Carpe Diem… And The Start Of 2013

Year 2013 started with spectacular fireworks all over Sydney harbor. I’m feeling lucky to call this amazing city home.

2013 NYE Sydney bridge fireworks

nye 2013 fire works (2 of 3)

Last year, for the first time in my life, I wrote some personal goals in a spiral bound book and kept it for the whole year. It turned out to be a great way to stay on track so I’ll be doing same at the beginning of each year and pray harder for each year to go a little slower.

My main goal for this year is to manage my time better so that I can read more books and spend more time on the beach.

Speaking of books, I want to finish the book that is lying around unfinished for the last 10 years– The Story of Pi. Now that someone has made a movie out of it, I’d better manage to at least finish reading the book.  I’m up to page 53 as I write this, so there’s a good chance it’ll be finished by the end of January. At least read 1 book/month, 12 books this year. Trust me Internet, I’ll make an effort.

Sydney has been mostly blessed with warm beach weather since 1st of January this year. And boy, did we enjoy the blissful time off. We spent the New Year’s Day at Pearl beach. In the first week of January, we drove through the scenic roads and notational parks to the south coast, north coast, and central coast. We soaked up in sun. We spied crabs walking sideways in theirs caves. We swam in calm ocean water. We let roaring waves crash on us too. We went home everyday with glowing suntan, lots of photos, and happy memories that never fade.

Scenic Drive Through Sea Cliff Bridge To NSW South Coastcliff way drive (1 of 1)

I can be one of the moodiest people and suffer from green grass syndrome frequently (someone is having better hair, more fun, more successful and happier at the moment). A couple of days ago we drove pass this cute house painted in a bright color on the way to Kiama with a sign says: “Carpe Diem” fixed on the front wall of the house. What a perfect reminder of life is all about: Carpe Diam/Seize The Day.

cute house (1 of 1)

With that in mind, here’s to the New Year, enjoying/making the most out of each day, endless possibilities and creating a life of your dreams.

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