
We hear the word “Passion” all the time. People tell us we must love what we do in order to succeed.

That’s the easy part – to love what you do. The real test lies in how long you’ll love what you do?

With time, is “what you do” going to become a “job” or even worse, a chore? It happens to me a lot.

My biggest weakness is not being persistent. I struggle to find my long lasting passion.

But I can’t afford not to love what I do. If I love doing something, the result is often amazing.

Mediocrity is never good enough.

So, what to do in case that you are falling out of love with what you do?

The solution:

  • Evaluate the situation: Is this as bad as you thought?
  • Always focus on the positive aspects.
  • Remind yourself the reasons you fell in love at the first what you do

Very often, it is me forgetting the good and focusing on the not so good too much.

Other weekly motivation posts.

Love what you do for a long time. Is it ever easy for you?