
Once you experience a headache, neck pain or even back pain, you would generally go to the pharmacist for over the counter pain medication such as ibuprofen, aspirin or paracetamol. While in most cases, these types of painkillers will help reduce and numb the pain until it eventually goes away. However, sometimes, the pain doesn’t just go away. In fact, it increases and constantly recurs.

If this sounds all too familiar, then consider booking an appointment for Physiotherapy.

The usual treatment for headaches and migraines would be to drink ample water and rest in a dark and quiet room with your eyes closed, pumped full of prescribed or over the counter pain medication and wait it out.

Neck and back treatment would usually be to apply ice to the inflamed area, to pay attention to your posture and of course, to take pain medication to numb and ease the sensation and wait it out.

While the above treatments do help for a short period, numerous health risks can present themselves. Your body can create a powerful immune system towards the pain medication. Therefore, the effects of the medication will not be as intense as it was when you started taking it. Sooner or later, you will need even stronger pain medication which can be dangerous for your health and well being.

A great alternative to pain medication and you having to ”wait it out” is Physiotherapy.

In general, when hearing the term Physiotherapy, one automatically thinks this type of therapy is mostly for elite athletes, professional sports players or individuals who have to recover from an injury. However, this is not the case at all. Everyone of all ages can benefit from booking an appointment for Physiotherapy.

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a treatment that restores, maintains, and makes the most of an individual’s mobility, function, and physical well-being. It helps through physical restoration, injury prevention, fitness and health. In addition, with the help of a highly trained and certified physiotherapist, you get to be directly involved in your own recovery.

How Does Physiotherapy Help?

Severe Migraines And Headaches

Physiotherapists are trained in various arts of massage therapy specifically designed to release tension, relieve muscle spasms and improve blood flow and circulation.

Research shows that therapeutic massages can decrease pain, tension, frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines.

Chronic Back Pain

Exercise is considered to be the foundation of chronic back pain. However, no individual has or is experiencing the same type of back pain in the same area. Therefore, your Physiotherapist will guide you every step of the way. They will design a specific exercise routine tailored to your particular needs to ensure that your back pain is treated accordingly.

Acute Neck Pain

Even with today’s advanced technology, the exact causes of neck pain remains a mystery. It could be caused by injury, trauma, fractures, poor muscle tone, infection; the list is endless.

Fortunately, it is treatable. With the help of professional Physiotherapists, they will start applying treatment to reduce the stiffness and pain in your neck, then move on to an exercise program to strengthen and stretch your neck and relieve the pressure and tension.


As humans, we all have a responsibility to treat our bodies with care. Everybody knows this, but actively employing a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done.

Finding the right balance between good health and enjoying life is a must. With these simple hacks, even those that have previously struggled will enjoy positive results. Within a few months, the transformation will leave you looking and feeling on top of the world.

Here are a few things that might help:

Respect Your Body

When attempting to improve general health, most people will rush out and start exercising. This is great. Nevertheless, it’s mightily crucial that you take heed of the signs that your body gives off.

No two bodies are the same, and finding a routine to suit your body type and health goals is vital. Perhaps more importantly, though, you need to manage injuries and conditions. Failure to do this quickly can see things escalate into serious problems. Nobody wants that.

Healthy living is all about building a positive relationship with your body. Being receptive to the things it tells you is imperative.

Make Healthy Eating Less Boring

If you are going to treat your body right, then it’s vital that you fuel it with the right energy. Most people would like to do this, but there’s only one major problem. It’s so tedious.


Eating bland foods on a 24/7 basis isn’t great. It fails to satisfy your emotional needs and can ultimately lead you back to eating badly. 

Those upgrades are easier to keep when it’s fun. Appreciate those factors, and you should be just fine.

Quit Bad Habits

Adding positive elements to your life is important. However, it’s often the removal of negative aspects that can bring the biggest change.

Saying no to cigarettes, for example, can have a telling impact on your physical fitness and appearance. Meanwhile, it can help your organs regain full health too.

If you feel that the challenge is too much, then you can always embrace the help of other sufferers that are trying to quit. There’s strength in numbers, and those support groups can make all the difference.

Make Time For Others

In the bid for healthy living, you will find yourself investing in personal needs. However, human interaction is the key to happiness. Mental health is just as important as physical attributes. So be sure to spend time with those people you love.

Arranging a family holiday or taking days out can make a vast impact. Besides, it’s a great way to encourage better interactions with Mother Nature. This in itself is a great way to boost your general well-being.

A healthy mind promotes a healthy body. Satisfy those emotional needs, and you should see physical improvements too.

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As a photographer, I reply on my eyes so much but don’t take care of my eyes enough. This blog post is a simple note on what to eat to retain our precious eyesight.

Research has shown that simple things like a healthy diet can play an important role in preserving vision.

Here are top 3 healthy food categories for eyes:

1. Dark green leafy vegetables

Such as kale, spinach, peas, pumpkin, brussels sprouts, broccoli, corn and beans.

2. Omega03 fatty acids

Such as salmon, mackerel, anchovies, trout, herring and sardines.

3. Low GI carbohydrates

Most fruit and vegetables, wholegrain cereals and wholegrain breads and legumes.

In general, eat dark green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit daily, fish two to three times a week and handful nuts each week.

Well, that’s the theory.

Looks like I need to eat more Oysters.

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