to do, even for a someone who’s not fit. But to enjoy the journey more, you must take care of your body before the climb.

Drink plenty of water

Make sure you drink plenty of water before and during the trip before feeling too hot and dehydrated.

Is it safe to do it alone?

The answer is Yes! I’ve seen lots of single travellers during my trip to Petra. Though there wasn’t anyone else trekking to the Monastery from the secret entrance that day, I was totally safe doing alone. There might be a lot people trying to make more money out of you but the chance of you getting killed in Petra Jordan is extremely slim. 🙂


There’s a world of difference between Little India Singapore and Marina Bay Sands area. One is an ethnic suburb with a reputation of being slightly dangerous. The other, needless to say has the most prestigious real estate in Singapore. Both areas are interesting and equality worth going even if you are just staying in Singapore for a couple of days.

With much curiosity, I went to Little Indian on my own to find out what it really looks like. A 48 hours hop on hop off bus tour ticket will take you everywhere in Singapore numerous times. The hop on hop off tour includes walking tours in Singapore Chinatown and Little India Singapore. But I didn’t have time to take either of them. The audio tour offered detailed explanation of the rich history of the area of Little India.

Little India Singapore once had a racecourse, cattle herders and brick kilns. Today it is one of Singapore’s most vibrant districts. Its rich colours, buzzing culture and endless food choices have left a deep impression on me.

The rich Colours!

Little India is nothing short of colours. The moment you reach the neighbourhood of Little Indian, you’ll notice a burst of colours every where.

There are big elephant sculptures decorated in colourful flowers standing cheerfully in the middle of the main road.

And you can’t miss the Little Indian Arcade in bright orange brown colour, even on a grey overcast day.

Don’t you love these colourful, 2 story buildings with traditional folding windows? They are just adorable and pop up every where!

Possible the most colourful building in Singapore, the House of Tan Teng Niah stands out in colourful Little India with its bright rainbow exterior. It is one of the last surviving Chinese villas in a largely Indian enclave. Its former owner Tan Teng Niah was a businessman who owned several sweet-making factories along Serangoon Road along with a rubber smokehouse, and it was said that he built this house for his wife. The house was originally white and green, its rainbow of colours have only added in more recent times. Today the building houses several commercial offices.

Haven’t seek enough colours yet? Check out those flower garlands stalls!

There is however, one white building stood out from the colourful crowd in Little Indian. Housed in a 1920’s building in Little India, Wanderlust is a unique boutique hotel showcasing a diverse range of fun themes.

Buzzing culture

Heritage sites

Little Indian hosts a mix of Hindu and Chinese temples, mosques and churches. There are many heritage sites around for you to explore.

To name a few:

Indian Heritage Center

This shiny modern building inspired by the Indian baoli stands out among the narrow streets and little old shops in Little India. This four-storey building hosts a significant collection of artefacts promoting the diverse Indian diaspora and heritage, including a permanent exhibition of the history of the Indian community in Singapore. It’s educational, never too jam packed with people, and a great spot to chill out and soak in some heritage culture in a humid day.

 Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple

Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple in the middle of Little Indian is one of the oldest hindu temples in Singapore ( the oldest hindu temple is in Chinatown). It’s dedicated to the Hindu goddess Kali, fierce embodiment of Shakti and the god Shiva’s wife, Parvati, built by Indian pioneers who came and work here.

Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple

The Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple is also called the Temple of a Thousand Lights, due to the 15-metre-tall, 300-ton statue surrounded by what seems to be thousands of little lights housed within its walls. This Buddhist temple in Little IndiaSingapore is a mix of Chinese, Thai and Indian styles dating back to 1927. First constructed by Thai monk Venerable Vutthisasara as a simple zinc roof shed, it was later built in to its current form through donations by Aw Boon Har and Aw Boon Par, the entrepreneurial brothers who created the medicinal ointment Tiger Balm and Haw Par Villa.

Church Of The True Light


There are abundant places to shop for different types of goodies in Little Indian Singapore.


Tekka Centre

Tekka Centre houses historically popular, Singapore’s largest indoor wet market, renowned for an incredible array of produce and hard-to-find ingredients.

