Why Your Travel Blog Needs a Revamp

Travel blogs can be fascinating places to spend hours of your time, scrolling through beautiful images of far flung places and being swept away by beautiful writing about incredible experiences. We’re going to run through some of the easy ways to make your travel blog live up to those aspirations, so let’s take a look at how to revamp your travel blog!


Strong Branding


At the end of the day, your blog is a brand. It needs to be attractive, memorable, and recognizable to ensure any kind of repeat visit from your readers. Come up with a great name for your blog, whether it’s funny, silly, or clever, simply make it a memorable one, and then pair that with a simple tagline explaining the content you produce.


Now, you need a colour scheme and an aesthetic. Using a free online banner template is a great place to start, as once you’ve built a banner that you’re happy with, you can use that to inspire the rest of your design! Your readers need to be able to spot your blog from a mile off. That way, you can begin to bring in some real traction.


Maximizing your Visuals


Travel blogs should whisk the reader away to an amazing place they’ve never seen before. The images you use are an important part of that experience. If your travel blog is filled with poor quality images and badly framed landscapes, then the effect will be immediately lost on your readers!


Why not try out some top photography tips or even an online course? If you manage to build up some photography skills, you’ll immediately notice your blog looking far nicer and performing far better than before! Go out into the world and put your new skills into action, then bring the results back to show your readers!


Expand Across the Internet


A blog is a great focal point for your content, but a blog on its own can be very hard to push to a wide audience. Most people find their content, such as shows, podcasts, and blogs, through social media. So don’t fall behind! Set up your blog’s very own social media profile now!


Get yourself on Instagram and TikTok, because now that you’ve acquired new photography skills you’ll have plenty of content ready to hit your feed! Simply use one of your beautiful images to advertise and link through to your blog post.


Let Your Personality Shine


Blogs gain repeat readers because people come to love the personality behind the writing! If you make your blog too serious then people will likely lose interest. At the end of the day, they’ve come to your blog to hear about your experiences!


Keep your personality in your writing and let your readers get to know you, adopt some running jokes and nicknames, and refer back to some of your earlier entries (with links, to boost your numbers), and then you’ll find that you’ll naturally build a community around your writing!



Running a blog is time-consuming and hard work. You will have to use every trick you can find and keep at it until you succeed, because the most important factor in any of this is tenacity.

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