Finish What You Started – Always


Being a Piscean, I do have the natural tendency to impulsively start a lots of new projects but loose interest very quickly without finishing any of them. My upbringing kind of helped this bad habit to be instilled into me for a long time. I grew up in a household with unfinished projects at home like many 1/8 knitted sweaters by my mum, unfinished wall panelling, hundreds of cookbooks bought by my mum with most of them untouched. I’m sure mum had the good intention to be better at cooking but buying books without keeping practising to be better didn’t really help. To this day, she’s still a pretty bad cook.

It took me too long to realise the importance of having the discipline to always finish what you started. Luckily I haven’t given up on myself completely, yet:). From 2015 I made the decision to use this blog to help me become disciplined. What I want to achieve is to keep exercising and reading everyday. As I’m pretty lazy and live a sedentary lifestyle, it wasn’t easy for me to develop an exercise routine but I started slowly by doing plank, pushups and jumping rope at home whenever I can. Gradually, the habit of exercising lightly everyday (even for just 5 minutes) has finally been formed. Yesterday I published a post of 20 at home exercises to to tone your abs, butt, legs and arms. Who could have thought these 20 exercises were not easy for me at all when I first tried them this morning! Most of them I couldn’t only do 1 or 2 repetitions. A few of them I simply could not do. Can’t believe it? Try rolling squat.

Rolling squatI could roll my back on the floor alright, but it stopped there. Is that even possible to roll back on your feet to a squat position again? I guess many people can, but not me. Argh. By the time I finished trying all these 20 exercises, my face was covered with sweat and my heart was nearly jumping out of my chest. Ok, I count this as a good start. Note to self: Let’s just keep doing that every morning and see when you can do one proper rolling squat, shall we?

As to reading, I was looking for a new book to read a couple of weeks ago and eventually settled on The Great Philosophers – The Lives and Ideas of History’s Greatest Thinkers. Without finishing it, another book that I didn’t finish reading came into my mind – For Whom The Bell Tolls. It’s regarded as one of Hemingways’ best works but for some reason, it was very trying for me to finish reading it. Maybe it’s because I’m not patient enough to read a few hundred pages that only cover a few day’s story; maybe I couldn’t fully grasp the spirit of those Spanish language elements in the book… Whatever it is, I’ve got to remember to finish what I started. By the way I’m also listening to the audio biography book: Edison, His Life and Inventions. I’ll read/listen to these books alternately and won’t start another book before finishing with these three first. Surely I’ll appreciate Hemingway’s book more once it’s viewed in completion.

Finish what you started, always.

finish what you started


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