The Month Of April – Eating Healthier


April marked the first month in one and a half years that I had total control of what to eat and how much I could exercise at home. The feeling of living without my parents is liberating – sorry mum and dad! I know it sounded rather bad but hope you understand I really missed my freedom being an adult.

My main goal of April was to start eating heathier and less food overall since my parents did most of cooking while they were staying with me. I was over eating not by choice but kind of by force. My parents were in my face all the time to make me eat more and more. Every night after dinner I just felt into a food coma as a result of over eating. I had lots of fried food, carbs with heavy meat and dishes with high amount of sodium. I lost count of how many bottles of soy sauce we consumed. My body was craving more clean food and vegetables not fried or cooked in soy sauce.

We fought a lot about the our different living habits but in the end, I just gave up and waited eagerly to start my new life.

It’s been five weeks since my parents left. How did I go with my plan of eating heathier? Overall I think I did ok.

  • I didn’t have a drop of soy sauce
  • I used very little salt and no sugar in my cooking
  • I had a lot less carbs – no white rice nor a single white flour ban
  • I stopped eating more food than my stomach could handle
  • I researched what food can give me more energy and did my grocery shopping every Saturday morning accordingly
  • I even started to meal prep for the week ahead. The problem is I cooked too much food than one person in one week could consume so there was some food wastage there. I also got a little sick of eating the same thing everyday so there are lessons I’ve learnt.

There were a few moments of weakness as always:

  • I kind of still overate every weekend
  • I couldn’t resist those fatty but tasty Vietnam pork rolls
  • I finished all my Easter eggs in one day
  • I had a big portion of super sweet cakes two days in a row
  • I had a total of two boxes fried potato chips in the last five weeks

Despite those moments of loosing control, I still achieved my goal of eating healthier and less because my baseline was super low so it was an easy target to reach.

My effort was paid off – I felt lighter and am lighter as a matter of fact. It’s easier to fit into my jeans now and I feel slightly happier because I could take control of my life in a way.

Setting my goals for May now and see you in a month with the result!



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