It is also home to a whole lot of sundry stalls selling everything covering household goods, religious paraphernalia and even tailoring services. The name Tekka comes from a Hokkien name meaning ‘foot of the bamboos’, a reference to the many bamboo plants growing along Rochor Canal. If you want to experience a genuine local shopping experience then head upstairs. The higher floors sell everything from Bollywood music to silk for saris.

Mustafa Centre

Mustafa Centre in Little India is open for 24 hours a day, housing Mustafa department store, which caters mainly to the budget market. The department store consists of two shopping centres: one retailing jewellery and household appliances and functioning as a supermarket, and the other selling a variety of other products such as books, DVDs, watches, electronic goods, footwear, toys and clothing.

Little India Arcade

Little India Arcade is superb for picking up knick-knacks, costume jewellery and souvenirs at super cheap prices.

Market stalls and little shophouses

Needless to say, Little Indian is everything about Indian culture. It’ll be a shopper’s paradise for anything Indian browsing those market stalls and little shophouses.

Endless food choices

Feeling hungry? You won’t be starved in Singapore, especially in this part of town. There are big food centres, loads of restaurants all over the place ready to feed you.

Out of so many hawker markets in Singapore, Tekka Centre is probably one of my favourites. Tekka Centre is a landmark in the neighbourhood, serving up a variety of dishes of fresh food only steps away from the MRT at Little India. This brightly painted warehouse was renovated a couple of years ago and has quickly become a hub for those in search of decent food at honest prices. It stands out from the rest of the hawker centres in Singapore, serving predominantly Indian food, including a great number of Halal dishes.

Inside it is set up like any other hawker centre, with rows of individual stores and tables around them. There are plenty stalls cater for all palettes whether you are after rich curries or a simple dish of duck and rice. So follow the crowds and delicious smells.

It was very hard to decide what to eat when there are so many choices available. After a few minutes’ observation, I found a few stalls with people queuing in front during non rush hours.

Eventually I joined the queue of Ming Fa because among all food stalls, this stall seemed to be the most popular at the time and I always love a big bowl of hot noodle soup. There are different types of noodles available showing in the cute tubs pictured below.

People in front of me in the queue obviously are regulars of this stall. They were whispering that the service of one of the other stalls was always slow and Ming Fa was super fast. So they were right, a waitress took orders from customers in the queue and the guy behind the counter assembled different noodle soups in lightening fast speed according each individual orders.

I enjoyed my laksa so much and will certainly visit again next time I’m in Singapore.

Tekka Centre Opening Hours: Daily 06:30 – 21:00 MRT: Little India Address: 665 Buffalo & Serangoon Roads, Little India, Singapore

Of course, you can’t go to Singapore without having Singapore chilli crabs. There are plenty of places serving this tradition Singapore dish. But many food kiosks don’t service this dish unless it’s dinner time. There’s a restaurant right at the corner of Mackenzie and Selegie Rd in the Neighbourhood of Little India Singapore, serving up fresh seafood and many traditional Singapore, Malaysian dishes. They’ll cook Singapore chilli crab for you with live crabs fresh from the water tans, any time during the day.

Old Change Kee in Singapore is my favourite place to drop by for a quick bite to eat. I just can’t get enough of their curry puffs! If you are a Old Change Kee fan as me, you’ll be delighted that they opened their flagship store – Old Chang Kee Coffee House at the original location of the first stall. It’s opposite Rex Cinema opposite Rex Cinema, where homegrown brand Old Chang Kee started over three decades ago. What began as a tiny stall in the corner of the local coffee shop, is now a bigger and brighter 50-seater space that spans three shophouse units.

It offers tasty food, friendly & fast service and very pleasant atmosphere. You might pay less elsewhere in Little India but it is totally worth it! You will have the old Singapore experience with proper porcelin utensils and lovely ambience, just like the good old days.

Old Chang Kee Coffee House

19/21/23 Mackenzie Road, #01-01, Singapore 228678 – near MacKenzie Road and MRT Little India exit A.