
The Charging bull of Wall Street, owner of the world’s most recognisable bronze ball:new york: The Charging bull of Wall Street, owner of the world's most recognisable bronze ball

Small people and one gigantic statue:new york

Framing pretty in Central Park:New York - Central Park

The Yankee Stadium and lots of yellow school buses:new york: Yankee Stadium

Approaching Time Square: New York: Time Square

On top of the Empire State Building – Can you spot the Flatiron building?new york empire state building-7

Photo of the Brooklyn Bridge, taken from Brooklyn.
New York - the Brooklyn Bridge

View of Manhattan Bridge from Brooklyn – can you spot the Empire State Buildingnew york: View of Manhattan Bridge from Brooklyn – can you spot the Empire State Building?  

View of Manhattan from New Jersey.
View of Manhattan from New Jersey.

Washington Square Arch:New York, the Washington Square Arch

Time Square at night:New York: Time Square at night