The Week In Photos

I meant to get this post up earlier but sometimes life gets in the way:). There’s no one to blame but me – I should have done a better job managing my time.

With me finally jumped on the Instagram bandwagon (a bit too late as always), I’ve started to take even more photos than usual lately. So I thought it would be good blog series to summarize the week in photos.

These photos are for the week ended on the 15th of November.

Sydney had the wettest November in history with days and days of pouring rain. The first photo was taken while driving home on Anzac bridge, just before another storm hit Sydney.

storm anzac bridge

Home time, storm is coming. Driving on Sydney Anzac bridge.

I did take quite a few photos of Anzac bridge last week. This is another one when the sun made a brief appearance in between storms.

anzac bridge and sunset

Anzac bridge again and those jacaranda trees

Around sunset is my favorite time of the day to be around Sydney Fish Market, day dreaming. Love the tranquility – gone are the hustling crowds and cars. Even those rusty fishing boats looked ever so charming in the evening glow.

anzac bridge and sunset 1

Sydney Fish Market

More rain. And lots of driving in the rain. It was really nothing so pretty about it. Then one day we drove past this pub in Mosman. The round lanterns were just lit up and I could help but grab my camera to take a quick snap. As a result of low shutter speed, those round lanterns turned into those long things in the middle section of the picture. It’s rather abstract but I can live with that:)


Driving in the rain

On Sunday, 15th of November, we had the pleasure to shoot their annual event for our dear client Kumon Sydney team again. This time the venue is Sydney University Great Hall, which is located in one of my favorite old buildings in Sydney. It is a quite appropriate venue for those young, smart students.  As you can see from the picture, the Great Hall is quite grand indeed.

Kumon Syney 2015 event

Inside Sydney University the Great Hall

So that wraps up the week. I hope to continue with those blog series and find more beauties and inspirations from everyday life.

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