A Day Out In Centennial Park Sydney Taking Photos


Love Centennial Park Sydney. It is the perfect spot for picnic and possibly the safest place to ride a bicycle in Sydney. When we scheduled to have the Private Photography Workshop in Centennial Park Sydney, I immediately pictured in my mind the lush green grass and me lying on a blanket in the shade. Heaven! Teaching & taking pictures? Oh relax. Never mind the pictures…

It turned out we had a great, productive session.  Apart from roughly 20 minutes sitting & going through the photography theory in the park, everyone spent good 2 hours shooting and practicing.

It was a beautiful early autumn day. The sun shone brightly through top of the trees and it was green everywhere. A few people were taking naps in the park already.  We picked a nice, comfortable spot to settle for the workshop and everyone started to snap randomly, testing the cameras first. Centennial Park Sydney has 125 years of history. Some of the trees could have been here since 1888! The picture looked like an oil painting.

centennial park sydney

Within 30 minutes, 3 couples walked pass, having their wedding photos taken in Centennial Park.

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centennial park sydney

A big old bark paper tree formed a beautiful frame for the second couple.

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The bride’s beautiful veil and elaborate wedding dress have the waterfalls’ effect from the back.

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Centennial Park Sydney is home of all kinds of bird-life, like the elegant black swans around the Duck Pond.

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And ducks:

centennial park sydney

And lots of ibises:

centennial park sydney

There were also a few families having their kids’ photos taken in Centennial Park that day. I came across this cutie, who has the biggest, most beautiful eyes. She has adorable curls and dressed nicely for the occasion. Of course she wasn’t striking a pose for me at that point. But I couldn’t resist capturing the moment…

centennial park sydney

For more information about photography workshops head to Photography Courses Sydney website.

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