Pain In Your Hips? 3 Possible Causes Of Chronic Pelvic Pain

Pain around your hips and pelvic region is incredibly common, particularly for women. If you experience constant pain in this area, there could be any number of issues presenting themselves. Nevertheless, if chronic pain is what you keep experiencing, the chances are you’re looking one of these three issues as the source of the pain:

Hip impingement

Hip impingement occurs where muscle and ligaments get trapped between the hip joint. This sounds painful, and you tend to get a sharp pinching pain that radiates around the hip joint and deep into the pelvis. A good way to know if this might be your problem is by rotating your hip and seeing if the pain increases. For a lot of people, when internally rotating the hip, you get a lot of restriction and feel the intense pinching pain. 

This can be caused by any number of other issues, but poor hip mobility and bad daily habits are the main causes. Ironically, both of these are caused by something else; sitting down. Sitting in a chair or in a car for hours on end will destroy your hips and make it highly likely you suffer from an impingement. 


Yes, you can have many types of arthritis in this area of your body, given how many bones and joints there are in the pelvis. Hip arthritis is shockingly common, and it can occur due to – again – poor hip mobility. A lack of hip mobility can cause restriction within the joint that means the bones move against one another, causing inflammation. 

However, you can also suffer from arthritis in other pelvic joints, such as the sacroiliac joints. These are where the lower spine and pelvis connect, and you can develop sacroiliitis here, which is a type of arthritic pain. Arthritis is usually characterised by constant pain that gets worse when doing certain activities. The more pressure you put on the joints, the worse the pain will be. 


This is a condition that only affects women, yet it can be a hidden cause of a lot of pelvic pain. As described on, endometriosis is a disorder where tissue that forms the lining of your uterus grows outside of the uterine cavity. It is a rare disorder, but it can cause a lot of pelvic pain. 


Signs that this could be the source of your pelvic pain include painful periods, pain in the lower abdomen before and during your periods, and lower back pain. If you suffer from any of these – and you only seem to get pelvic pain during or before menstruation – then this could well be the problem you’re suffering from. 


The problem with pelvic and hip pain is that it affects everything that you do. You use your hips for everything, so even sitting down can be painful. It’s important for the sake of your health & wellbeing to diagnose your pain and find solutions for it. Thankfully, if you suffer from any of the problems mentioned today, there are treatments for them. 

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