
Utopia, a new, epic film on Australia by John Pilger, had its Australian premiere at the Block in Redfern, Sydney on yesterday -Friday, 17 January.

It was a heart felt movie premiere without the usual glamor and screaming associated with red carpet appearances. Many family came with a picnic blanket and set themselves up comfortably on the grass.

Utopia premiere in redfern

Since there were not many other media photographers at present, I got the luxury to be up and close and photograph John Pilger, the most famous Journalist I admire. John has this genuine smile that you’ll remember.

John Pilger

john pilger full body

When serious, he looks 100% the big name movie director.

john pilger the serious look

John pilger the cool look

The movie:

Utopia, from the BAFTA and Emmy Award winning director John Pilger, draws on his long association with the first people of his homeland Australia. The film is both an epic portrayal of the oldest continuous human culture, and an investigation into a suppressed colonial past and rapacious present. One of the world’s best kept secrets is revealed against a background of the greatest boom in mineral wealth. Has the ‘lucky country’ inherited South African apartheid?

Genre: Documentary

john pilger at Utopia premiere

John Pilger Signing Autographs and posing with local family.

John pilger at utopia premiere