The first hot Yoga class I took was Bikram Yoga in Sydney Brookvale Studio, year 2001. Back then that was the only Yoga studio offers Bikram Yoga in Sydney.  Back then not many people practice Yoga in Sydney at all. I went to do Bikram Yoga not because I wanted to be cool or anything, […]

Lots of bicycles. Heineken. What’s that? lol Amsterdam is loud and naughty. This might be the most photographed shop window: Cruise! The largest Chinese Restaurant in Amsterdam. Can’t take these bulbs back to Australia:(. Wooden shoes will be problematic going through Australia Custom too. So these shoes are good alternate souvenirs. Yum! Last  few bites […]

Yay! It’s Monday again!:) This week is going to be a great week because of: Exercise. This week I’ll continue with last week’s routine, swimming for 30 minutes everyday, 5 days a week. Blog. Can you believe I have a degree in journalism? Once upon a time, I saw my articles and name on newspapers […]

  “It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” ― Vincent van Gogh “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein “Crying is for […]

Well, that’s the theory. Looks like I need to eat more Oysters.

The British Museum is the best museum in the whole world. Ok that’s just my opinion, considering there are lots of fabulous museums that I haven’t been. But I bet the truth is not far from it. I’m a sucker for old things, very old things with historical significance. We spent hours in The British […]