Weekly Motivation – Don’t Ever Get Comfortable When…

motivational quotes

motivational quotes

“Don’t ever get comfortable when you have the ability to achieve more.”

Photo taken at the Floriad.

I’ve promised myself to keep motivated & be disciplined for the whole year by taking on self imposed “plank challenge” & “21 jump rope challenge ” since the beginning of the year. It’s coming to the end of February and I think I’m still on track.

The next challenge I’d like to take on is “30 days eating with a plan challenge”. Not sure if it’s possible for me but I’ll give it a go.

For the next 30 days, I’ll cook at least 5 times a week and design the dinner menu for the week beforehand. We are going away for a holiday for 8 days in March which means we’ll eat out every meal but as soon as we come back, I’ll stick to my plan again.

So here goes for next seven days meal plan:

Have smoothie every morning and sandwich for lunch

Day 1 Wed dinner: Thai stir fry + egg tomato omelet

Day 2 Thur dinner: Grilled Salmon + chips & green salad

Day 3 Fri: Roast duck + Spanish & orange salad

Day 4 Sat: Pork ribs + Oven baked sweet potato

Day 5 Sun: Eating out

Day 6 Mon: Dumplings

Day 7 Tues: Curry chicken + Roti




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