
Drawing is relaxing. If I have all time in the world, I’d sit and draw and paint.

I took some photos of Star Trek Crew red carpet arrival in Sydney with my Fuji X-E1 camera last year. Later I picked up a sketch book from an art shop that was about to close down and started to randomly draw on it with a pencil.

Here’s a picture of Karl Urban being interviewed on the red carpet. Left I drew with a pencil, right I took with Fuji X-E1. Since he looked so serious, I call it Karl Urban Deep In Thought.

Karl Urban

Have you ever been surrounded by people and yet felt so alone? I was hitting an emotional wall last week and desperately seeking the way out. Thankfully, drawing came to my rescue.

A life drawing class during the week with a great teacher sparked my interest of more drawing. Drawing life models always sounded like a daunting/impossible task to me, especially when the model changes position every 5 minutes. But after a couple of hours warming up and practice, the mission impossible seemed almost achievable.

*** Sometimes you don’t really know what you limit is. Just give it a go and you’ll be surprised.

I spent a restful weekend hitting golf balls and drawing. It doesn’t read like physically restful, does it:). How luxurious it feels to just do something you really like, without thinking anything else and worrying.

Do you know drawing is really therapeutic? What can you do when you feel depressed and only want to paint with shades of grey? Draw.

*** When you are feeling down, take some time out to do things you really enjoy doing and soak in completely.

In lieu of life models, I used photos of people. This Karl Urban portrait was sketched with a 2B pencil. I took this photo of him from the Star Trek, Into Darkness Sydney Red Carpet premiere. His serious look in this picture suits my mood perfectly.

karl urban drawing

*** Believe it or not, motivational quotes can give you a mood lift when you are feeling down.

not quit

Don’t quit, don’t ever quit on believing in yourself.