Crispy Skin Australian Barramundi with Tomato Caper Vinaigrette

A few years ago, I went to this fancy restaurant in Toronto for business dinner with a group of people from all over the world. The restaurant staff came to our table, specially recommended “Australia Barramundi and red wine from south Australia”. I couldn’t help but laugh inside. Yep, as if I flew all the way from Sydney Australia to Canada for Australia Barramundi and wine. But lets’s say that recommendation make me a little proud of being an adopted Australian.

A few days ago, I went to Four Points Darling Harbor with a group of friends. From the a la carte menu I picked the Jewish. That piece of fish was somehow half raw. As I was wondering if they have invented a new way of cooking, my friend complained.

That led me to this recipe. I decided to cook Barramundi at home, the Australian way!

For the record, I refuse to spend too much time cooking cause I’m kind of lazy. Trust me, this dish was super easy to cook.

Main Ingredients, serve for 2 people:
  • 2 Australian Barramundi portions, skin on
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Lemon, cut into wedges
  • Mixed salad leaves

How to make Tomato Caper Vinaigrette:

  • 1 ripe tomatoes, finely diced
  • 1 tablespoons baby capers
  • Chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1.5 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper  to taste
Ready to cook? Follow the simply steps:
  1. Combine tomatoes, capers, parsley, vinegar/lemon juice and olive oil in a bowl. Add salt and pepper, mix and set aside.
  2. Pat fish dry with paper towel, add a small amount of oil, salt and pepper to the skin side only.
  3. Using a non-stick fry pan cook fish skin side down on a medium high heat for 5 minutes. Use a spatula to hold fish sown for 30 seconds to ensure the skin is in contact with the fry pan.
  4. Turn fish and continue cooking on  a medium heat until just cooked.
  5. Serve fish with mixed salad leaves and a wedge of lemon. Spoon tomato caper vinaigrette over the top of the fish.
That night J and I fished all the Barramundi, feeling full and content.



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