The Best Tips For Fixing A Broken Nail

It’s one of the biggest ‘NOOOO’s that may happen to every girl. A broken nail. This super unpleasant situation can spoil a very important day or event, but, fortunately, there are some methods how to fix a cracked nail very fast.

First of all, it should be underlined that the best way to deal with the problem is to prevent it.  Why do nails break? One of the most common reasons is the influence of external factors such as rapid change of temperature (which is very common in winter). What is more, it’s not good if you pay too much attention to your manicure since the overuse of chemicals may cause dehydration as the consequence. One more important moment is that in order to avoid such unpleasant problem as fragile nails you should pay attention to the general condition of your body. Make sure that you get enough minerals and vitamins.

But if you already have a broken nail and very little time to fix it you still may try to do diy split nail repair. Just remember that your hands or feet should be perfectly clean without dirt or oils on it.

  1.   Special mending glue. If you are lucky enough to have your own manicure kit you may use special mending glue for broken nail. You need to apply the glue on the top of the nail and pay special attention to the zone of conjunction. But make sure to be very careful since this chemical may cause irritation or even allergic reaction.
  2.   Transparent nail polish or top coat. If you have a crack or the nail is slightly broken you can go without nail glue. You may try to apply a considerable amount of a clean nail polish or top coat if it’s strong enough, of course. It’s not the best way out, but it can really help you in an emergency.
  3.   Special paper. In nail kits you might come across special nail mending material. It’s a very thin, half-transparent fibrous piece of paper. All you need to do is to cut out a small piece of it, but I should be a little bit larger than the broken part of the nail. Apply it on the top of the nail, smooth and make sure here are no bubbles, buff and trim it. After that, apply nail glue (if you have) and cover it with a top coat or a transparent nail polish.
  4.   Tea bag/coffee filter. These are very DIY split nail repair methods but they really work. The procedure is very similar to the previous point. You need to cut a piece of the tea bag or coffee filter, apply it on the top of the nail and make sure it perfectly fits the nail. It may be a bit harder to do than in the previous case so you need to be very precise.
  5.   Tape. You may also try a regular tape to fix your broken nail. The biggest advantage of this method is that the tape is fully transparent and smooth. At the same time this material is very flexible so you need to deal it very carefully.

These are just 5 small tips not to fix your broken nail very easy and fast, but, anyway, it is always better to avoid such situation. So make sure that you get enough nutrients (especially, calcium). You shouldn’t overburden your nails with chemicals and super fancy design; finally, find your best length of nails and nail polishes (roal blue nails) so you will be able to enjoy your nice manicure without cracks and fractures.

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