Keep or Toss? A General Guide to Average Lifespan of Your Everyday Items

A few years ago I had a bad eye infection – both of my eyes were in pain and red for months. The doctors couldn’t find the cause of it so they just keep scheduling future appointments for me. My eyes eventually healed by themselves and I couldn’t stop thinking about what caused the problem.

The mystery was finally solved after one day I read an article pointing out that the contact lens container should be replaced after being used for 3 -4 months. I don’t usually use contact lens container and only wear daily contact lens about 8 -10 times a year. But the day before the infection, I took out my daily contact lens and put them in my old contact lens container for quite a long time before putting them back on again. We all know everything has a lifespan but how often do we stick to the guidelines? For your health’s sake, do an audit of your everyday items as part of your spring cleaning and toss all these “old stuff”. Don’t be like me, only learning the lesson after suffering from serious pain and expensive medical bills.

Here’s a general guide to the average lifespan of your everyday items:

Tooth brush: 3 -4 months

Contact lens container: 3 -4 months

Towels: 2 -4 months

Pillows: 1 year

lifespan of your everyday item

Photo from Pinterest

Eye brows pencil: 3 months

Lip sticks: 2 years

Mascara: 3 months

Blush: 18 months

Eye shadows: 12 month

Nail polish: 12 months

Bras: 6 months

Non sticky pans: As soon as it starts to flake.

Dish washing sponge: 1 month

Wood/bamboo utensils: 6 months

Do you have anything else to add on? Please feel free to share!




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