The Easter Eggscape


easter eggs 2017It is very last minute to be writing about the Easter break, but I’m going to do it anyway. It has jumped out at us from nowhere, hasn’t it? The days appear to be getting colder and shorter here in Sydney but longer and warmer on the other side of the world, and we are already into the second quarter of the year! Shocking.

Because of the sudden arrival of Easter, we thought we would have a look at some last minute alternatives to the traditional goings on of this Christian festival. Going a little beyond the Easter egg hunt and more towards the Easter Eggscape. Is that too much? Sorry.

Most families look forward to this time of year because it is an excellent way to shake off the last of the winter blues and get away from the usual Easter shenanigans. That doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the time of year while you are away; you may decide to do it a little differently that’s all.

You could go for some alternative Easter gifts instead of sticking to the traditional egg. Perhaps a beautiful bracelet or a pendant for the girls. For the boys you could think about a multitool or a new shirt, it doesn’t have to be particularly fitting for this time of year, just a small gift to celebrate the festival of Easter or, if you aren’t religious, to celebrate new life and a new season.

There are some amazing places you can go to at this time of year. The Caribbean is much cheaper over the Easter break as other countries have started to heat up a little so that you could get away with a little slice of paradise. But if you want to go somewhere really magical to celebrate this time of year then head on a last minute break to Italy!

Rome at Easter time is pretty crowded, however since around 2005 it has become less so. Easter is one of the most important holidays in the Catholic calendar and Rome is the spot for all of the pilgrims from around the world to gather. Because of this many tourists avoid Rome at this time of year which means it is pretty quiet if you stay away from the churches.

Pilgrims stay in campsites or religious housing, so the regular accommodation isn’t overpriced or hard to come by. It may sound a bit strange, but it always rains in Rome on Easter Sunday, no one knows why, it just does, so perhaps prepare for that!


There are some fantastic Vatican-related activities you can join in with, and it can be an incredible experience to be a part of such a special event. If you don’t want to be a part of that, then you might be wondering what to do on Sunday and Monday as a lot of the shops and main centre close down. You could visit the Colosseum however you will need to plan and pre-book some venues as the pilgrims make the most of their time here.

Try something a little different and head away for Easter. Go on, do something Eggstravagant.


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