6 Tried and Tested Ways to Freshen Up Your Look


It’s always important to keep things fresh. If you don’t, then things can begin to feel a little stale. This is true for all areas of our lives; our interests, our day to day routine, and, yes, how we look too. Aside from all the other benefits that mixing up your style can bring, it also helps to keep life interesting and can make looking back at photographs all the more fun (who wants to look the same their whole life?). In this blog, we’ll take a look at a way tried and tested methods for mixing up your look and keeping things fresh. 

New Threads

The easiest way to freshen up your look is to get out the credit card and hit the stores. Indeed, within just a few hours, you can have a whole new wardrobe! But of course, that’ll be expensive. Rather than focusing on quantity, think about what type of clothes you really want, and make the investment. It’s not just about from where you buy the clothes (though that is important), but also about how you wear the items you buy. You can make an “off the rack” piece of clothing look great just by wearing it in your own style.

Out With the Old

As well as buying new clothes, you’ll want to take a look at the clothes that are currently in your wardrobe, and see whether they should really be worn out in public. We all get attached to those pieces and outfits that did, for sure, once look pretty hot. But that some time ago; over time, the colors will begin to fade and other imperfections will set in. At that point, it’s best to put the clothes out to pasture. Sometimes, the best way to freshen up your style is to commit to wearing other items outside. 

DIY Pieces

Not that all items that are slightly past their best have to be thrown out. You may be able to modify them into new wearable garments. Clothing DIY is easier than you might think, and can be an effective way to really make your look stand out a little more. And aside from being effective: it’s fun! If you or one of your friends is the artistic type, then take a look at getting out pens and going to town on the t-shirts that would otherwise be retired. You might just find that you’re able to create an enviable item with just a bit of effort.

Accessories and Essentials

Not enough people make the most of accessories. They can turn a standard outfit into something special, with next to no effort. The types of accessories you wear will depend on the time of the year. During the summer, it’ll be all about hats and summer jewelry; in the winter, your scarves, gloves, and earmuffs can provide an additional source of style. Don’t forget about the essentials, either. Glasses aren’t just functional; they can be stylish too. Check out the collection at www.eyeglasses.com, and get a pair that gives your style a boost. The glasses (and sunglasses) that you wear can really change the overall look and feel of your style. 

Hair and Makeup

Just as with our favorite clothing, we usually fall into a cycle of styling our hair and doing our makeup in the same way as always. If this sounds like you, then why not change things up? For your hair, it’s recommended that you visit the best salon in the area and ask them to create something stylish and trendy; you’ll pay more for it, but it’ll be worthwhile, plus it’s not an expense you have to make regularly. For your makeup, you could take a look at some YouTube tutorials and play around for a while until you’ve found the one that you like.

High on Confidence

Finally, let’s think about confidence. All of the tips we’ve mentioned above will push you towards looking your best, but the impact won’t be quite as powerful if you’re low in confidence. If you’re looking to turn heads, then confidence is the way to do it — everyone notices that person that seems secure within themselves. The tip we’ve outlined will naturally give you more confidence (who doesn’t feel great when they’re looking their best?), but there are other things you can do too, such as setting yourself challenges, learning a new skill, and getting rid of those things that may cause you to lose confidence in the first place. 

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