Sydney Bondi To Coogee Walk

I was into walks before Sydney started to rain non-stop for weeks. There are more walks planned to do on the weekends but it’ll only happen when the weather gets better. For now, I’ll try to clean my files and catch up with this blog.

Here are some photos from a few weeks again when I did the Bondi to Coogee coastal walk. Well, the majority of it anyway. The route started from Bondi Iceberg and by the time I got to Waverley cemetery, it was getting dark. Who could have thought only 4 o’clock somthing, it was already that dark. It took me a good 30 minutes to walk pass the cemetery because there was a longer detour due to road work. An exceedingly beautiful cemetery as it is, it scared the hell out of me to through it in the dark.

By the time I finally walked around Clovelly beach, it was pitch black! There was nobody else on the little winding road except me so I run as fast as possible to go home without doing the Clovelly to Coogee section.

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