The Week – Things To Do

So I sent off my parents yesterday and went back home alone. Though I’ve craved this peacefulness and freedom for a long time, it really does feel weird to be so quiet at home. Still, I’m going to enjoy this much needed ME time.

There’s still a whole week left in March and I’m excited to start my new life being single and free. It’s going to be a good week:

Eat less and healthy

OMG. I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want from now. While having parents to cook for you everyday is wonderful but man, wasn’t that a lot eating. Both my parents have experienced extreme starvation in China so Eating is their life. Naturally, I love food but being asked to eat all the time has put me off eating a bit. Enough of a diet consists of high carb, high sodium, hight fat and fried food. Today I’ve cleaned my fridge – bye bye ham, reserved eggs, a hundred different bottles of sauce, soft drinks, brownie and lollies.

This week, I’m going to have low sodium, low carb, no fried,  no sugar, no meat week. No more heavy dinner for me. Hurray!

Declutter and clean

I’ll go though each area at home and get rid of STUFF that I never think of using. Old papers and magazine, clothes I don’t even remember to wear or no longer suitable, etc etc.

And clean. I’ve scrubbed and bleached the bathroom today but will need a better solution for the grout of the bathroom floor. Will do kitchen this afternoon and get rid of more old food and garbage.


Start small. Going for a weekly long walk. I tried to go yesterday by driving to Watsons bay but the sudden rain destroyed my plan of walking along the coast leisurely and taking some nice photos along the way. I ended up sitting in the heavy traffic (there were Easter Show, a couple of concerts and of course rain which never helps traffic) for 4 hours. Nevertheless, my good intention couldn’t be ignored. I finally parked in a shopping centre and walked around the shops for an hour. That still counts, right?

Stretch at home everyday, even just for 2 minutes. This has to happen the first thing in the morning after brushing teeth and having a class of water. Sitting for long time everyday makes me have sore everything. Some simple yoga stretch really works like a treat for my sore back. Plough post is my favourite right now and I’ll practise bridge post more often at home.

Plan for my trip

I’m planning to go for a month long trip early June.

This is the entertaining bit because I love planning for my travels. I’m allowing a little dreaming time here but will remind myself not to digress too much.

Keep reading and watch a movie at home

So this week I’ll watch a movie at home. Not sure which one yet but there are plenty good movies to choose from. Just finished reading The English Patient and The Great Philosophers last week – the only two books I’ve finished reading this year.  I’m reading The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli at the moment.

Manage my time better

I’ve been feeling extremely lethargic lately. All I wanted to do after dinner is to crash in bed. Occasionally browsing online can keep me awake for a while but that’s not the solution. I’ve got to be able to do more than wasting my time sleeping or browsing mindlessly. Hopefully by eating heathy and exercising, I could gain more energy. Yes, more energy please.






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