Working From Home Tax Deductions: Financial Year 2023 New Rules

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The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has announced changes to working from home deductions.

Below is a summary provided by tax agent H &R Block:

“Changes to the rules for working from home deductions

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has changed the way that taxpayers claim deductions for costs incurred when working from home. The new rules were introduced on 16th February 2023 but are applicable from 1st July 2022. From that date, the shortcut method (80 cents per hour) and the old fixed rate method (52 cents per hour) can no longer be claimed.

Revised fixed rate method

The revised fixed rate method applies from 1 July 2022 onwards. The amount of the fixed rate is 67 cents per hour.

What’s covered by the rate

The revised fixed rate of 67 cents per work hour covers:

  • energy expenses (electricity and gas)
  • phone usage (mobile and home)
  • internet
  • stationery and computer consumables.

No additional deduction for any expenses covered by the rate can be claimed if you use this method.

For the first time, phone usage and internet expenses are included in the fixed rate method. These were previously excluded from the fixed rate method, which allowed a separate deduction to be claimed for these expenses. Note that under the new rules, if you use your mobile phone for work purposes when you are out-and-about, as well as at home, you can no longer claim a separate deduction for this use and still use the fixed rate method. If you wish to claim actual use of your mobile phone (or home internet), you must claim using the actual method for all working from home expenses (see below).

What can be claimed separately

  • The decline in value of assets used while working from home, such as computers and office furniture.
  • The repairs and maintenance of these assets.
  • The costs associated with cleaning a dedicated home office.

Home office

The revised fixed rate method doesn’t require that you have a dedicated home office space to claim working from home expenses. So, if you work from the kitchen or living room, you can still claim a deduction.

Compliance and substantiation

You need to keep a record of all the hours worked from home for the entire income year. This obligation kicks in from 1 March 2023. Before then, a 4-week representative diary or similar document will be required for the period 1 July 2022 to 28 February 2023.

The ATO won’t accept estimates, or a 4-week representative diary or similar document for any period after 1 March 2023.

Records of hours worked from home can be in any form provided they are kept as they occur, for example, timesheets, rosters, logs of time spent accessing employer or business systems, or a diary for the full year.

Records must be kept for each expense that you have incurred which is covered by the fixed rate per hour (for example, if you use your phone and electricity when working from home, you must keep one bill for each of these expenses).

Actual cost method

The actual cost method hasn’t changed. You can claim the actual work-related portion of all running expenses. To claim this method, you must have an area set aside as a dedicated home office.

Compliance obligations include keeping detailed records for all the working from home expenses being claimed, including:

  • all receipts, bills and other similar documents to show you have incurred the expenses, a record of the number of hours worked from home during the income year (either the actual hours or a diary or similar document kept for a representative 4-week period to show the usual pattern of working at home).
  • a record of how you have calculated the work-related and private portion of the expenses (for example, a diary or similar document kept for a representative 4-week period to show the usual pattern of work-related use of a depreciating asset such as a laptop).

If you are claiming your working from home expenses, you can’t claim a deduction for expenses which have already been reimbursed by your employer.”

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