Disposing Of Your Old Computer The Green Way

When your computer comes to the end of its life, whether it has broken or you simply fancy an upgrade, it is important to dispose of it in a manner that does not cause significant damage to the environment. Unfortunately, electronic waste is a problem that is getting worse, and, therefore, by simply disposing of your old computer using a green approach, you can go a long way to combating this issue. So, continue reading to discover more about some of the green ways you can dispose of your old computer.

  •       Contact the manufacturer – It is worth finding out whether the manufacturer has a scheme in place where you can return electronic products once they have reached the end-of-life cycle. Nevertheless, you do need to be sure that the manufacturer is going to dispose of the computer in an ethical manner.
  •       Use a specialist company – This is the easiest way to ensure your computer is disposed of without causing harm to the environment. The company in question will have specialist methods in place for disposing electronic products in a manner that is safe and does not cause any damage to the planet. They will also be able to destroy the hard drive for you to ensure that all of your personal information is removed. This is of paramount importance because identity theft is rife at present, and if you do not destroy the hard drive you are simply asking for a criminal to come along and steal your data. A lot of people do not realise that when they ‘delete’ their documents, all they really do is delete the entry on the index file, not the file itself.
  •       Sell your computer – If your computer works, you may be able to get some money back by selling it on the likes of eBay and other auction websites. There are plenty of selling apps to help with this. However, please bear in mind that you will need to get rid of all the data stored on the hard drive, as just mentioned.
  •       Donate your computer to someone else – You may be tired of your slow, old computer, but for someone else, this could be the sort of thing they have always dreamed of. There are many families who can only dream of affording a computer, and you can make this a reality by donating your old machine to them.
  •       Use the spare parts – From the NIC card and hard drive to the CRT monitor and extra memory, there are many parts that may come into use later down the line. If you are someone with a little bit of technical knowledge, you can make use of these parts if anything happens to your computer.
  •       Trade your computer in – Last but not least, it is worth seeing whether you can trade your computer in. Of course, it is highly unlikely that you will get a straight swap. Nevertheless, you may be able to secure some discount off your order. Moreover, there are some stores that give store vouchers and such like for those that return electronic items.

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