New Year Resolution Ideas To Help Improve Your Health

Millions of people across the country will make a resolution as part of the New Year celebrations this year. A resolution is a promise to yourself that you will achieve something you’ve meant to get around to. Some people have a whole list of things they want to experience in 2016. Others will start the year with promises of fitness plans, gym subscriptions, and diet programs to improve their health.

If you’ve got an idea what you would like to do to make your life better in 2016, why not share it with social media? The more people that know about it, the more motivated you may be to achieve what you want. Of course, coming up with an idea in the first place is part of the challenge. You need to pick things that are achievable in a reasonable amount of time. It’s easier to do if you’re passionate and committed. I’ve got a few ideas to help you on your way:

Use Swaps To Stop

Bad habits are something we all try to lose, especially at this time of year. But sometimes, stopping is just too hard. Instead, why not try swapping? Swap your cigarettes for e-cigarettes to reduce the risk of cancer. Swap the takeaway for the convenience of a reheated home-cooked meal from batch cooking.

10 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Swap sugary treats to fruits

Instead of a chocolate bar, eat a banana. Sweet fruits can often provide the same satisfaction. Use small quantities of very dark chocolate to help you overcome the choccy craving.

Instead of using the car, why not cycle, walk or take the bus? Doing this for just one day out of each week can save you money in fuel. You’ll also need to walk further, burning calories and increasing your fitness levels. Swapping just one thing can be a great New Year resolution.

Relax More

Yoga in germany (1 of 1)

Strike a yoga pose in Germany

Relaxing and reducing your stress levels can be even more beneficial to your health than cutting back on things like alcohol. There are plenty of different ways you can relax. Yoga is a good way to improve your focus and reduce your stress. Swimming also calms the body and mind. Perhaps you like to curl up with a good book.

Meditation is hard to do when you are stressed but is proven to be one of the best ways to stop stress in its tracks. You can probably find classes in your local community to help you learn meditations that work. Artwork and playing a musical instrument can also provide relaxation. Playing an instrument uses almost every part of your brain, making it a winner at overriding those negative thoughts.

I love this time of year because it promises a fresh start in January. The commitment to start afresh needs to be there, though. It can be so easy to fall back into old habits. Share your resolutions to help you see them through in 2016.

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