7 Ways To Look More Expensive Day To Day

You don’t need to have a ton of money in the bank to look expensive when you leave the house. You can look more expensive with the 7 simple tips outlined in this guide. Take a look and see what you can do!

Fall In Love With Black

If you’re not a huge wearer of black at the moment, change your stance on it. Black can look super expensive, even if it’s super cheap. Make black your go-to color, whether you’re looking for a skirt, a plain top, trousers, a coat…the list goes on. You don’t have to dress solely in black, but wearing more of it will help you to look more expensive in a heartbeat.


Focus On The Finer Details And Your Grooming

Focus on the finer details of your outfit, such as your socks. Yes, even your socks can make a difference to how you look! A huge trend at the moment: those fishnet socks, but you can get so many different styles depending on what you’re wearing. By focusing on the small details like this, you’ll really give your outfit a more expensive feel. Make sure you focus on your grooming too, such as your nails and your hair.

Incorporate Lots Of Texture

Adding more texture to your outfit is never a bad thing. You’ll notice that the most stylish, expensive looking outfits always have plenty of texture. Incorporate it in any way you can to stop your outfit from looking dull.

Wear Quality Jewelry and Accessories

Quality jewelry and accessories will add to any outfit, no matter how much it cost. If you’re going to invest in anything, then make sure you invest in these things. You can look at diamond pricing if you want a diamond ring or diamond studs to wear each day. Or you can opt for a second hand watch to add more elegance on your outfit.‌

Quality bags, shoes, and things like that are also important for enhancing your outfits. Make sure you know what counts as quality, and don’t just go for a brand name!

Go To A Good Tailor

If your clothes don’t quite fit you properly, then you need to visit a good tailor. Otherwise, how will you ever look as lavish as you want? It’s worth doing these with your more pricy items of clothing.

Invest In The Basics

Always invest in the basics, and do your best to avoid trends. Trends come and go, the basics are going to be in your wardrobe forever. Make sure you have a nice pair of trousers, jeans, and plenty of classic tops that you can mix and match.

Avoid Logos And Tacky Embellishments

Always avoid tacky logos and embellishments. They will cheapen your outfit rather than making you look more expensive. Always choose outfits like this carefully!

Use these 7 tips and you’ll easily be able to emulate a more expensive appearance day to day. You don’t need to have lots of money, just a keen eye for quality pieces and a willingness to invest your money when appropriate. Leave your own tips below!

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