Weekly Motivation: Love Life

do small things in a great way


do small things in a great way

Photo taken on the long weekend. Yellow makes me happy.

I used to have such a negative attitude for everything including my attitude towards life.

The phrases like “Life is precious”, “You only live life once”, “Live life to the fullest” are such cliches to me.

I focused on picking all the negative aspects of life and thought life is such a chore. “If only I had the birth right, I would choose not to be born.” was my thought. Terrible isn’t it? You are right, I don’t like my old self either:).

Was I born negative? I can’t really remember. But man, being negative sucks. Lucky I’m not prepared to live my entire life in a negative state of mind. Life is too good to be wasted in being negative!!!


  • Face the harsh reality that life is never meant to be easy.
  • Make the best of everything that has come to your way.
  • Strive to reach your full potential.

Love life, love you.



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