Broadbeach Sunrise


I have a confession to make, I used to be that person that sleeps until the last minute in the morning and never ever bothered to watch sunrise.

Last year for the first time in a long time, I accidentally watched sunrise from my hotel in Bangkok due to the time difference. Since then I watched a few more sunrises because I’ve been making a consistent effort to get up early everyday. Each sunrise is uniquely stunning and so different from the other, but that sunrise during one of these days I stayed in Broadbeach recently is the most spectacular and remarkable so far.

The world surrounding me looked incredibly stunning before the sun came out over the horizon. Here’s a snapshot from my balcony (27th floor):

🌅😍 #whoneedsfilters 27th floor. Before sunrise.

A post shared by Yvonne Zhai (@yvonne_zhai) on

Downstairs on the beach, it was so surreal. Words couldn’t describe the beauty I’ve seen and felt. Totally speechless, I just kept staring and snapped more photos to remember this magical moment.

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